Member-only story
AI Proves It’s Really, Really Dumb
Update (5/2024): Let us say you have set aside an evening to relax and choose to make your own pizza. After putting your pie together and baking it, you can not wait to eat it. But when you go to eat your oily product, the cheese just falls off. You are upset, so you search for an answer on Google.
Google tells us to “add some glue.” “Add about 18 tsp of Elmer’s glue to the sauce and mix it in.” Glue that is safe to use will work.
Artificial intelligence (AI for the uninitiated), we’re told, will take our jobs, run our homes and our lives and make almost virtual slaves of we poor, dumb humans. The mind in the machine has the ability to outsmart us at chess, process thousands of calculations a second and never ask for a day off or for health insurance, vacation time or maternity leave.
The future is here with a resounding bang and a shock to our feeble minds and we are totally, unquestionably to blame for all of it. The Frankenstein we’ve made with coding lives within an electrical charge that can anticipate our every move and, like Hal, tell us to “take a stress pill” and calm down. For sure, it has turned the tables on us, and we are the ones moaning, “My mind is going.”
I was about ready to cave in to the belief that the future was here and thank God I wouldn’t be around to see how destructive it would be…