Choosing OLAP Storage: Snowflake

Aleh Belausau
Towards Data Engineering
19 min readMar 24, 2024

Previously, I described key metrics that should be considered when making the critical choice of OLAP storage for your needs in this article — How to Choose the Right OLAP Storage. Now, I have decided to apply this approach in practice and examine the most popular, as well as some of the not-so-popular, OLAP storages. The main goal is to discern the strengths and weaknesses of each OLAP storage solution and determine the most fitting use case for each.

What is OLAP Storage?

What is online analytical processing? Online analytical processing (OLAP) is software technology you can use to analyze business data from different points of view. In OLAP scenarios, datasets can be massive — billions or trillions of rows. Data is organized in tables that contain many columns, and only a few columns are selected to answer any particular query. Results must be returned in milliseconds or seconds. Basically, OLAP storage refers to storage optimized for analytical workloads.

Here is the list of OLAP storages in this research:

Snowflake logo


  • Developers — Snowflake Inc.
  • Type — Cloud-based data storage

Snowflake is a cloud-based, column-oriented, distributed data warehouse service. It is built on top of the robust and scalable cloud infrastructure, offering high-speed data ingestion and low-latency queries on the stored data. Snowflake shines as a powerful data warehouse solution, designed for swift slice-and-dice analytics, commonly known as OLAP queries, particularly when dealing with large datasets.

A distinguishing feature of Snowflake is its unique architecture that separates storage and compute resources, allowing each to scale independently. This design enables Snowflake to load only the necessary data for a given query, significantly enhancing query speed, especially when targeting specific subsets of data.

Storage Architecture & Semi-Structured Data Support

1. Storage Format:

When data is loaded into Snowflake, it reorganizes that data into its internal optimized, compressed, columnar format. Snowflake stores this optimized data in cloud storage. The data objects stored by Snowflake are not directly visible nor accessible by customers; they are only accessible through SQL query operations run using Snowflake.

Snowflake manages all aspects of how this data is stored — the organization, file size, structure, compression, metadata, statistics, and other aspects of data storage are handled by Snowflake.

2. Separation of Compute and Storage:

Snowflake’s multi-cluster, shared data architecture separates compute resource scaling from storage resources, enabling seamless, non-disruptive scaling. While queries are running, compute resources can scale without disruption or downtime, and without the need to redistribute/rebalance data (storage). Snowflake uses virtual compute instances for its compute needs. Compute is performed by a “warehouse”, a somewhat confusing terminology choice by Snowflake. The traditional use of the term “ (data) warehouse” refers to both the database storage as well as the compute server. The separation of compute and storage means that different workloads, such as data processing needs, end-user queries, ad-hoc requests, etc., will not create concurrency issues for each other. Workloads can be configured to be isolated from one another yet share the same data store.

Since compute resources automatically scale up and down, you only pay for what you use. This separation allows you to focus on mission-critical activities without worrying about concurrency, resource contention, compute power, scalability, or cost.

3. Semi-Structured Data Support:

Snowflake provides built-in support for importing data from (and exporting data to) the following semi-structured data formats: JSON, Avro, ORC, Parquet, and XML. It also offers native data types (ARRAY, OBJECT, and VARIANT) for storing semi-structured data. Additionally, it provides query operators that allow SQL statements to reach into semi-structured data to access individual attributes, including nested attributes and arrays. This capability makes it possible for a single query to access and combine both structured and semi-structured data in all the ways supported by SQL. Semi-structured data can be loaded into relational tables without requiring the definition of a schema in advance. It can be provided as part of a batch-oriented workload or as a real-time streaming workload.

Deployment & Pricing

1. Deployment Model:

Snowflake is a true self-managed service. There is no hardware (virtual or physical) to select, install, configure, or manage. There is virtually no software to install, configure, or manage. Ongoing maintenance, management, upgrades, and tuning are handled by Snowflake.

2. Fully Managed Service Options:

As a true self-managed service, Snowflake can be hosted on any of the following cloud platforms: Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure.

