Database Decisions: Matching Application Needs with the Right Database

Jayant Nehra
Towards Data Engineering
12 min readJun 11, 2024

The performance of applications frequently depends on the database we select for a specific task. As a developer, choosing the appropriate database based on the use case and requirements is crucial.

This blog outlines my notes exploring the most common database types used in enterprises, providing use cases, examples, and guidance on when to choose each type. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each database type, we can make informed decisions that enhance our application’s performance and scalability.

1. Relational Databases

Relational Databases

Relational databases have been a cornerstone of data management since their introduction in the 1970s by IBM. They are designed to handle structured data, which is organized into tables, rows, and columns. Each table, or relation, stores data about a particular entity, such as customers, orders, or products. The power of relational databases lies in their ability to establish and manage relationships between different tables using keys.

Key Features

Primary and Foreign Keys:

  • Primary Key: A primary key uniquely identifies each record in a table. It ensures that each record can be uniquely identified by one or more columns, preventing duplicate records. For example, a customer_id in a customer table.
  • Foreign Key: A foreign key is a field (or collection of fields) in one table that uniquely identifies a row of another table. It is used to establish and enforce a link between the data in the two tables. For instance, an order_id in an orders table that references a customer_id in the customer table ensures that each order is associated with a valid customer.

SQL for Querying:

  • Structured Query Language (SQL): SQL is the standard language for interacting with relational databases. It allows you to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) data, as well as manage database schema and control access. SQL is powerful for querying complex data structures and performing operations like filtering, joining, aggregating, and sorting data.

ACID Transactions:

  • Atomicity: Ensures that all operations within a transaction are completed; if one part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction fails, and the database is left unchanged.
  • Consistency: Ensures that a transaction can only bring the database from one valid state to another, maintaining database invariants.
  • Isolation: Ensures that the concurrent execution of transactions results in a system state that would be obtained if transactions were executed serially.
  • Durability: Ensures that once a transaction has been committed, it will remain so, even in the event of a system failure.
  • These properties are crucial for applications where data integrity and reliability are paramount, such as banking systems and online retail.

Use Cases

Relational databases are ideal for structured data that require ACID compliance. They are commonly used in applications like:

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Where customer data needs to be consistently and reliably managed.
  • Financial Systems: Where transactional integrity is critical.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: Where multiple data types are interconnected and require complex querying.

Cloud-Managed Options

  • Amazon Aurora: A MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible relational database built for the cloud, offering performance and availability at a lower cost.
  • Azure SQL Database: A fully managed relational database with built-in intelligence that learns app patterns to optimize performance.

Open-Source Self-Hosted Options

  • MySQL: An open-source relational database management system.
  • PostgreSQL: A powerful, open-source object-relational database system.

Further Reading and Resources

2. Columnar Databases

Columnar databases are optimized for reading and writing data in columns rather than rows. This type of database is particularly useful for analytical queries where operations are performed on large datasets, and specific columns are accessed frequently. Columnar databases differ from traditional row-based databases by storing data in columns, making them more efficient for read-heavy operations.

Key Features

Columnar Storage Format:

  • In columnar databases, data is stored by columns rather than rows. This means that all values of a particular column are stored together, making it easier to perform operations on a single column without needing to read entire rows.
  • Advantage: This storage format significantly reduces the amount of data read from disk during query operations, enhancing performance for analytical queries.

Data Compression:

  • Columnar databases leverage efficient data compression techniques. Since similar data types are stored together in columns, they often exhibit high data redundancy, which can be compressed more effectively than row-based storage.
  • Advantage: Improved storage efficiency and faster data retrieval due to reduced I/O operations.

High Performance for Analytical Queries:

  • Columnar databases are designed for read-heavy operations. They excel at performing aggregations and complex calculations over large datasets, which are common in business intelligence and data warehousing applications.
  • Advantage: Faster query performance for analytical workloads compared to traditional row-based databases.

Use Cases

Columnar databases are ideal for scenarios that involve large-scale data analysis and reporting. They are commonly used in applications like:

  • Data Warehousing: Where large volumes of data need to be stored and queried efficiently.
  • Business Intelligence (BI): Where quick access to aggregated data and insights is essential.
  • Big Data Analytics: Where processing and analyzing vast amounts of data is required.

Cloud-Managed Options

  • Amazon Redshift: A fully managed data warehouse service designed for large-scale data analysis.
  • Google BigQuery: A serverless, highly scalable, and cost-effective multi-cloud data warehouse.

Open-Source Self-Hosted Options

  • Apache Cassandra: A highly scalable open-source NoSQL database designed for handling large amounts of data across many commodity servers.
  • ClickHouse: An open-source columnar database management system capable of real-time data processing.

3. Document Databases

Document Database

Document databases store data in JSON-like documents, which are flexible and allow for a more dynamic data structure compared to traditional relational databases. These databases are designed to handle semi-structured data and can easily accommodate changes in the data schema without requiring a major redesign.

