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Animations of Multiple Linear Regression with Python
In this article, we aim to expand our capabilities in visualizing gradient descent to Multiple Linear Regression. This is the follow-up article to “Gradient Descent Animation: 1. Simple linear regression”. Just as we did before, our goal is to set up a model, fit the model to our training data using batch gradient descent while storing the parameter values for each epoch. Afterwards, we can use our stored data to create animations with Python’s celluloid module.
This is the revised version of an article about the same topic I uploaded on July 20th. Key improvements include the cover photo and some of the animations.
Setting up the model
Multiple linear regression is an extended version of simple linear regression in which more than one predictor variable X is used to predict a single dependent variable Y. With n predictor variables, this can be mathematically expressed as
and b representing the y-intercept (‘bias’) of our regression plane. Our objective is to find the hyperplane which minimizes the mean squared distance between the training data points and that hyperplane. Gradient descent enables us to determine the optimal values for our model parameters θ, consisting of our weights w and our bias term b, to minimize the mean squared error between observed data points y and data points we predicted with our regression model (ŷ). During training, we aim to update our parameter values according to the…