SaaS vs. On-Prem: Choosing Business Bot Deployment

Alexandra Khomenok
Tovie AI
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2023

There are two deployment models for business bots: SaaS and on-premises. Each has its pros and cons, so let’s determine the best fit for your business.

SaaS, or Software as a Service, is a model where a software application is hosted by the vendor and accessed over the internet.

Generally, the cloud market is experiencing rapid growth, particularly in cloud infrastructure and platform services. Among these, Software as a Service (SaaS) maintains its position as the largest segment in terms of end-user spending. According to Gartner’s projections, SaaS spending is expected to increase by 17.9% in 2023, reaching an impressive $197 billion.

On-premises refers to installing and hosting the software application on the customer’s local server.

SaaS solutions are cost-effective and easy to launch, as they don’t require installation or management. However, both deployment models have their advantages and disadvantages.

SaaS Solutions vs. On-Prem

Consider your business needs when choosing between SaaS and on-prem bots. Some AI solutions are designed specifically for the cloud, while others are more suited for on-premises installation. If your IT infrastructure is primarily on-premises, hosting the bot on your server is logical and ensures data privacy.

Companies with strict data security requirements often prefer on-premises installation to maintain control over their IT infrastructure. On-premises solutions offer customization, control, and high security, making them popular in sectors dealing with sensitive information.

Factors such as cost, scalability, control, security, and maintenance requirements should guide your decision. SaaS solutions are flexible and affordable, ideal for quick deployment and scalability. On the other hand, on-premises solutions provide full control and convenient customisation.

Guide for Deciding Between SaaS and On-Premise Business Bots

Many companies opt for a hybrid approach, using both SaaS and on-premises solutions, to optimise their infrastructure and meet diverse software implementation needs.

Unsure whether to opt for SaaS solutions or on-premises deployment for your business bot? Explore the differences, benefits, and considerations of each approach in our comprehensive guide. It will help make an informed decision for your business.