3. Scalability:

Snowflake’s scalability is one of its key features, allowing it to handle a wide range of data workloads. Here are some important aspects:

  • Elastic Performance Engine: Snowflake’s single elastic performance engine delivers instant and near-unlimited scale. It can support a virtually unlimited number of concurrent users and workloads ranging from interactive to batch.
  • Automatic Concurrency Scaling: Snowflake can run massively concurrent workloads at scale in a single system. It separates compute from storage, introducing the concept of virtual data warehouses. This makes it possible to instantly resize virtual warehouses or pause them entirely.
  • Snowflake provides two scaling strategies: Scale Up — Increasing the resources for a single warehouse. This strategy is ideal for complex workloads or when you need to optimize performance for a big query. Scale Out — Adding additional instances of a virtual warehouse to distribute the workload across multiple clusters. It’s perfect for handling high-concurrency workloads where many queries need to be executed simultaneously.
  • Multi-Cluster Data Warehouses: Snowflake supports allocating more resources for a warehouse by specifying additional clusters for the warehouse. This feature allows the data warehouse to detect increasing workloads and add additional compute resources as needed.
  • Standard vs. Multi-Cluster Warehouse: Snowflake offers two types of Virtual Warehouses: the Standard Warehouse and the Multi-Cluster Warehouse. The Standard Warehouse operates on a single cluster of compute resources and is suitable for most use cases with moderate concurrency and query complexity. The Multi-Cluster Warehouse can handle larger and more complex tasks efficiently.

4. Pricing Model:

Snowflake’s pricing model is primarily based on consumption, meaning you only pay for what you use. This model provides flexibility and control to easily scale up and down to meet demand. Here are the key components:

  • Compute Usage: The charge for compute is based on the number of credits used to run queries or perform a service, such as loading data with Snowpipe.
  • Data Storage: Snowflake charges a monthly fee for data stored in the platform. This is calculated using the average amount of storage used per month, after compression, for data ingested into Snowflake.
  • Editions: Snowflake offers several editions, each with different features and pricing: Standard Edition: This is the introductory offering providing access to core platform functionality. Enterprise Edition: This edition is for companies with large-scale data initiatives looking for more granular enterprise controls. Business Critical Edition: This edition offers specialized functionality for highly regulated industries, especially those with sensitive data.Virtual Private Snowflake (VPS): This includes all the features of Business Critical Edition, but in a completely separate Snowflake environment, isolated from all other Snowflake accounts.
  • On-Demand vs. Capacity Storage: Snowflake offers two storage pricing options: On-Demand Storage: Pay for usage month-to-month and Capacity Storage: Discounted storage paid upfront.


1. Community/Support:

Snowflake offers a comprehensive support system and a thriving community to assist users in maximizing their platform experience. The Snowflake Data Heroes Community serves as a space for users to exchange knowledge, share experiences, and seek assistance. Additionally, the Community Help and Get Started section provides resources for new users, covering topics such as password reset, privacy settings management, community leadership, and notification center usage. Users can also access the Snowflake Support Customer Toolkit to connect with the support team on various issues. The main Snowflake Support page offers real-time and historical data on Data Cloud system performance, crucial information about impending behavior changes, release notes, and more. In essence, Snowflake provides users with a robust set of tools and a supportive community to navigate and optimize their platform utilization.

2. Documentation:

Snowflake offers extensive documentation to support users in comprehending and efficiently utilizing their platform. The documentation includes detailed instructions for executing diverse operations within Snowflake, such as establishing connections, working with virtual warehouses, overseeing databases, tables, and views, as well as loading data into Snowflake. Aimed at developers, Developer Guides aid in crafting applications that extend Snowflake’s functionality. These guides delve into topics like the Snowflake Native App Framework, Snowpark API, User-defined Functions (UDFs), and Stored Procedures.

3. Ease of Management:

Snowflake is designed to be easy to manage, providing a near-zero management foundation for running any workload. Snowflake’s ease of management comes from its self-managed nature, robust access control, comprehensive data management capabilities, and fully managed product offering.

4. Learning curve:

Snowflake’s learning curve is generally considered moderate, especially for those who are already familiar with SQL and cloud-based data platforms. Snowflake uses SQL for querying, which is a widely used language in data analysis, making the transition easier for those already acquainted with SQL. Additionally, Snowflake provides a variety of resources to help users learn how to use their platform. This includes instructor-led training, on-demand courses, self-directed learning, and hands-on essentials workshops. These resources cover a wide range of topics, from fundamental concepts to advanced features.

While there is a learning curve when adopting Snowflake, especially for teams familiar with traditional SQL databases, the wealth of training resources and community support can help ease the transition

5. SQL Support:

Snowflake supports SQL.


