Let’s Go to Mount Rainier National Park

The gem of Pacific Northwest

Dr. Seema Patel (PhD)
Tourist in My Own Country


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“Of all the fire mountains which like beacons, once blazed along the Pacific Coast, Mount Rainier is the noblest” — John Muir.

Let me take you to Mount Rainier National park today. It’s in the Pacific Northwest, in Washington state. It’s the tallest of all peaks in the Cascade Range.

Several glaciers perch on the peak, but deep inside, lava is rumbling. When it will explode can’t be told. It’s monitored by geologists.

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There are blue alpine lakes. As I sat among the conifers watching glorious views, it was healing. The purple flowers are fireweed, which you can see in abundance during summer.

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The lake below is Reflection Lake. You can tell why it was named so. It reflects the mountain.

There were blueberry patches around the lake, and in summer, they were ripening.



Dr. Seema Patel (PhD)
Tourist in My Own Country

I write about nature, personal life, health, literature, gardening, psychology, art, bioinformatics, and data. Imparting joy, truth and knowledge is the goal.