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Passing DA-100 Microsoft Exam — My Experience
Planning to take DA-100 and become Microsoft Certified Data Analyst? Read my experience on how to successfully complete the exam
Since I’ve announced yesterday evening that I’ve successfully completed the DA-100 exam Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI, I’ve received tons of messages on LinkedIn and Twitter about the preparation for the exam, exam itself, which topics are most important, etc.
Therefore, I’ve decided to share my whole experience in one article, which I hope can help others who are preparing to become certified as Data Analysts. I sincerely hope that I won’t break any NDA with this text, so if you expect to see some questions, answers, descriptions, etc. please stop reading, because I won’t share that here or anywhere else…
What is DA-100?
Beginning this year (or maybe even at the end of the previous one), Microsoft announced that they will be changing certification strategy. Instead of being certified for specific tools (like, for example, SQL Server, Power BI, etc.), certifications are now based on specific ROLES (like Data Analyst, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, Developer, and so forth).