AI meets Video Marketing

Anne Spulber
Towards Entrepreneurship
4 min readJul 21, 2020

How to deliver marketing campaigns on a tight budget?

Everyone loves videos: search engines love posting videos, SEO algorithms give you a better ranking if you have a video on your website and YouTube is one of the largest search engines after Google and it can give you access to a large audience instantly.

Video ads are engaging like no other media! With platforms such as YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, WeChat, Tik Tok, videos became a popular activity in our day-to-day life.

“Video on landing pages is capable of increasing conversion rates by over 80%, and the mere mention of the word “video” in your email subject line increases open rates by 19%. 90% of customers also say videos help them make buying decisions.” (Alicia Collins and Megan Conley, 2020)

Finding the right video marketing strategy that drives the highest conversions requires time and planning: market segmentation, establishing the goal of the videos, choosing the right media channels or platform to deploy these, timeframe, budget, professional skills, script and KPIs.

The good news is that AI (artificial intelligence) is here to help. With the help of data and ML (machine learning ) algorithms video marketing campaigns can now be automated and generated in just a couple of clicks.

How can you use the data?

Find the right target market!

For B2C models, behavioural data such as click-streams, event and search data from e-commerce websites or apps can unlock innovative use cases. This data can be overlayed on the different geographic, demographic and psychographic attributes of your customers to predict their behaviour in relation to these attributes. For B2B models one can apply the same principle but use instead attributes such as industry, location, size, status or structure, and performance (firmographics that have an impact on behaviour) that are more relevant and can be extracted from the targeted businesses behavioural data with ML algorithms in order to offer unique insights.

In addition to the firmographics (industry, size, location, etc) other factors can be taken into consideration for B2B marketing segmentation: operation variables, purchasing approaches of the companies, situational factors and personal characteristic.

This data can be used to create bespoke video ads suited to audience and the segmentation and findings resulted from the data processing described above. You can use ML algorithms. to automate and generate your videos!

In addition to segmentation, ML algorithms can also automatically recommend the right type of videos based on your marketing campaign goal, target audience and KPI set goals: Crowdsource videos from customers who love your product, Product reviews, Webinars, Interviews, Events, Culture videos, Vlogs (Video Blogs) to create brand awareness, Personality profiles, Demonstrations, Instructional videos, Slideshow presentations, Testimonials, Public Service Announcements, Short Instagram or Vine videos, Animation, Talk shows, Game shows, Serialized fiction.

ML can automate a creative process!

With machine learning algorithms one can forget about the professional knowledge required to create video ads. The video script and the visual effects as well as the text copywriting and music can automatically be assigned with the aid of ML and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) technology. The multimedia knowledge can now be accessible to anyone in just a few clicks. Additionally, with ML one can create multiple variations of the same videos, suitable for any social media ratios, without any human input. Video variability can also be obtained with ML algorithms, thus creating more engaging content and avoiding repeatability. Self-adaptation stories can recreate the same videos to better assess any segment market of your audience.

ML to automate video marketing campaigns!

Managing the video marketing content can be time-consuming especially when trying to deploy the multiple videos on all the social media platforms, for the right audience, at the right time and in the same time extract the relevant data. The good news is that all of this can now be automated with ML algorithms. Social media calendars can be automatically generated from the data and integrated with video marketing platforms to better serve the companies in their marketing aims.

Is your company ready to embrace Video Marketing?

Video marketing brings versatility and engaging content and it is easy to share on the different media channels. It is one of the easiest ways to communicate a message for everyone. It is entertaining and universal and very important, has huge ROI potential through the different many media channels.

But it is not for everyone! Know your audience right, use data to create precise marketing content and campaigns and reach the right segment. Automation is here for you to regularly bring new engaging content to your audience and respond to their individual needs.

If this sounds right for your company you might want to look further and who knows, you could be the next Viral Video Marketing superstar!

