Understanding sync vs async methods in Fast API

Don’t get confused while writing your first Fast API application.

Aman Ranjan Verma
Towards Data Engineering


ARV Original Creation

Discover the power and benefits of FastAPI, a modern, high-performance web framework that’s revolutionising the world of API development. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the key aspects of FastAPI and why it’s becoming the go-to choice for many developers, outshining its alternatives, such as Flask and Django. We’ll also unravel the mysteries of synchronous (sync) and asynchronous (async) methods in FastAPI, providing insights on how they can impact the performance, efficiency, and developer productivity of your applications. Join us in this illuminating journey and learn how to make informed decisions while developing your first FastAPI application.

Table of contents

· Fast API and Its Significance
Fast API: A Modern High-Performance Web Framework
Top Reasons to Choose Fast API
Fast API vs Alternatives: A Comprehensive Comparison
· Understanding Sync and Async Methods in Fast API
· Basics of Sync and Async Methods in Python
Understanding Synchronous (Sync) Methods
Embracing Asynchronous (Async) Methods
Managing Task Execution using Asyncio
Sync Vs Async methods in Python w.r.t Fast API
· Guiding Principles for Choosing Sync vs Async
· Implementing Best



Aman Ranjan Verma
Towards Data Engineering

Senior Data engineer, QuillBot | Ex-Flipkart | Ex-Sigmoid. I publish weekly. Available for 1:1 at topmate.io/arverma