Sheringham on the North Norfolk Coast.

Exploring a town I thought I knew well…

Petra Kidd
Tourist in My Own Country


Photo of Sheringham seafront by the author @MyriadPhoto

Years ago, as a market trader, I used to visit Sheringham, a picturesque North Norfolk coastal town, twice a week every summer and once a week in winter.

I thought I knew it well until our afternoon visit last Sunday. But of course, I didn’t have much time to explore when I worked there, so it wasn’t too surprising that I found new shops and attractions to enjoy.

Despite living just a 13-minute walk from Norwich train station, I must confess that I rarely use trains for anything other than traveling to London. But on Sunday, I decided it was about time we went and used this most convenient mode of transport to get there.

The train from Norwich takes an hour to reach Sheringham, stopping at several villages on the way.

With the lesser-spotted sunshine making a welcome appearance, it wasn’t a surprise to see the train almost full with holidaymakers and day-trippers.

Happily, I’d bought our tickets in advance.

We boarded with eager anticipation, as we don’t often get to go to the coast.

On arrival, we popped across the road to take a look at Sheringham Station, which is home to the Poppy Line. You can read more about this in my article An



Petra Kidd
Tourist in My Own Country

Photographer and Writer. I write short stories. I shoot, I write, I publish. Find me by the River Wensum.