Defend for our Planet! — Get an exclusive “Healing Spring” Game Card in Crazy Defense Heroes!

Animoca Brands
Tower Ecosystem
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2024

Defenders, Crazy Defense Heroes is collaborating with PlanetPlay to support and influence climate-positive change with gaming.

PlanetPlay is a disruptive not-for-profit organization that brings the games industry and its player community together in the fight against climate change. Games are a unique platform to inspire, educate, and mobilize players to support the climate and ancillary causes.

Crazy Defense Heroes is a free-to-play, play-to-earn tower defense mobile game with millions of downloads. Players can develop their defensive strategy using a wide arsenal of towers, spells, heroes, and equipment cards.

“Through the captivating world of Crazy Defense Heroes, we aim to inspire, educate, and unite gamers worldwide to fight climate change. Together with PlanetPlay, we’ll use the power of gaming to create a better future for our planet.”Paddy Markham, Director of Gaming of Animoca Brands

In supporting PlanetPlay’s MGTM movement, a new CDH game card, the “Healing Spring” will be exclusively available in-game Green Offers from 2 July 2024 to 8 August 2024.

Packages could be purchased from:

  1. Crazy Defense Heroes mobile game in-game store
  2. TOWER Store — Purchase with Polygon TOWER Token

The “Healing Spring”

A new game card the “Healing Spring” Spell card is exclusively available in the packages of Green Offers. May this healing power caress their beings, soothing their sorrows and renewing their strength.

Healing Spring — A magical soothing shrine that heals nearby Heroes.

Packages in the Green Offer

There will be 3 packages in the green offer (available from 2 July 2024 to 8 August 2024), with the exclusive game cards and materials required to upgrade your card.

When you purchase any of these offers, a portion of the proceeds will help fund PlanetPlay’s pool of green projects

Green Offer 1 — US$4.99

  • Rare “Healing Spring” *1
  • Epic Rabbitfoot*1
  • Legendary Clay*100

“Green Offer 2 — US$29.99

  • Epic “Healing Spring” *1
  • 4000 Gems
  • 300 Legendary Iron

“Green Offer 3 — US$69.99

  • Legendary “Healing Spring” *1
  • 2,000,000 Gold

Apart from the packages, there’ll also be a dedicated community engagement campaign, see you very soon!

TOWER Ecosystem Social Channel

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Ecosystem Game Channel

Crazy Defense Heroes | Crazy Kings | Chaos Kingdom

