Member-only story
We are Wasting Our Time Building Robots
What About Humanity?
Warning: This article is a rant about robotics. If you’re in the robotics industry or like robots I suggest another topic. This article is NOT for you.
I’m often baffled by the stupidity of humanity. Today we are wasting countless billions designing machines to do human tasks. In fact, we are making them to be just like humans.
We Need to Concentrate on Humans Not Machines
We have countless millions of people who are homeless, addicted to drugs, without proper healthcare, and can’t even buy a bag of freaking food.
I know how to solve it. Let’s build robots!
Fuck me.
What’s more important having a safe and happy environment for human beings or a walking bag of bolts?
You tell that to the millions of starving children in Africa who don't even have clean water or enough nutrition for basic survival. Tell me how does Robby the fucking robot solve that?
You Need One in Your Home!
No, I fucking don’t.
I can wipe my ass just fine and picking up my slippers isn’t a big task. I can also cook, clean, and look after myself…