1. Supported Data Sources:

  • Cloud Storage Services: Snowflake can load data from various cloud storage services, regardless of the cloud platform that hosts your Snowflake account. These include: Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure Storage.
  • File Formats: Snowflake natively supports several file formats for data ingestion. These include: AVRO, Parquet, CSV, JSON, ORC.
  • Data Integration Tools: Snowflake is known to provide native connectivity with various data integration tools. These tools help in ETL operations, data preparation, data migration, movement, and management, and data warehouse automation.

Additional information about supported data sources can be found here:

2. Cloud Services Integration:

Snowflake can be hosted on any of the following cloud platforms: Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. On each platform, Snowflake provides one or more regions where the account is provisioned. If your organization’s other cloud services are already hosted on one of these platforms, you can choose to host all your Snowflake accounts on the same platform. AWS, GCP, and Azure provide different sets of complementary services that can be integrated with Snowflake.

GCP Cloud:

  • Google Cloud Storage: Snowflake can load data from or unload data to Google Cloud Storage.
  • Google Cloud Dataflow: You can use Google Cloud Dataflow to extract, transform, and load data into Snowflake.
  • Google Cloud Pub/Sub: You can use Google Cloud Pub/Sub to ingest real-time data into Snowflake.
  • Google Cloud Functions: You can use Google Cloud Functions to trigger data ingestion into Snowflake based on specific events.
  • Google Cloud Data Fusion: You can use Google Cloud Data Fusion to visually design, deploy, and manage data integration pipelines, and then execute them on Google Cloud Dataflow.
  • Google Cloud Data Catalog: You can use Google Cloud Data Catalog as a fully managed and scalable metadata management service that empowers organizations to quickly discover, manage, and understand all their data in Google Cloud.

Microsoft Azure:

  • Azure Blob Storage: Snowflake can load data from or unload data to Azure Blob Storage.
  • Azure Data Factory (ADF): ADF is an end-to-end data integration tool you can use to bring data from Azure Blob Storage or Azure Data Lake Storage into Snowflake for more-efficient workloads.
  • Azure Synapse Analytics: You can copy and transform data in Snowflake using Azure Synapse Analytics.
  • Azure API Management service: You can create a service endpoint using Azure API Management service.
  • Azure Function app: You can create an Azure Function app.

AWS Cloud:

  • Amazon S3: Snowflake can load data from or unload data to S3 buckets. It can also detect and load new data into Snowflake from Amazon S3.
  • AWS Glue: Snowflake can integrate with AWS Glue to manage data transformation and ingestion pipelines.
  • Amazon SageMaker: Data scientists and developers can use Snowflake as a data source with Amazon SageMaker, to quickly and easily build and train Machine Learning models, and then directly deploy them into a production-ready hosted environment.
  • AWS PrivateLink: Snowflake supports AWS PrivateLink, which allows customers to easily and securely connect to their Snowflake instance without the need to access the public internet.
  • AWS Service Catalog: You can automate Snowflake integration with Amazon S3 using AWS Service Catalog.
  • Amazon SQS: Snowflake uses Amazon SQS and other AWS solutions to asynchronously detect and load new data into Snowflake from Amazon S3.

3. SDK Support:

Snowflake supports developing applications using many popular programming languages and development platforms. Using native clients (connectors, drivers, etc.) provided by Snowflake, you can develop applications using any of the following programmatic interfaces:

  • Go: Snowflake provides a Go Snowflake Driver.
  • Java: Snowflake provides a JDBC Driver.
  • Microsoft .NET: Snowflake provides a .NET Driver.
  • Node.js.
  • C Language: Snowflake provides an ODBC Driver.
  • PHP: Snowflake provides a PHP PDO Driver.
  • Python: Snowflake provides a Connector for Python.
  • Python with SQLAlchemy: Snowflake provides a SQLAlchemy Toolkit.

Please refer to the respective SDK documentation for more details on how to use these SDKs with Snowflake.

4. Supported Visualization Tools:

Snowflake offers support for a variety of native visualization tools, providing users with a selection of powerful options for data analysis and representation:

  • Snowsight: Snowsight is Snowflake’s web interface that allows you to visualize your SQL worksheet results using various types of charts such as bar charts, line charts, scatterplots, heat grids, and scorecards. You can also visualize your data using dashboards.

