UCL Entrepreneurs - VC Fund 2018

Bartu Kaleagasi
Towards Entrepreneurship
2 min readMar 13, 2018

3 years ago, I joined UCL Entrepreneurs and managed our VC Fund, which offers non-equity seed capital to student startups at UCL.

This year, I was invited to attend as a judge for the final round - it was a pleasure to be back! Well done to this year’s team Sihan Huang, George Imafidon, Wing Vasiksiri, Eduardo Battistini, Andrei Margeloiu for putting this together, the startups were excellent quality.

I would also like to congratulate the winners Sunrice (now Rice Inc.), Visual Cognition, and SmartLingual, as well as other finalists Seedlink, eTEU, and Clinch for delivering great pitches.

As UCL Entrepreneurs continues to grow, it has rapidly become one of the best societies in Europe, if not the world. Not only thanks to the Fund, but also by hosting an impressive range of talks inc. Tesla, DeepMind, Boston Dynamics, Microsoft, Paypal, Blockchain, and more.

It has been exciting to follow this immense improvement from when I first joined in 2014 - and I guess that’s what entrepreneurship is all about!

Website: www.ucle.co/vc-fund

