Marketplaces: Who Are Our Customers?

What is an Online Travel Marketplace? We hear about them, talk about them, and use them a ton. But, what are they exactly?

Jennifer Cheng
3 min readApr 30, 2019


Defining an Online Travel Marketplace

An Online Travel Marketplace is exactly what you think it is. It’s an online space where travellers from around the world can search for and find authentic touring experiences in their dream destinations. A space for sellers (in this case, the tour operator) and buyers (the travellers) to join forces to provide travellers with their next unforgettable trip. Additionally, an online marketplace allows travellers to engage with sellers that are not always easy to find (without spending hours searching the web for, of course). This virtual space provides convenience for travellers to not only find the best tour that suits their specific needs, but it also opens a brand new market of virtual clientele for operators globally.

Photo by from Pexels

Travellers (Buyers) vs. Operators (Suppliers)

Now that a marketplace has been defined, let’s look into the parties a marketplace should acknowledge in order to be successful.

There are two key players to note in any travel marketplace, the first being the ‘Traveller’ and second the ‘Operator’. These two players make up the buyer and seller aspect of the marketplace; without either one of them, a marketplace will cease to exist.

The marketplace itself represents the middle man to the two parties. They are there ensuring the traveller receives the services they have paid for, and the operator receives the money for the services they have provided. The marketplace is required to stand in an unbiased point of view, serving the two key players at all times. Without an unbiased perspective, there will be no fair trade for the two parties.

The traveller represents the buyer character in the marketplace. Travellers are the consumer in the relationship, paying the money in return for the services requested. The traveller will be the party bringing the money to the table in exchange for a service.

The Operator represents the supplier to the marketplace they are the source of all products within the marketplace. Without suppliers, there is nothing the marketplace is able to offer to the buyers. The operator should also be noted as the marketplace’s key customer. Without operators, there will be no product to offer to the general public. They are the source that is spinning the wheel along.

Why Do You Need to Keep Travellers and Operators Happy?

In a general sense, the operator provides the product to the marketplace and the marketplace assists with packaging this product to appeal to the general public. It is a two way street between the marketplace and the two key stakeholders, meaning that the travellers make use of the market for its convenience and the operator utilizes the marketplace for maximum exposure.

Operators need the marketplace to obtain a bigger platform to reach more audiences.

The marketplace needs the operator for more products to display to ensure they appeal to the public masses.

Travellers use the marketplace for ease of access in all possible outcomes.

The marketplace requires Traveller to purchase through the platform to continue the partnership with the suppliers.

All in all, as a marketplace your customers are both parties which makes up the marketplace. Your customers are your suppliers, but because your suppliers require buyers to survive, customers are the both of them!

As an online travel marketplace, you will need to keep the travellers happy by providing more products (from your operators). In order to do that you will need to maintain a good relationship with your operators so that you will have that product to sell to the travellers.

Tips on How to Better Your Relationship with Your Suppliers:

1. Respond to your suppliers in a timely manner - it’s a mutual thing!

2. Provide the same customer service to your operators as your travellers.

3. Be transparent and provide constructive feedback.

4. Offer assistance; help them help you.

5. Be understanding of their situations and don’t jump to conclusions.

Interested in joining our roster of operators? Apply to have your tours listed here.

