Chapter 1: Understanding Deep Learning in a Comic way.

Sumit Pandey
Towards Deep Learning
2 min readNov 3, 2023


Do you know how Deep Learning works ? By the way deep learning is the core technology of almost every AI model nowadays you see around, the most famous example is Chatgpt. Ok now lets start with a story of Parth in a comic way:

image 1: Parth goes to school to learn a new skill.
image 2: That very day, he sits for a test to gauge the skill he aims to master. [image by author from dall-e]
image 3: The Teaching Assistant (TA) reviews the test. [image by author from dall-e]
image 4: Unfortunately, Parth fails miserably, scoring the lowest possible marks. [image by author from dall-e]
image 4: He seeks guidance from his teacher and learns from him. [image by author from dall-e]

Basically, the same steps (image 2–5) happens over and over with a deep learning model, and each time it happens, it’s called an ‘Epoch’. So after the first Epoch, it’s like taking a test and repeating everything from the start, again and again, until it succeeds.



Sumit Pandey
Towards Deep Learning

Phd Fellow (Deep Learning) at University of Copenhagen