“Data Modeling: Design a data model for a hotel booking system like Airbnb.”

Ayush Dixit
Towards Data Engineering
6 min readMar 12, 2023


The hospitality industry has seen rapid growth in recent years due to the rise of online platforms that allow travelers to book accommodations in a convenient and cost-effective way. Airbnb is one of the most popular and successful platforms that have revolutionized the way people travel and experience the world. Behind the scenes, a complex data model and database design are required to handle the massive amount of data generated by the platform.

In this blog, we will explore the design of a data model for a hotel booking system like Airbnb. We will delve into the different entities, dimensions, facts, and relationships that make up the system, and how they can be organized into a database schema. We will discuss the importance of data modeling and how it helps in decision-making, analytics, and business intelligence. By the end of this blog, you will have a better understanding of how Airbnb’s data model works, and how it can be applied to other similar systems in the hospitality industry. We will follow the same four-step design process that we discussed in the last blog.

Four-Step Design Process:

  1. Identify all the Entities.
  2. Identify Dimensions (“How do business people describe the data resulting from the business process measurement events?”)“who, what, where, when, why, and how” associated with the event.
  3. Identify all the Facts
  4. Declare the Entity relationship.

Step 1: Identify all the entities:

A hotel booking system like Airbnb requires a data model that can handle multiple entities and their relationships. Here is a basic data model that can be used as a starting point:

User Entity:

  • ID
  • Name
  • Email
  • Password
  • Phone Number
  • Profile Picture

Property Entity:

  • ID
  • Title
  • Description
  • Location
  • Type (Apartment, House, Villa, etc.)
  • Amenities (Pool, Gym, Kitchen, Wi-Fi, etc.)
  • Price Per Night
  • Number of Bedrooms
  • Number of Bathrooms
  • Maximum Number of Guests
  • Host ID
  • Rating

Booking Entity:

  • ID
  • User ID
  • Property ID
  • Check-in Date
  • Check-out Date
  • Number of Guests
  • Total Price
  • Booking Status (Pending, Confirmed, Cancelled)

Review Entity:

  • ID
  • User ID
  • Property ID
  • Rating
  • Comment

Host Entity:

  • ID
  • Name
  • Email
  • Password
  • Phone Number
  • Profile Picture
  • About Me
  • Listings (List of properties the host has listed on the platform)

Payment Entity:

  • ID
  • Booking ID
  • Payment Date
  • Amount
  • Payment Status (Pending, Completed, Refunded)

Message Entity:

  • ID
  • Sender ID
  • Receiver ID
  • Booking ID
  • Content
  • Timestamp

Notification Entity:

  • ID
  • User ID
  • Booking ID
  • Content
  • Timestamp
  • Status (Unread, Read)

In this data model, the User entity stores information about users who register on the platform. The Property entity stores information about the properties listed on the platform. The Booking entity stores information about bookings made by users for the properties. The Review entity stores information about the reviews left by users for the properties they have stayed at.

The Host entity stores information about hosts who list their properties on the platform. This entity is separate from the User entity because hosts may not necessarily be guests, and vice versa. The Host entity allows hosts to manage their listings, view their booking history, and receive payments for bookings.

The Payment entity stores information about payments made for bookings. This entity allows the platform to track payments, handle refunds, and generate reports on revenue.

The Message entity stores information about messages exchanged between users and hosts regarding a booking. This entity allows users and hosts to communicate with each other and provides a record of the conversation in case of any disputes.

The Notification entity stores information about notifications sent to users regarding their bookings. This entity allows users to keep track of their bookings and receive updates on their status.

Step 2: Let’s identify all the dimensions and facts.

