Singapore: The Wakanda of the East.

My love affair with Singapore

Paul Davidson
Tourist in My Own Country
4 min readFeb 1, 2024


Photo by Pang Yuhao on Unsplash

Since I moved to Singapore in 1995, I’ve lived a really good life. Despite having my share of down times, personal tragedies, and emotional challenges, living in a country as wonderful as Singapore has really helped me remain balanced and optimistic.

My good life primarily comes from marrying the best woman in the world (a Singaporean) and being blessed with a child, but somehow I think living in Singapore has been the second important reason for my happiness and stability.

Please let my share my country with you.

What is Singapore

Singapore is a tropical country located one degree above the equator in Southeast Asia. Despite being an major urban centre and one of the world’s most densely populated countries the government has spent billions on various campaigns to transform the landscape from a tropical city to “The Garden City” to “The City within a Garden” to “The City within Nature”. With each passing year Singapore becomes increasingly green and bursting with plant and animal life. When I watched Black Panther and saw the impressive nation of Wakanda located somewhere in tropical sub-Saharan Africa, I leaned and told my wife that we live in the Wakanda of the East.

Photo by Coleen Rivas on Unsplash

A Safe Port

Singapore is perhaps the safest country on the planet. There is very little violent crime and no guns to be seen outside of the hands of police officers and military personnel. If someone dies violently, every detail is reported locally and the ensuing trials are big news. The police are polite and well-mannered and are masters in de-escalating tension between angry people.

Photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash

Beautiful Beaches

Singapore is an island which is surrounded by sandy beaches. The government believe that beach property belongs to all Singaporeans so they have limited the number of private and industrial developments along the shore. Any time of the day or night the beaches are open, and safe to roam on foot or along the bicycle paths.

Photo by Will Truettner on Unsplash


Singapore also hosts some of the best entertainment in the world. Recently, there were some changes to how the concert scene was managed, so Singapore, like Los Vegas, is booking major international performers for long stays. This week Coldplay is playing for six straight nights and in March Taylor Swift will do the same. They are playing the National stadium, but there are many smaller concert venues that are acoustically ideal for any type of show.

There is also a thriving local and regional art scene that is attracting more attention locally and internationally. Last weekend, I attended Singapore Art Week, a festival which focused on Southeast Asian art. My son has benefitted from a thriving Singapore art scene and along his photography and filmmaking journey he has been introduced to many local and a handful of international artists.

Photo by Bing Hui Yau on Unsplash


Singapore is also one of the best shopping destinations in the world, where all the major brands are represented and housed in buildings constructed by renowned architects. Whether you want to shop at Marina Bay Sands, on Orchard Road shopping thoroughfare, or do all your shopping in the airport, Singapore is the ideal place to find what you want within your price range. Thrifting also has become big, so vintage clothing, accessories, and sporting tees are not hard to find.

Getting Around

Singapore is very walkable and has broad sidewalks in the walking districts. You can rent a bike using an app and ride anywhere you want. There is also a world-class subway system which is quickly expanding in reach. It appears that the Singapore governments want an transit system as vast and convenient as Tokyo’s.

Photo by The Dream Archives on Unsplash


There are a million and one things to do each week. All you need to do is Google “What’s on in Singapore” and you’ll have many events to choose from. If you wish to bond with Singaporeans based on your interests, you can use the MeetUp! app and you will find all sorts of clubs, sports, and interest groups to join according to your tastes.

Photo by Singapore Stock Photos on Unsplash

I did not intend to write a promotional post on Singapore when I sat down and hour ago. But I love this place, and I wish everyone could see what a great city Singapore, The Wakanda of the East, is.



Paul Davidson
Tourist in My Own Country

A husband, father, and teacher who is passionate about writing, psychology, social justice, the environment, and healthy living.