Snowflake can be integrated with external visualization tools. Here are some of them:

  • Tableau: Tableau is a popular data visualization tool that can connect directly to Snowflake to build interactive dashboards.
  • Looker: Looker is a modern platform for data that offers data analytics and business insights to every department at scale, and easily integrates with Snowflake.
  • Power BI: Power BI is a business analytics tool developed by Microsoft. It provides interactive visualizations with self-service business intelligence capabilities.
  • Qlik: Qlik offers end-to-end, real-time data integration and analytics solutions that help organizations access and transform all their data into value. It integrates well with Snowflake.
  • Sigma: Sigma is a cloud-based analytical tool that allows users to create visualizations from Snowflake data.
  • MicroStrategy: MicroStrategy is a worldwide provider of enterprise software platforms and is one of the visualization tools that can be integrated with Snowflake.


  1. Insert operations

Snowflake is generally considered efficient for insert operations and is designed to handle bulk and continuous data loading efficiently, but the performance can vary based on several factors. Here are some points to consider:

  • Multi-row Inserts: Performance can be optimized in Snowflake by using multi-row inserts. This reduces network latency and transaction overhead. For example, you can insert multiple rows into a table by specifying additional sets of values separated by commas in the VALUES clause.
  • Snowpipe: Employing Snowpipe for efficient, automated ingestion of large volumes of data from cloud storage can also enhance performance.
  • Insert Syntax: The syntax of the INSERT command in Snowflake allows for various optimizations. For instance, you can use the OVERWRITE option to truncate the target table before inserting the values. However, to use the OVERWRITE option on INSERT, you must use a role that has DELETE privilege on the table because OVERWRITE will delete the existing records in the table.
  • Query Optimization: Snowflake’s performance can be significantly improved by optimizing your queries. For instance, when inserting new rows, you could join against the target table on the unique key and filter for only new rows. However, this could result in slower performance if the table row counts are in the billions.
  • Warehouse Optimization: The performance of Snowflake can also be fine-tuned by optimizing the computing power of your warehouses. This includes enabling the Query Acceleration Service2. For example, you can alter the warehouse settings to improve performance.
  • Batching: When inserting large amounts of data, batching the inserts can improve performance. For example, it was observed that Snowflake took approximately 30 seconds to insert 50k records.
  • Copy vs Insert: Depending on the use case, using the COPY command instead of INSERT can result in better performance.
  • Storage Optimization: Storing similar data together, creating optimized data structures, and defining specialized data sets can improve the performance of querie. This is helpful when choosing between Automatic Clustering, Search Optimization Service, and materialized views.

Some users have reported issues with slow insert operations. These issues can often be attributed to factors such as data skew, where one node is processing significantly more data than others, leading to bottlenecks.

2. Updates operations

Snowflake provides good performance for updates, and the architecture allows for efficient handling of changes to data, but the performance of update operations can be influenced by several factors. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Update Mechanism: In Snowflake, when an update is performed, the existing value is replaced with a new value1. If the existing value is the same as the new value, it will still perform an update. Therefore, it could be beneficial to restrict updates to rows where the old value is not equal to the new value.
  • Batching: Similar to insert operations, batching updates can improve performance. For example, if every row in a table is affected by an update, it might take a long time to complete.
  • Copy and Merge: For large updates, it might be more efficient to use the PUT command to upload files to a Snowflake stage, use COPY INTO to load the data into a staging table, and then MERGE the data into the target table.
  • Performance Monitoring: You can monitor the performance of your update operations using the Snowflake history tab.

3. Join operations

Snowflake excels in join performance, thanks to its unique architecture that separates storage and compute resources. This separation allows for parallel processing of join operations, leading to efficient and scalable handling of complex queries involving multiple tables. Additionally, Snowflake’s automatic optimization features enhance join performance, ensuring optimal execution and responsiveness, even when dealing with large and diverse datasets.

