English Is The New Coding Language : Case Studies Of Gen AI Tools Built With Zero Code.

Alden Do Rosario
Towards Generative AI
6 min readJan 3, 2024

Imagine, if you will, a world where the intricate syntax of programming languages like Python or Java is replaced by the language we use to order coffee, discuss the weather, or share a joke.

This isn’t a far-off fantasy; it’s the dawn of a new era where English is becoming the new coding language.

English Is The New Coding Language : Case Studies Of Gen AI Tools Built With Zero Code.
English Is The New Coding Language : Case Studies Of Gen AI Tools Built With Zero Code. (Image Credit: Created with Canva)

In a bustling café in the heart of Madrid, Spain, a young entrepreneur, Leon Niederberger, sketches out his next big idea on a napkin — not with lines of code, but with plain English sentences.

He’s crafting prompts for a generative AI tool that can understand and execute his commands without a single line of traditional code.

This is the zero-code revolution, where the barrier to creating powerful AI-driven applications is not the ability to write complex code, but the creativity to converse with machines. It’s a shift that’s democratizing technology creation, empowering a diverse range of thinkers, dreamers, and doers to bring their visions to life.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how English is becoming the lingua franca of the AI world, and how you can leverage this shift to build generative AI tools with zero coding experience.

The Evolution of Coding

Once upon a time, the realm of coding was a labyrinth of complex syntax and perplexing paradigms, accessible only to those who dedicated years to mastering its intricacies.

But now we are in the “Generative Era” — one where English, the very language of our daily musings, emerges as the sorcerer’s stone in the world of programming.

I’ve witnessed this transformation firsthand, a metamorphosis that’s as thrilling as it is revolutionary.


This isn’t a mere fantasy; it’s the reality we’re stepping into, where generative AI tools understand our intentions through the simplicity of our speech.

This seismic shift is not just about making coding more accessible; it’s about unleashing a torrent of creativity. It’s a world where the barrier to entry crumbles, and the power to create and innovate is democratized. The implications are profound, as diverse minds from all walks of life can now contribute to the tapestry of technology without the need for a translator.

As we embark on this journey through the evolution of coding, let’s marvel at how far we’ve come and the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.

Building AI with English

Once upon a time in the tech world, the thought of conversing with machines in plain English was as fanciful as a unicorn sighting.

But here we are, witnessing a paradigm shift where English isn’t just for communication — it’s for creation. The emergence of generative AI tools like ChatGPT’s GPT Builder has ushered in an era where coding is no longer just for the tech elite.

Now, anyone with a command of English can build complex AI systems.

This isn’t just about simplifying the process; it’s about tearing down walls and opening up a universe of possibilities to a broader audience.

With English as the new coding language, we’re democratizing the power to build AI, making it accessible to dreamers, storytellers, and visionaries — regardless of their coding prowess.

We’re not just typing instructions; we’re engaging in a dialogue with technology, teaching it to understand our needs, our quirks, and our human essence.

This is the dawn of a new age in AI development, where the language of Shakespeare becomes the language of artificial intelligence.

Let’s take a look at some case studies — all built with no-code tools and plain English.

Case Studies


Matt Belanger needed a way to implement his concept — without going down the path of hiring developers or writing expensive code.

No cryptic code, no baffling brackets, just plain storytelling. This is the tale of i4ANeYe, a visionary company that harnessed the power of generative AI to build a tool to showcase to investors.

Case Study: i4ANeYe
Case Study: i4ANeYe — Startup build AI model with no code and gets major partnership from tech giant. (Image Credit: Created with Canva)

Imagine sitting down, articulating your dream app in a simple document, and watching it come to life before your eyes. That’s the magic of how i4ANeYe was able to go from idea to implementation — without writing a single line of code.

Their flagship product, built using a zero-code platform, transformed ideas into reality with a few keystrokes.

i4ANeYe’s Results

By leveraging the “custom instructions” feature, Matt Belanger, the founder, and i4ANeYe rapidly and effectively developed a chatbot prototype that went beyond basic functionality to truly resonate with users.

The investor interest was immediate and significant, aided by i4ANeYe’s ability to put out a time- and cost-effective AI model. The accurate, context-specific responses, not only highlighted the prototype’s immediate capabilities but also illuminated its immense potential for practical, real-world applications.

The result? At the time of this writing, i4ANeYe is on the brink of securing a substantial funding deal.

In a competitive startup environment, where capturing investor interest and securing funding is a formidable challenge, the ability to swiftly transform a concept into an impressive and tangible prototype is invaluable.

Elizabeth Planet

Dive into the story of Elizabeth Planet, a leadership coach with a legal eagle’s eye and a heart set on nonprofit success. With a trove of resources at her fingertips, Elizabeth faced a modern-day conundrum: how to make her wisdom both accessible and engaging without overwhelming her audience.

Enter the scene: a no-code AI platform, the hero in our tale.

Elizabeth’s journey began with a simple desire to share her knowledge. She envisioned a tool where queries would be met with precise, tailored responses, all without the user having to wade through a sea of documents.

The solution? A public-facing, free-to-use AI chatbot, affectionately dubbed “NonprofitAMA.”

NonprofitAMA — Non-Profit Coach Elizabeth Planet builds AI with no-code.
NonprofitAMA — Non-Profit Coach Elizabeth Planet builds AI with no-code. (Image Credit: Created with Canva)

Elizabeth’s AI creation didn’t just regurgitate information; it provided a conversational experience, replete with accurate, citation-backed answers. It was as if each user had a personal consultant at their beck and call, ready to dispense nuggets of nonprofit wisdom at a moment’s notice.

This case study isn’t just about a successful project; it’s a testament to the power of human-centric AI, a beacon for those looking to harness technology for greater impact.

Elizabeth’s Results

When everything was said and done, Elizabeth had created a user-friendly, public-facing, and free-to-use tool, specifically tailored to the nonprofit sector. Deemed “NonprofitAMA”, her tool allows users to interact with a vast array of nonprofit resources and information.

It consistently provides accurate, reliable responses along with citations to its many sources. Building an AI chatbot has allowed her to share poignant educational resources, thus empowering those in the nonprofit sector with constant and instant access to reliable information.

AI Ace

AI Ace, an education startup based in Madrid, Spain, built by Leon Niederberger , successfully used no-code to create a highly effective AI-powered tutor.

Leon Niederberger builds startup MVP with no-code and just English instructions — gains funding.
Leon Niederberger builds startup MVP with no-code and just English instructions — gains funding. (Image Credit: Created with Canva)

The case study highlights how AI Ace:

  • Trained the AI on Textbook Content: Intensively training the AI on academic materials enabled AI Ace to provide precise, relevant educational support.
  • Developed a Student-Friendly Tutor Persona: This approach made the AI more accessible and engaging for students. And was done in plain English.
  • Achieved Remarkable Results: AI Ace surpassed the capabilities of existing AI chatbots in accuracy and helpfulness. It won the Best Undergraduate Start-Up award at IE University and secured a valuation of $1.2 million.

This case exemplifies the power of leveraging AI in education using no-code tools, demonstrating how complex technology can be utilized through simple, plain English commands.


Picture this: a world where the barrier to technology is not a line of code, but a simple conversation in English.

It’s not a distant dream but a rapidly unfolding reality.

The idea that English is becoming the new coding language is as surprising as it is transformative, and it’s reshaping the landscape of innovation before our very eyes.



Alden Do Rosario
Towards Generative AI

CEO @ CustomGPT - https://customgpt.ai - "Top 10 Emerging Leaders in Generative AI", GAI Insights