Marketing Solutions for Travel Brands and Tourism Bodies

Marie We
Published in
4 min readOct 22, 2021

Discover the power of Adventure Booking Platforms in a post-pandemic world and find out how TourRadar can help your business stay on top of digital marketing.

Whether you’re a small, mid-sized, or large enterprise, it’s important to make the most of your online marketing strategy. However, staying on top of this ever-changing field isn’t easy. Some companies dedicate endless hours to new online marketing courses. Others hire in-house, which often takes precious months until the right member is found, or outsource their marketing activities to another agency — which can be costly or even downright unaffordable.

What if someone told you there was another option that would allow you to tap into a wider audience, expand the scope and frequency of your marketing efforts, and ultimately, increase conversions? Find out below how an Adventure Booking Platform (ABP) like TourRadar provides its partners an advantage through first-party data, multi-channel marketing solutions, and increased digital reach.

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Big Data, Bigger Marketing

Data plays an instrumental role in marketing and has major benefits ranging from helping your business better understand potential new customers to driving strategic decisions that’ll give you the competitive edge. In fact, without this data, it’s difficult to optimise your marketing messaging and channels in order to reach the right audience at the right time. This is why it’s important to form a partnership with a booking platform that uses first-party data to re-engage with audiences who are most likely to convert.

Thanks to the nature of multi-day adventures, TourRadar is able to provide its partners with access to in-depth metadata on travellers’ search and booking behaviours. These valuable insights include:

  • trending adventure styles and activities
  • top travel destinations and dates
  • the most popular operators
  • a demographic breakdown
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Utilise Digital Marketing Resources

In the digital world of today, online newsletters, articles, and videos help potential new customers connect with your brand. However, if you only have a small business team, you may feel limited in terms of how much you can do. Marketing partnerships will provide you access to personalised and unique content so you can deliver the right stories, to the right audiences, at the right time. Moreover, Adventure Booking Platforms leverage various digital platforms including email, online travel magazines, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to help partners like you expand your digital reach. For example, in a campaign with the tourism authority Amazing Thailand, TourRadar crafted a successful article on their online travel magazine, Days to Come, highlighting the many wellness benefits that can be enjoyed in Thailand.

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Engage with travellers worldwide

Now more than ever before, travel brands have had to rethink when and how to best connect with travellers around the world. Thus, forming joint marketing campaigns with Adventure Booking Platforms has become a great way for businesses to combine forces and reach a broader audience. These platforms offer a combination of data insights, media formats, and vast performance marketing expertise. As a result, businesses receive increased awareness on a large scale, high-quality impressions and a broader reach, and even booking conversions — all from one convenient platform.

What’s more, ABPs also strategically pair tourism recovery services with learnings from previous campaigns to ensure the most effective marketing efforts. One example of a successful campaign was the recent collaboration with Visit Portugal. In this tourism recovery campaign, TourRadar integrated multiple marketing channels and even created a popular Portugal travel vlog on Youtube that gathered over ​​17,000 views.

Want to know more?

Register now for Adventure Together to discover the future of the travel industry and how an Adventure Booking Platform can take your business to the next level!

