Hyper-parameters in Action! Part I — Activation Functions
This is the first of a series of posts aiming at presenting visually, in a clear and concise way, some of the fundamental moving parts of training a neural network: the hyper-parameters.
Deep Learning is all about hyper-parameters! Maybe this is an exaggeration, but having a sound understanding of the effects of different hyper-parameters on training a deep neural network is definitely going to make your life easier.
While studying Deep Learning, you’re likely to find lots of information on the importance of properly setting the network’s hyper-parameters: activation functions, weight initializer, optimizer, learning rate, mini-batch size, and the network architecture itself, like the number of hidden layers and the number of units in each layer.
So, you learn all the best practices, you set up your network, define the hyper-parameters (or just use its default values), start training and monitor the progress of your model’s losses and metrics.
Perhaps the experiment doesn’t go so well as you’d expect, so you iterate over it, tweaking the network, until you find out the set of values that will do the trick for your particular problem.
Looking for a deeper understanding (no pun intended!)
Have you ever wondered what exactly is going on under the hood? I did, and it turns out that some simple experiments may shed quite some light on this matter.
Take activation functions, for instance, the topic of this post. You and I know that the role of activation functions is to introduce a non-linearity, otherwise the whole neural network could be simply replaced by a corresponding affine transformation (that is, a linear transformation, such as rotating, scaling or skewing, followed by a translation), no matter how deep the network is.
A neural network having only linear activations (that is, no activation!) would have a hard time handling even a quite simple classification problem like this (each line has 1,000 points, generated for x values equally spaced between -1.0 and 1.0):
If the only thing a network can do is to perform an affine transformation, this is likely what it would be able to come up with as a solution:
Clearly, this is not even close! Some examples of much better solutions are:
These are three fine examples of what non-linear activation functions bring to the table! Can you guess which one of the images corresponds to a ReLU?
Non-linear boundaries (or are they?)
How does these non-linear boundaries come to be? Well, the actual role of the non-linearity is to twist and turn the feature space so much so that the boundary turns out to be… LINEAR!
OK, things are getting more interesting now (at least, I thought so first time I laid my eyes on it in this awesome Chris Olah’s blog post, from which I drew my inspiration to write this). So, let’s investigate it further!
Next step is to build the simplest possible neural network to tackle this particular classification problem. There are two dimensions in our feature space (x1 and x2), and the network has a single hidden layer with two units, so we preserve the number of dimensions when it comes to the outputs of the hidden layer (z1 and z2).
Up to this point, we are still on the realm of affine transformations… so, it is time for a non-linear activation function, represented by the Greek letter sigma, resulting in the activation values (a1 and a2) for the hidden layer.
These activation values represented the twisted and turned feature space I referred to in the first paragraph of this section. This is a preview of what it looks like, when using a sigmoid as activation function:
As promised, the boundary is LINEAR! By the way, the plot above corresponds to the left-most solution with a non-linear boundary on the original feature space (Figure 3).
Neural network’s basic math recap
Just to make sure you and I are on the same page, I am showing you below four representations of the very basic matrix arithmetic performed by the neural network up to the hidden layer, BEFORE applying the activation function (that is, just an affine transformation such as xW + b)
Time to apply the activation function, represented by the Greek letter sigma on the network diagram.
Voilà! We went from the inputs to the activation values of the hidden layer!
Implementing the network in Keras
For the implementation of this simple network, I used Keras Sequential model API. Apart from distinct activation functions, every model trained used the very same hyper-parameters:
- weight initializers: Glorot (Xavier) normal (hidden layer) and random normal (output layer);
- optimizer: Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD);
- learning rate: 0.05;
- mini-batch size: 16;
- number of hidden layers: 1;
- number of units (in the hidden layer): 2.
Given that this is a binary classification task, the output layer has a single unit with a sigmoid activation function and the loss is given by binary cross-entropy.
Activation functions in action!
Now, for the juicy part — visualizing the twisted and turned feature space as the network trains, using a different activation function each time: sigmoid, tanh and ReLU.
In addition to showing changes in the feature space, the animations also contain:
- histograms of predicted probabilities for both negative (blue line) and positive cases (green line), with misclassified cases shown in red bars (using threshold = 0.5);
- line plots of accuracy and average loss;
- histogram of losses for every element in the dataset.
Let’s start with the most traditional of the activation functions, the sigmoid, even though, nowadays, its usage is pretty much limited to the output layer in classification tasks.
As you can see in Figure 6, a sigmoid activation function “squashes” the inputs values into the range (0, 1) (same range probabilities can take, the reason why it is used in the output layer for classification tasks). Also, remember that the activation values of any given layer are the inputs of the following layer and, given the range for the sigmoid, the activation values are going to be centered around 0.5, instead of zero (as it usually is the case for normalized inputs).
It is also possible to verify that its gradient peak value is 0.25 (for z = 0) and that it gets already close to zero as |z| reaches a value of 5.
