Aunty of Dragons

12 years worth of memories & life lessons

Shanti C K
Tourist in My Own Country


Photo by author of the dragon decor in Chinatown this year

I was stoked to see a prompt from Scott of Medium Writer Support.

Scott posed some fascinating questions. Asking us to reflect how we have evolved during this zodiac cycle.

1 zodiac cycle = 12 years

Photo by author: screenshot of Scott’s email to Medium writers

How did 12 years just whizz by?

As a kid bogged down with homework and too-strict teachers, the time just dragged.

At one boring cubicle job where I wasn’t challenged and underutilised, it was excruciating to watch the clock.

At 53 however, every year vanishes in a flash. Perhaps it’s because I love what I’m doing.


Even though I’m not earning the way I used to. Not that I ever earned a lot.

I need a pause button.

So now’s a good time to stop and reflect.

2024 is the year of the Dragon, which we last saw in 2012.

I’m so excited that my twin nieces born in the year of the water dragon in 2012 will turn 12 in the…



Shanti C K
Tourist in My Own Country

Gen X cancer survivor. Childless by circumstance. Thankful for the little angels in my life. Navigating grief & loneliness. Keeping hope in my heart 🩵