Does it Really Matter Who Wins the American Election?

Same old song and dance

Brian Lamacraft
Toward a Better Tomorrow


Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

America is about to have another election, but does this really matter? It’s going to be the same old song and dance that has happened before. Do politicians really want to make lasting change or are they just in it for themselves?

I’m 54, and I become bitter and jaded over the last several years because I don’t see the type of change we need to make for society to move forward. In my opinion, we are moving backwards into times I don’t think people want to repeat. If we’re not careful, we are going to repeat those dark times.

I see the same thing happening here in Canada, where we are divided instead of coming together. This is what is fundamentally wrong with our political system. We aren’t looking towards the future because we’re stuck in the past. We keep repeating the same mistakes that we’ve already made. It’s not our politicians that need to change, we need to be that change.

The Future and Us

How can we rely on politicians when they’re more concerned with their bank accounts and their popularity then making real change? We keep dividing society instead of bringing it together. Everything is about division it’s never about holding out your hand across the aisle and making a connection with…



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