Optimizing Spark Structured Streaming

Paul Scalli
Towards Data Engineering
4 min readDec 10, 2022
Photo by Jake Givens on Unsplash

Hey there, Spark fans! Are you tired of slow and clunky Structured Streaming pipelines? Fear not, because I’ve got 5 super effective ways to optimize your Spark Structured Streaming pipelines and make them lightning fast! And, as an added bonus, I’ll provide some handy Pyspark code examples to help you along the way. Let’s get started!

  1. Use the trigger() function to control the processing rate. By default, Spark Structured Streaming will process data as soon as it arrives in the input source. However, this can lead to a high processing rate and can cause your pipeline to become slow and clunky. By using the trigger() function, you can control the processing rate and specify how often your pipeline should be triggered. For example, you can use the following code to trigger your pipeline every 5 seconds:
# Set the trigger interval to 5 seconds
df.writeStream.trigger(processingTime='5 seconds').start()

2. Use the watermark() function to control the windowing behavior. Spark Structured Streaming uses windowing to group and process data based on time or other criteria. By default, Spark will use a default watermark of 1 hour to determine which data should be processed in a given window. However, this can lead to stale data or dropped events if your input data is not strictly time-ordered. By using the watermark() function, you can control the watermark and specify how late your input data can be before it is dropped. For example, you can use the following code:

# Load the data into a DataFrame
df = spark.read.csv('data.csv')

# Use the watermark() function to set the watermark to 5 seconds
df = df.withWatermark('timestamp', '5 seconds')

# Use the groupBy() and window() functions to create a 5-second window
df = df.groupBy(
window('timestamp', '5 seconds'),

# Use the count() function to compute the count in each window
df = df.count()

# Start the streaming query

By using the watermark() function, you can control the watermark and specify how late your input data can be before it is dropped. This can be especially useful if your input data is not strictly time-ordered, as it can prevent stale data or dropped events and improve the accuracy of your results. So give it a try and see if it works for you!

3. Use the repartition() function to control the number of partitions. Spark Structured Streaming uses partitions to parallelize the processing of data across multiple nodes. By default, Spark will use a default number of partitions based on the size and complexity of your pipeline. However, this may not be optimal for your specific use case. By using the repartition() function, you can control the number of partitions and specify how your data should be distributed across the cluster. For example, you can use the following code to repartition your data into 100 partitions:

# Repartition the data into 100 partitions

4. Use the option() function to control the Spark configurations. Spark Structured Streaming relies on a wide range of internal configurations and settings to control its behavior and performance. By default, Spark will use a default set of configurations that are suitable for most use cases. However, you may need to adjust these settings to optimize your pipeline for specific scenarios. By using the option() function, you can control the Spark configurations and specify how your pipeline should be configured. For example, you can use the following code to adjust the number of shuffle partitions:

# Set the number of shuffle partitions to 100
df.writeStream.option('spark.sql.shuffle.partitions', 100).start()

5. Use the checkpointLocation() function to control the checkpointing behavior. Spark Structured Streaming uses checkpointing to save the state of your pipeline and recover from failures or restarts. By default, Spark will use a default checkpoint location that is suitable for most use cases. However, you may need to adjust this location to optimize your pipeline for specific scenarios. By using the checkpointLocation() function, you can control the checkpoint location and specify where your checkpoint data should be stored. For example, you can use the following code to set the checkpoint location to a specific directory:

# Set the checkpoint location to '/tmp/checkpoint'

And there you have it, folks! By following these 5 simple tips, you can optimize your Spark Structured Streaming pipelines and make them run faster and more efficiently. So don’t delay, start optimizing your pipelines today and impress your boss with your Spark wizardry!

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Paul Scalli
Towards Data Engineering

Writing about Technical Sales, Data Science, Cool Engineering Topics, and Life!