Dimensions: Dimensions are attributes that describe the characteristics of the data being analyzed. Here are some possible dimensions that can be defined for the entities in a hotel booking system like Airbnb:

User Dimension:

  • User ID
  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Profile Picture

Property Dimension:

  • Property ID
  • Title
  • Location
  • Type
  • Amenities
  • Number of Bedrooms
  • Number of Bathrooms
  • Maximum Number of Guests
  • Host ID
  • Rating

Host Dimension:

  • Host ID
  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Profile Picture
  • About Me

Booking Dimension:

  • Booking ID
  • User ID
  • Property ID
  • Check-in Date
  • Check-out Date
  • Number of Guests
  • Total Price
  • Booking Status

Payment Dimension:

  • Payment ID
  • Booking ID
  • Payment Date
  • Amount
  • Payment Status

Review Dimension:

  • Review ID
  • User ID
  • Property ID
  • Rating

Message Dimension:

  • Message ID
  • Sender ID
  • Receiver ID
  • Booking ID
  • Timestamp

Notification Dimension:

  • Notification ID
  • User ID
  • Booking ID
  • Timestamp
  • Status

These dimensions can be used to slice and dice the data in different ways to answer business questions such as “What are the most popular property types among guests?”, “What is the average rating for properties in a specific location?”, or “What is the revenue generated by hosts in a given time period?”. By defining dimensions for each entity, we can easily aggregate and analyze data across multiple entities and answer complex business questions.

Facts: Facts are numerical measures that represent the data being analyzed. Here are some possible facts that can be defined for the entities in a hotel booking system like Airbnb:

User Fact:

  • Number of Bookings made by the User
  • Total amount spent by the User on Bookings

Property Fact:

  • Number of Bookings made for the Property
  • Total amount earned from Bookings for the Property
  • The average rating for the Property

Booking Fact:

  • The total price of the Booking
  • Number of Nights booked
  • Booking Status

Payment Fact:

  • Amount of payment made for the Booking
  • Payment Status

Review Fact:

  • Rating given in the review

Message Fact:

  • Number of messages exchanged

Notification Fact:

  • Number of unread notifications

These facts can be used to perform numerical analysis on the data and answer business questions such as “What is the average price per night for a property in a specific location?”, “What is the revenue generated by the platform in a given time period?”, or “What is the average rating given by guests for a specific property type?”. By defining facts for each entity, we can easily aggregate and analyze data across multiple dimensions and answer complex business questions.

At last, let’s declare the entity relationships:

In a hotel booking system like Airbnb, there are several relationships between the entities. Here are some possible relationships:

User and Booking Relationship:

  • A User can make zero or many Bookings.
  • A Booking is made by exactly one User.

Property and Host Relationship:

  • A Host can have zero or many Properties.
  • A Property is owned by exactly one Host.

Booking and Property Relationship:

  • A Property can have zero or many Bookings.
  • A Booking is made for exactly one Property.

Booking and Payment Relationship:

  • A Payment is made for exactly one Booking.
  • A Booking can have zero or one Payment.

Booking and Review Relationship:

  • A Booking can have zero or one Review.
  • A Review is given for exactly one Booking.

User and Review Relationship:

  • A User can give zero or many Reviews.
  • A Review is given by exactly one User.

User and Message Relationship:

  • A User can send or receive zero or many Messages.
  • A Message is sent by exactly one User and received by exactly one User.

User and Notification Relationship:

  • A User can have zero or many Notifications.
  • A Notification is sent to exactly one User.

These relationships define how the entities are related to each other and allow us to navigate and analyze the data in different ways. For example, we can use the User and Booking relationship to identify the number of bookings made by each user, or the Booking and Payment relationship to calculate the total revenue generated by the platform. By understanding these relationships, we can design a more effective data model and perform complex analyses of the data.


With this data model, the hotel booking system can track the availability of properties, manage bookings and payments, and provide users with the ability to leave reviews and ratings for the properties they have stayed at. additional new entities can enhance the functionality of the hotel booking system and provide a better user experience for both guests and hosts.

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Ayush Dixit
Towards Data Engineering

Data Enthusiast | Loves to explore | Learning something new every day