Why Plant-Based Meat is a Stupid Idea that Needs to Die

Plants are plants and meat is meat

Brian Lamacraft
Toward a Better Tomorrow


Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

I will never understand the plant-based meat craze. It makes zero sense. Why would I eat something that resembles meat ( even the blood, lol) if I wanted to go all plant-based? Wouldn’t this give one nightmares?

I mean, when I want plants, I eat plants. I don't eat weird ass plant-based meat products that contain more chemicals than I can read or even pronounce.

They MUST be good for me.

I mean when I want vegetable curry, I’ll eat vegetable curry. I’m not going to put some weird as shite plant-based chicken in it. I’d sooner add real chicken which is well, chicken. The Frankenstein plant chicken, ain't chicken.

Stupid Idea

It’s a stupid idea to make a product resemble something someone is trying to give up or taste like the product they are trying to give up. Might be a better idea to eat more plants that are plants and not plant-based products plus twenty-five thousand other chemicals.

Why eat a product that tastes exactly like the flesh of an animal, if one doesn’t want to eat meat anymore? Makes more sense to eat more salad or vegetable-based dishes, me thinks.



Brian Lamacraft
Toward a Better Tomorrow

Brian is an online writer and blogger. In his spare time, he plays guitar and goes camping.