The Easiest Way to Get Your Writing Read

A simple trick

Brian Lamacraft
Toward a Better Tomorrow


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Are you struggling to get views on your writing? Most writers struggle for views, but there’s a few things that make a huge difference. here’s what you should be doing.

Be Your Real Self

Many writers pretend to be something they’re not and this can come across in their writing. Today more than ever we need authentic writers. Let your natural voice shine through with your words.

Try to avoid using AI as this makes writing stale and uninspired. Put yourself out there and don’t be afraid. If you have the passion to write, then write.

let others know about your struggles, your accomplishments, and what makes you tick. As long as you’re writing for the reader and using your own stories as a guideline, this resonates with readers. Don’t be preachy, but connect with the reader.

Don’t Be Afraid to Have an Opinion

Today, we are afraid to speak our minds. perhaps it’s the fear of being canceled or removed from a platform. We need writer’s opinions more than ever. if you have a strong opinion, then write about it.

Use facts, figures, dates…



Brian Lamacraft
Toward a Better Tomorrow

Brian is an online writer and blogger. In his spare time, he plays guitar and goes camping.