Should You Start A Publication?

My experience so far and I’ll be as direct as possible

Shanti C K
Tourist in My Own Country


photo by author of a kiddy ride in Serene centre Singapore. Made me nostalgic for when my nieces were little.

I’ll cut right to the chase.

If you’re willing to put in the work, yes.

I started the Publication on 19 January 2024 so it’s still a 2-month-old infant. Currently we have 179 followers and 50 writers (including me) have submitted at least one or multiple articles.

It’s been a lot of work, often overwhelming, but I feel proud of this little space of ours that feels authentic and unique.

It didn’t lead to more earnings, but I feel blessed that through it I have the chance to get to know more wonderful people.

You’ll have less time to focus on your own writing as you take on the editor role. So I would recommend that you start your own but only if you feel you can keep up with the time demands of it.

I see many editors demand that writers follow them but I feel too embarrassed to do this. I would of course hope they do, but only if they want to. I’d rather have organic and genuine followers and forcing anyone doesn’t feel too good.

I do want you to follow the publication though and hopefully get to know and desire to support the other writers here. But only if the story genuinely resonates with you.



Shanti C K
Tourist in My Own Country

Gen X cancer survivor. Childless by circumstance. Thankful for the little angels in my life. Navigating grief & loneliness. Keeping hope in my heart 🩵