Why you should know the difference: Views vs. Materialized Views

Choosing the right database object for your use case is critical for performance and Usability

Kunal Mishra
Towards Data Engineering
3 min readAug 13, 2023


Photo by arpa sarian on Unsplash


In the realm of databases, two powerful tools often come into play when dealing with data querying and performance optimization: Views and Materialized Views. While both serve as tools to enhance data accessibility, they differ significantly in their purpose, behavior, and impact on query execution. In this article, we’ll delve deep into the world of Views and Materialized Views, understanding their characteristics, use cases, and real-world code examples.

The Basics: Views and Materialized Views


A lens into data abstraction. A View is a logical representation of data derived from one or more underlying tables. Think of it as a window through which you can observe specific columns or rows of data without directly accessing the base tables. Views are incredibly versatile and allow for data abstraction, security control, and simplification of complex queries.

Materialized Views

Performance through precomputation. Materialized Views, on the other hand, are physical storage structures that store the actual data of a query result. Unlike Views, Materialized Views require periodic refreshing to ensure they reflect the most recent data changes. The key advantage of Materialized Views lies in their ability to significantly improve query performance by precomputing and storing data, thereby reducing the need for complex joins and calculations during query execution.

Use Cases: When to Choose Views or Materialized Views


  1. Data Abstraction: Views are ideal for presenting a simplified version of data to specific user groups, concealing sensitive information.
  2. Complex Query Simplification: When dealing with intricate queries, views can break them down into more manageable components, enhancing code readability.
  3. Security Control: Views enable you to restrict access to specific columns or rows, enforcing security policies.

Materialized Views

  1. Query Performance Optimization: Materialized Views shine when dealing with heavy queries involving aggregations, joins, and calculations. They can significantly speed up query execution.
  2. Real-time Data Requirements: When queries demand real-time or near-real-time data access, Materialized Views can provide a performance boost by reducing query execution time.
  3. Offline Analysis: Materialized Views are beneficial for creating summary tables that support data analysis and reporting.

Real Code Examples: Views and Materialized Views in Action

Views Example

Suppose you have a retail database with tables for customers and orders. You can create a view that displays the names of customers who made purchases within the last month:

CREATE VIEW recent_customers AS
SELECT customer_name
FROM customers
JOIN orders ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id
WHERE orders.order_date >= DATEADD(MONTH, -1, GETDATE());

Materialised Views Example

Consider a scenario where you’re working with a large dataset of online transactions. To improve query performance for daily sales reports, you can create a materialized view that precomputes and stores daily sales totals:

SELECT DATE(transaction_date) AS sale_date, SUM(amount) AS total_sales
FROM transactions
GROUP BY sale_date;

Refreshing Materialized Views

Keep in mind that Materialized Views need to be refreshed to reflect changes in the underlying data. Depending on the database system you’re using, you may need to set up automatic refresh schedules or refresh them manually as needed.

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Tool

In the dynamic world of data management, Views and Materialized Views stand as essential tools with distinct roles. Views provide abstraction and data simplification, while Materialized Views optimize performance through precomputation. Understanding their differences and choosing the right tool for your specific use case can significantly impact your data querying efficiency and overall application performance. So, the next time you’re working with databases, consider the powerful capabilities that Views and Materialized Views bring to the table.

As you explore the world of Views and Materialized Views, you’ll uncover their ability to enhance data accessibility, simplify complex queries, and elevate the performance of your data-driven applications. Whether you’re striving for data abstraction or performance optimization, these tools offer a world of possibilities that can make a significant difference in your database journey.



Kunal Mishra
Towards Data Engineering

Data Engineer | Tech Enthusiast | Investment Aficionado | Serenading through Singing 🎤 | Mastering the Shuttlecock on Badminton Courts 🏸