Key Features

Flexible Schema:

  • Document databases allow you to store data without a predefined schema. Each document can have a different structure, making it easy to adapt to changes and store complex hierarchical data.
  • Advantage: Simplifies data modeling and allows for agile development practices.

JSON-like Document Storage:

  • Data is stored in JSON, BSON, or XML formats, making it human-readable and easy to manipulate using various programming languages.
  • Advantage: Directly maps to objects in code, reducing the need for object-relational mapping (ORM).

CRUD Operations:

  • Document databases support create, read, update, and delete operations on documents. They often provide APIs or query languages for these operations, enabling developers to interact with the database easily.
  • Advantage: Efficient management of document data and straightforward integration with applications.

Indexing and Querying:

  • Document databases offer powerful indexing and querying capabilities, allowing you to create indexes on fields within documents to improve query performance.
  • Advantage: Enhances the speed and efficiency of data retrieval operations.

Use Cases

Document databases are ideal for scenarios where data structure flexibility and rapid development are crucial. They are commonly used in applications like:

  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Where content types and structures can vary widely.
  • E-commerce Applications: Where product catalogs with varying attributes need to be managed.
  • User Profiles and Session Data: Where each user’s data can have a unique structure.

Cloud-Managed Options

  • Amazon DynamoDB: A fully managed proprietary NoSQL database service that supports key-value and document data structures.
  • Azure Cosmos DB: A fully managed NoSQL database service for modern app development with support for multiple data models including document databases.

Open-Source Self-Hosted Options

  • MongoDB: A document-oriented NoSQL database used for high volume data storage.
  • CouchDB: An open-source database software that focuses on ease of use and having a scalable architecture.

Further Reading and Resources

4. Graph Databases

Graph Database

Graph databases are designed to handle data that is interconnected, representing relationships between data points as graphs consisting of nodes, edges, and properties. These databases excel at handling complex queries about relationships and connections, making them ideal for applications involving social networks, recommendation engines, and network analysis.

Key Features

Nodes and Edges:

  • Nodes: Represent entities such as people, accounts, or any item you want to keep track of.
  • Edges: Represent relationships between nodes, such as friendships, transactions, or organizational hierarchies.
  • Advantage: Allows for intuitive representation of complex relationships.


  • Nodes and edges can have properties (key-value pairs) that store relevant information. For example, a node representing a person might have properties like name, age, and location.
  • Advantage: Enhances data richness and query capabilities.

Graph Query Languages:

  • Graph databases use specialized query languages, such as Cypher for Neo4j or Gremlin for Apache TinkerPop, to traverse and analyze the graph.
  • Advantage: Enables efficient and expressive querying of graph structures.

High Performance for Relationship Queries:

  • Graph databases are optimized for queries that explore the relationships between entities, often outperforming traditional relational databases for these types of queries.
  • Advantage: Faster and more efficient query performance for relationship-focused queries.

Use Cases

Graph databases are ideal for scenarios that involve complex relationships and connections. They are commonly used in applications like:

  • Social Networks: Where relationships and interactions between users are critical.
  • Recommendation Engines: Where suggesting items based on user behavior and connections is essential.
  • Fraud Detection: Where identifying patterns and relationships between entities can help detect fraudulent activities.

Cloud-Managed Options

  • Amazon Neptune: A fully managed graph database service that supports both property graph and RDF graph models.
  • Azure Cosmos DB: Also supports graph data with its Gremlin API.

Open-Source Self-Hosted Options

  • Neo4j: An open-source graph database management system.
  • ArangoDB: A multi-model database supporting graph, document, and key/value data models.

Further Reading and Resources

5. Vector Databases

Scalable Vector Database For Similarity Search

Vector databases are designed to handle high-dimensional data, where each data point is represented as a vector in a multi-dimensional space. These databases are particularly useful for applications involving similarity search, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, where the relationships between data points are defined by their positions in vector space.

Key Features

High-Dimensional Vector Storage:

  • Vector databases store data as high-dimensional vectors, each with a certain number of dimensions. The complexity of the data determines the number of dimensions.
  • Advantage: Enables efficient storage and retrieval of complex data representations.

Vector Search Methods:

  • These databases support various search methods, including nearest neighbor search, to find vectors that are similar to a given vector based on their proximity in the vector space.
  • Advantage: Allows for fast and accurate similarity searches, which are crucial for AI and ML applications.

Indexing Techniques:

  • Vector databases use advanced indexing techniques, such as HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World) graphs, to optimize the search and retrieval of vectors.
  • Advantage: Enhances query performance and scalability.

Integration with Machine Learning Models:

  • Vector databases are often integrated with machine learning models to store and manage feature vectors generated by these models.
  • Advantage: Facilitates seamless AI and ML workflows, improving overall system efficiency.

