Primrose Hill

A pleasant walk in Camden on the way

Tourist in My Own Country


A yellow elephant head design on the side of a wall in Camden.
Photo by author.

Today, it was quite warm. I still dressed in my winter garb. I catch cold easily, and sometimes the weather forecast says higher temperatures, and when you actually get out there, a chilly wind is blowing you to smithereens.

I wanted to walk up Primrose Hill but go through Camden. It’s all changed since I went there as a youngster. They’ve always had the brilliant pop-out designs on the walls though.

A boot design on a wall in Camden.
Photo by author.

The area, that Camden Market is situated in, was a place to rest if you were going to Hampstead, and then the Earl of Camden started developing what is now called Camden High Street in the 1790s.

In 1820, Regent’s Canal was used for transporting goods using rail, which led to Camden Town expanding.

A red design on a wall in Camden.
Photo by author.

Rail tunnels were built. There were eight hundred horses pulling railway waggons into position, and so that part got its name — Camden Stables. I’ve always wondered what the connection to stables was!



Tourist in My Own Country

A Londoner showing you London. I explore a little bit at a time, taking in some of the history, mixing in a few stories about myself.