So, how does using a sigmoid activation function work for this simple network? Let’s take a look at the animation:
There are a couple of observations to be made:
- epochs 15–40: it is noticeable the typical sigmoid “ squashing” happening on the horizontal axis;
- epochs 40–65: the loss stays at a plateau, and there is a “widening” of the transformed feature space on the vertical axis;
- epoch 65: at this point, negative cases (blue line) are all correctly classified, even though its associated probabilities still are distributed up to 0.5; while the positive cases on the edges are still misclassified;
- epochs 65–100: the aforementioned “widening” becomes more and more intense, up to the point pretty much all feature space is covered again, while the loss falls steadily;
- epoch 103: thanks to the “widening”, all positive cases are now lying within the proper boundary, although some still have probabilities barely above the 0.5 threshold;
- epoch 100–150: there is now some “squashing” happening on the vertical axis as well, the loss falls a bit more to what seems to be a new plateau and, except for a few of the positive edge cases, the network is pretty confident on its predictions.
So, the sigmoid activation function succeeds in separating both lines, but the loss declines slowly, while staying at plateaus for a significant portion of the training time.
Can we do better with a different activation function?
The tanh activation function was the evolution of the sigmoid, as it outputs values with a zero mean, differently from its predecessor.
As you can see in Figure 7, the tanh activation function “squashes” the input values into the range (-1, 1). Therefore, being centered at zero, the activation values are already (somewhat) normalized inputs for the next layer.
Regarding the gradient, it has a much bigger peak value of 1.0 (again, for z = 0), but its decrease is even faster, approaching zero to values of |z| as low as 3. This is the underlying cause to what is referred to as the problem of vanishing gradients, which causes the training of the network to be progressively slower.
Now, for the corresponding animation, using tanh as activation function:
There are a couple of observations to be made:
- epochs 10–40: there is a tanh “ squashing” happening on the horizontal axis, though it less pronounced, while the loss stays at a plateau;
- epochs 40–55: there is still no improvement in the loss, but there is a “widening” of the transformed feature space on the vertical axis;
- epoch 55: at this point, negative cases (blue line) are all correctly classified, even though its associated probabilities still are distributed up to 0.5; while the positive cases on the edges are still misclassified;
- epochs 55–65: the aforementioned “widening” quickly reaches the point where pretty much all feature space is covered again, while the loss falls abruptly;
- epoch 69: thanks to the “widening”, all positive cases are now lying within the proper boundary, although some still have probabilities barely above the 0.5 threshold;
- epochs 65–90: there is now some “squashing” happening on the vertical axis as well, the loss keeps falling until reaching a new plateau and the network exhibits a high level of confidence for all predictions;
- epochs 90–150: only small improvements in the predicted probabilities happen at this point.
OK, it seems a bit better… the tanh activation function reached a correct classification for all cases faster, with the loss also declining faster (when declining, that is), but it also spends a lot of time in plateaus.
What if we get rid of all the “squashing”?
Rectified Linear Units, or ReLUs for short, are the commonplace choice of activation function these days. A ReLU addresses the problem of vanishing gradients so common in its two predecessors, while also being the fastest to compute gradients for.
As you can see in Figure 8, the ReLU is a totally different beast: it does not “squash” the values into a range — it simply preserves positive values and turns all negative values into zero.
The upside of using a ReLU is that its gradient is either 1 (for positive values) or 0 (for negative values) — no more vanishing gradients! This pattern leads to a faster convergence of the network.
On the other hand, this behavior can lead to what it is called a “dead neuron”, that is, a neuron whose inputs are consistently negative and, therefore, always has an activation value of zero.
Time for the last of the animations, which is quite different from the previous two, thanks to the absence of “squashing” in the ReLU activation function:
There are a couple of observations to be made:
- epochs 0–10: the loss falls steadily from the very beginning
- epoch 10: at this point, negative cases (blue line) are all correctly classified, even though its associated probabilities still are distributed up to 0.5; while the positive cases on the edges are still misclassified;
- epochs 10–60: loss falls until reaching a plateau, all cases are already correctly classified since epoch 52, and the network already exhibits a high level of confidence for all predictions;
- epochs 60–150: only small improvements in the predicted probabilities happen at this point.
Well, no wonder the ReLUs are the de facto standard for activation functions nowadays. The loss kept falling steadily from the beginning and only plateaued at a level close to zero, reaching correct classification for all cases in about 75% the time it took tanh to do it.
The animations are cool (ok, I am biased, I made them!), but not very handy to compare the overall effect of each and every different activation function on the feature space. So, to make it easier for you to compare them, there they are, side by side:
What about side-by-side accuracy and loss curves, so I can also compare the training speeds? Sure, here we go:
Final Thoughts
The example I used to illustrate this post is almost as simple as it could possibly be, and the patterns depicted in the animations are intended to give you just a general idea of the underlying mechanics of each one of the activation functions.
Besides, I got “lucky” with my initialization of the weights (maybe using 42 as seed is a good omen?!) and all three networks learned to classify correctly all the cases within 150 epochs of training. It turns out, training is VERY sensitive to the initialization, but this is a topic for a future post.
Nonetheless, I truly hope this post and its animations can give you some insights and maybe even some “a-ha!” moments while learning about this fascinating topic that is Deep Learning.
Update (May 10th 2018)
Now you can reproduce the plots and animations yourself :-) I’ve released a package — DeepReplay — check it out on GitHub and its corresponding post.
Thanks to Jakukyo Friel, you can also check the Chinese version of this post.
Fixed typo on Figure 10: middle figure reads tanh, instead of sigmoid.
If you have any thoughts, comments or questions, please leave a comment below or contact me on Twitter.