Use Cases

Vector databases are ideal for scenarios that require handling and searching high-dimensional data. They are commonly used in applications like:

  • Image and Video Search: Finding similar images or videos based on content.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Managing and searching through word embeddings or sentence vectors.
  • Recommendation Systems: Recommending items based on user preferences and behavior.

Cloud-Managed Options

  • Pinecone: A fully managed vector database service designed for similarity search and machine learning applications.

Open-Source Self-Hosted Options

  • Milvus: An open-source vector database designed for scalable similarity search and AI applications.

Further Reading and Resources

6. Key-Value Databases

Key-Value Databases

Key-value databases are a type of NoSQL database that store data as a collection of key-value pairs. Each key serves as a unique identifier, and the value can be a simple data type or a more complex compound object. This simplicity and flexibility make key-value databases highly performant and scalable, ideal for scenarios where fast read and write operations are crucial.

Key Features

Simple Data Model:

  • The data is stored as key-value pairs, where each key is unique, and the value can be anything from a simple string to a more complex JSON object.
  • Advantage: Simplifies data storage and retrieval processes, making it easy to understand and use.

High Performance:

  • Key-value databases are optimized for high-speed read and write operations, making them suitable for applications that require low-latency access to data.
  • Advantage: Ensures fast data access, which is critical for real-time applications.


  • These databases are designed to scale horizontally by distributing data across multiple nodes, reducing bottlenecks and improving performance.
  • Advantage: Allows for seamless scaling as the volume of data grows.

Flexible Value Types:

  • Values can be of various data types, including strings, numbers, JSON objects, and more, providing flexibility in how data is stored and retrieved.
  • Advantage: Supports diverse data structures and use cases.

Use Cases

Key-value databases are ideal for scenarios that require rapid and frequent access to data. They are commonly used in applications like:

  • Session Management: Storing session information for web applications, where each session is uniquely identified by a key.
  • Caching: Temporarily storing data for faster access, reducing the load on primary databases.
  • Shopping Cart Management: Managing user shopping carts in e-commerce platforms, where each cart is identified by a unique user ID.
  • Metadata Storage: Storing metadata information for various applications.

Cloud-Managed Options

  • Amazon DynamoDB: A fully managed key-value and document database.
  • Azure Cosmos DB: Offers a key-value store through its Table API.

Open-Source Self-Hosted Options

  • Redis: An open-source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.
  • etcd: An open-source key-value store that is used for configuration management and service discovery.

Further Reading and Resources

7. Time-Series Databases

Influx Database

Time-series databases are optimized for storing and querying time-stamped or time series data. This type of database is designed to handle high volumes of data points that are collected, stored, and analyzed based on time intervals. Time-series databases are crucial for applications involving monitoring, event tracking, and analytics over time.

Key Features

Time-Stamped Data:

  • Data is indexed by time, allowing for efficient storage and retrieval of time-based data points. Each entry is associated with a timestamp, which makes it easy to track changes and trends over time.
  • Advantage: Facilitates efficient querying and analysis of time-series data.

Efficient Data Compression:

  • Time-series databases use specialized compression techniques to handle large volumes of data. These techniques reduce storage costs and improve query performance.
  • Advantage: Saves storage space and accelerates data retrieval.

Downsampling and Aggregation:

  • These databases support operations to downsample (reduce the resolution of data) and aggregate data over specified time intervals. This helps in summarizing and analyzing data at different granularities.
  • Advantage: Provides flexibility in data analysis and reporting.

High Write Throughput:

  • Time-series databases are optimized for high-speed data ingestion, which is critical for applications that collect data continuously, such as IoT sensors or monitoring systems.
  • Advantage: Ensures that data is captured and stored efficiently without bottlenecks.

Use Cases

Time-series databases are ideal for scenarios that involve tracking and analyzing time-stamped data. They are commonly used in applications like:

  • Monitoring Systems: Collecting and analyzing metrics from IT infrastructure, applications, and networks.
  • Financial Market Analysis: Tracking stock prices, trading volumes, and other financial metrics over time.
  • IoT Data Management: Managing data from sensors and devices in IoT applications.
  • Event Logging: Storing and analyzing logs from various systems to identify patterns and anomalies.

Cloud-Managed Options

  • Amazon Timestream: A fully managed time-series database service for IoT and operational applications.
  • Azure Time Series Insights: A fully managed analytics, storage, and visualization service for time-series data.

Open-Source Self-Hosted Options

  • InfluxDB: An open-source time-series database optimized for fast, high-availability storage and retrieval of time series data.
  • Prometheus: An open-source system monitoring and alerting toolkit, designed for reliability and scalability.

Further Reading and Resources



Jayant Nehra
Towards Data Engineering

I am a Data Engineer. My expertise spans a broad spectrum of data engineering, data science, and business analytics.