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Data Science
Top 10 Popular GitHub Repositories to learn about Data Science.
Here are some of the best resources on GitHub for Data Science.
GitHub is a platform where programmers from all parts of the world share their code. It’s a place for collaboration, learning, skill-building and so much more. But GitHub is more than just a place to share code, its also a place to share resources.
Data Science in Github
Since its creation, GitHub has been known to be the dwelling place for software engineers. But as data grew exponentially and languages such as Python and JavaScript became popular, GitHub has become a place for the massive community of data science enthusiasts and professionals.
With that, there was been an outburst of repositories with topics such as “machine learning”, “natural language processing”, “computer vision” and most prominently, the python library “Scikit-learn” and “TensorFlow” which are the two popular Python tools for Data Science. This rise of Data Science in GitHub gave birth to the many free resources available on it, helping thousands of data enthusiasts learn about Data Science.