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Introduction to Hierarchical Clustering
Uncovering Structure in State-level Demographic Data in R
Clustering tries to find structure in data by creating groupings of data with similar characteristics. The most famous clustering algorithm is likely K-means, but there are a large number of ways to cluster observations. Hierarchical clustering is an alternative class of clustering algorithms that produce 1 to n clusters, where n is the number of observations in the data set. As you go down the hierarchy from 1 cluster (contains all the data) to n clusters (each observation is its own cluster), the clusters become more and more similar (almost always). There are two types of hierarchical clustering: divisive (top-down) and agglomerative (bottom-up).
Divisive hierarchical clustering works by starting with 1 cluster containing the entire data set. The observation with the highest average dissimilarity (farthest from the cluster by some metric) is reassigned to its own cluster. Any observations in the old cluster closer to the new cluster are assigned to the new cluster. This process repeats with the largest cluster until each observation is its own cluster.
Agglomerative clustering starts with each observation as its own cluster. The two closest clusters are joined into one cluster. The next closest clusters are grouped together and this process continues until there is only one cluster containing the entire data…