It’s crucial to monitor and adjust strategies as needed for optimal performance. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Join Mechanism: In Snowflake, a join combines rows from two tables to create a new combined row that can be used in the query. The two joined tables usually contain one or more columns in common so that the rows in one table can be associated with the corresponding rows in the other table.
  • Types of Joins: Snowflake supports various types of joins including inner join, outer join, and cross join. The type of join used can significantly impact the performance of the operation.
  • Performance Optimization: Snowflake can improve performance by eliminating unnecessary joins1. For instance, joins that lack a condition (i.e., “ON col_1 = col_2”) or joins where records from one table match multiple records in the joined table can create very slow query performance.
  • Large Joins: When dealing with large joins (20+ tables), performance tuning becomes crucial. This might involve optimizing the join order, indexing, or partitioning the data.
  • Chaining Joins: Although a single join operation can join only two tables, joins can be chained together. The result of a join is a table-like object, and that table-like object can then be joined to another table-like object.

4. Aggregation queries

Snowflake exhibits strong aggregation performance due to its innovative architecture, which leverages a separation of storage and compute resources. This design allows Snowflake to efficiently process and aggregate large volumes of data, providing scalable and high-performance results for complex analytical queries involving aggregation. Snowflake’s performance for aggregation queries is influenced by several factors. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Storage Optimization: Snowflake provides three storage strategies: automatic clustering, search optimization, and materialized views. Storing similar data together, creating optimized data structures, and defining specialized data sets can improve the performance of queries. This is particularly helpful when choosing between Automatic Clustering, Search Optimization Service, and materialized views.
  • Automatic Clustering: Snowflake stores a table’s data in micro-partitions1. Among these micro-partitions, Snowflake organizes (i.e., clusters) data based on dimensions of the data1. If a query filters, joins, or aggregates along those dimensions, fewer micro-partitions must be scanned to return results, which speeds up the query considerably. You can set a cluster key to change the default organization of the micro-partitions so data is clustered around specific dimensions (i.e., columns)1. Choosing a cluster key improves the performance of queries that filter, join, or aggregate by the columns defined in the cluster key.
  • Search Optimization Service: The Search Optimization Service improves the performance of point lookup queries (i.e., “needle in a haystack searches”) that return a small number of rows from a table using highly selective filters. The Search Optimization Service reduces the latency of point lookup queries by building a persistent data structure that is optimized for a particular type of search.
  • Materialized Views: A materialized view is a pre-computed data set derived from a SELECT statement that is stored for later use. Because the data is pre-computed, querying a materialized view is faster than executing a query against the base table on which the view is defined.
  • Performance Monitoring: You can monitor the performance of your aggregation queries using the Snowflake history tab.

2. Materialized View Support:

Snowflake supports Materialized Views, which are pre-computed data sets derived from a specified query stored for future use. The advantages of using materialized views include faster query execution compared to the base table and improved performance for complex or frequently run queries. They are particularly beneficial for speeding up aggregation, projection, and selection operations on large data sets. Snowflake seamlessly maintains materialized views, ensuring automatic updates through a background service after changes to the base table. This ensures that data accessed through materialized views remains current, irrespective of DML operations on the base table.

It’s important to note some limitations. Materialized views in Snowflake have certain constraints compared to regular views, and they are restricted to querying a single table. Joins, including self-joins, are not supported. For more in-depth information, you can refer to the Snowflake Documentation.

3. Indexing:

Snowflake does not use traditional indexing like other databases. Instead, it uses a unique form of partitioning known as micro-partitioning. In Snowflake, all data within tables is automatically segmented into micro-partitions, contiguous storage units ranging from 50 MB to 500 MB of uncompressed data. Each micro-partition retains metadata encompassing details about the rows it contains, such as the range and number of distinct values for each column, along with other properties crucial for optimization and efficient query processing.

The advantages of micro-partitions lie in their automatic derivation without the need for upfront user definition or maintenance. These partitions are small in size, facilitating highly efficient Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations and fine-grained pruning for expedited queries. The storage architecture follows a columnar approach, storing columns independently within micro-partitions, allowing for the swift scanning of specific columns referenced in a query. Additionally, columns within micro-partitions are individually compressed, with Snowflake intelligently selecting the most efficient compression algorithm.

Snowflake departs from the conventional indexing paradigm. Instead, it relies on calculated statistics about columns and records in loaded files to determine which parts of tables or records to load for query execution. This distinctive approach contributes to Snowflake’s scalability, particularly for arbitrary queries.

4. Streaming Ingestion:

Snowflake facilitates Streaming Ingestion through a feature known as Snowpipe Streaming. This service, offering low-latency data loading, leverages the Snowflake Ingest SDK and user-managed application code. Unlike conventional bulk data loads or Snowpipe, which involve writing data from staged files, Snowpipe Streaming writes rows of data directly to Snowflake tables.

