Explained: What is Databricks and why do we need it?

Pratik Mukesh Bharuka
Towards Data Engineering
3 min readMay 17, 2023

Before we understand as to what exactly is Databricks, we need to understand what is Apache Spark.

Apache Spark is like a super-smart computer system that can handle lots and lots of information at the same time. It helps people do really big tasks, like sorting through a huge pile of data, figuring out patterns, and solving complex problems. Spark can also work with different kinds of jobs, like analyzing data in batches, processing data in real-time as it comes in, and even teaching computers to learn and make decisions. It’s like having a super-powered brain for data!

Cool? Now lets understand Databricks!

Source: Databricks

So basically, Databricks is a cloud-based platform built on Apache Spark that provides a collaborative environment for big data processing and analytics. It offers an integrated workspace where data engineers, data scientists, and analysts can work together to leverage the power of Spark for various use cases.

Databricks is important because it makes it easier to use a Apache Spark. Instead of having to worry about all the technical stuff behind the scenes, Databricks gives you a simple and friendly way to use Spark. It takes care of all the complicated setup and management stuff so that you can focus on working with your data and doing cool analytics tasks. It’s like having a magic helper that takes care of the boring stuff, so you can have more fun exploring and analyzing your data.

It is even more special because it gives teams a special place to work together on projects involving data. Many people can use it at the same time and work on things like notebooks, which are like digital notebooks where you write and run code to analyze data. You can share your code with others and work together on exploring and understanding the data. It’s like having a virtual team room where everyone can work together and make things happen faster. This teamwork makes it easier to create solutions based on data and bring them to life quickly.

Databricks is really cool because it can connect and work smoothly with lots of different things. It can talk to different types of data sources like files, databases, and even data that’s coming in live. It can also connect with other services and tools in the cloud, making it easier to use them together. For example, you can use popular tools for data science and machine learning right inside Databricks. This means you have access to a wide range of powerful tools and technologies all in one place. It’s like having a super flexible and adaptable tool that can connect with anything you need to work with your data.

Overall, Databricks simplifies the use of Apache Spark and provides a collaborative environment for teams to work on big data analytics projects. It offers scalability, performance, and a unified platform, making it easier to develop, deploy, and manage data-driven solutions at scale.

