Jobs Threatened by Chat GPT

Is Your Job at Risk from AI?

Brian Lamacraft
Toward a Better Tomorrow


Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

When I took a computer class in my senior year at high school, I laughed my ass off at how slow and pathetic the computers were. My mid-term assignment was to code and print my name centered on the page.

That’s it

We took a floppy disk and shoved it into the machine to boot to DOS. It was a mind-numbing process. I remember that boring ass green cursor blinking at me relentlessly. Input! I need input!

Fast forward to today and I type articles into a small hand-held computer. My laptop holds billions of bytes of data. I can explore 3D worlds instead of playing freeking Pong. We also now have programs like Chat GPT set to eviscerate a lot of jobs.

Nah, won’t happen


I just clearly demonstrated how our technology advances. Back in the 80s, it was turtle slow. Now, technology advances faster than I can type this article. Chat GPT may be Pong today, but shortly it’s going to be that 3D World we now take for granted when we fire up a game.

Jobs at Risk:


Chat GPT could be used in education. It can be trained to do it. will the technology do it now? No. This isn't about today, it’s about tomorrow…



Brian Lamacraft
Toward a Better Tomorrow

Brian is an online writer and blogger. In his spare time, he plays guitar and goes camping.