Designed for scenarios where data is streamed via rows (e.g., Apache Kafka topics), Snowpipe Streaming seamlessly integrates into ingest workflows that incorporate custom Java applications responsible for producing or receiving records. The API eliminates the necessity of creating files to load data into Snowflake tables, allowing for the automatic and continuous loading of data streams into Snowflake as soon as the data becomes available.

The Snowpipe Streaming service is currently implemented as a set of APIs within the Snowflake Ingest SDK, supporting Java version 8 or later and requiring the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files. Adjustments to network firewall rules may be necessary to facilitate connectivity.


  1. Scalability and Performance: Snowflake’s architecture allows for seamless and near-unlimited scaling of compute resources, making it suitable for a wide range of data workloads. The separation of compute and storage resources enhances performance, especially in handling large datasets and concurrent workloads.
  2. Separation of Compute and Storage: The distinct separation of compute and storage resources enables independent scaling, minimizing disruptions and optimizing cost efficiency. Users only pay for the resources they consume, and workloads can be isolated without concurrency issues.
  3. Multi-Cloud Compatibility: Snowflake is a cloud-based service compatible with major cloud platforms, including Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure. This multi-cloud support provides users with flexibility in choosing their preferred cloud provider.
  4. Comprehensive Deployment Options: Snowflake is a fully managed service with no hardware or software installation required. Users can deploy Snowflake on various cloud platforms, and it offers different editions to cater to different enterprise needs.


  1. Cost: If organizations are not mindful, they can easily exceed the use of Snowflake services only to realize the problem during the billing process.
  2. Limitations: Snowflake has a lot of limitations compared to a traditional database. For example, it doesn’t support traditional indexing.

Best use case

Snowflake demonstrates optimal performance in situations where scalability is paramount. Organizations with fluctuating workloads and varying data sizes find Snowflake’s elasticity advantageous, enabling them to seamlessly adjust resource levels as needed without causing disruptions. Moreover, Snowflake excels in scenarios requiring intricate analytical queries, encompassing join operations and aggregation queries. Its proficiency in efficiently handling complex queries proves beneficial for environments necessitating in-depth analysis of extensive datasets. Additionally, businesses prioritizing flexibility and aiming to evade vendor lock-in can capitalize on Snowflake’s compatibility with multiple cloud platforms, aligning with multi-cloud requirements. Furthermore, Snowflake emerges as a fitting choice for environments dealing with diverse data formats, thanks to its robust support for semi-structured data.

Worst use case

Snowflake might not be the most suitable option in situations where real-time processing is crucial. Despite its support for real-time data ingestion, Snowflake may not be the optimal choice for use cases that require exceptionally low-latency processing or real-time analytics. Additionally, organizations with stringent budget constraints, especially those experiencing consistently low workloads, could perceive Snowflake’s consumption-based pricing model as less cost-effective. Another consideration lies in scenarios heavily reliant on complex view structures, as Snowflake’s limitations on materialized views, particularly the inability to support joins, might render it less suitable for such use cases.

In summary, Snowflake stands out as a cloud-based, column-oriented, distributed data warehouse service with strengths in scalability, performance, and multi-cloud compatibility. Its architecture, featuring a unique separation of compute and storage resources, allows for seamless scaling, minimizing disruptions and optimizing cost efficiency. Snowflake’s support for semi-structured data, comprehensive deployment options, and compatibility with major cloud platforms make it a versatile choice for diverse analytical workloads.

However, organizations need to be mindful of potential challenges, such as cost management and certain limitations like the absence of traditional indexing. Snowflake excels in scenarios requiring scalability, intricate analytical queries, and flexibility across multiple cloud providers. Yet, it may not be the optimal choice for real-time processing or budget-sensitive environments with consistently low workloads.

Always check the official documentation for the latest information on Snowflake.

For a more comprehensive understanding of how to assess this information, please refer to the key metrics outlined in the article How to Choose the Right OLAP Storage when making the crucial decision for your OLAP storage needs. To enhance your proficiency in data management, explore the Strategic guide on mastering data for software developers.



Aleh Belausau
Towards Data Engineering

Data and Software Engineer specializing in using cloud technologies for business growth.