Welcome to Chaos Kingdom — The Latest Game in the TOWER Ecosystem

Animoca Brands
Tower Ecosystem
Published in
8 min readSep 29, 2023

Update 24.11.2023:

Chaos Kingdoms is currently playable right now at www.chaos-kingdom.com. You can start playing today and earn Resources directly in your desktop web browser.

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At the centre of all worlds, exists the Tower. Intertwined with the abstract known as the Fracture.

The Fracture is the gate connecting every and all existences running infinitely in parallel. All pasts, futures and presents.

Through the Fracture, the Tower influences, forever present across incalculable worlds.

Where the Tower is tangible, and beacon on a landscape, brave, or perhaps foolhardy venture to explore its mysterious presence. Adventurers inspired by their culture’s myths.

One such world finds its connection with the Tower unstable. This world born close to pandemonic energies of the infinite and the everything.

In this world, the Tower distorts, destabilises. This frenetic existence is all the people of this world have lived. This is life, with all of its inconsistencies, idiosyncrasies, disturbances, and its chaos.

This is Chaos Kingdom.

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What is Chaos Kingdom:

Chaos Kingdom utilises a lot (from a design perspective) of the base of Crazy Defense Heroes — cards, gameplay, and stages. It will all be very familiar to seasoned players. With familiar stages, card types, heroes, and play flow within the stage itself.

The differences come in the format, and Chaos Kingdom’s approach to tokenization: game assets which exist on a blockchain (Polygon in this case).

For those familiar with Crazy Defense Heroes, as mentioned, the core play experience will be very familiar: you take a selection of cards into a stage, and defend against waves of enemies, with your stage clearance resulting in rewards which can be used to upgrade your cards.

For those new to the ecosystem, you won’t need to wait too long to experience the game firsthand. With the launch coming next week.

What is Different:

Although the base of Crazy Defense Heroes is used, there are several differences that change the experience dramatically. Not only where you can access and play the game, but also how the game flow works, and where tokenization (assets being converted into NFTs or fungible tokens) will be applied. We’ll cover these major changes below:

1. Stage Select

Unlike the linear progression of Crazy Defense Heroes, the playable stages available in Chaos Kingdom can be played in any order. All released stages are available from the outset, meaning that players can select to play any stage they wish and in any order.

But the stages are not scaled. This means that the stages in Chaos Kingdom have the same difficulty as they would have if encountered in Crazy Defense Heroes. So the order that you choose to play stages does not impact the difficulty of the stages.

As guidance , the first batch of stages released will be marked as Beginner, Moderate, Expert, and Crazy. With Beginner levels being taken from the first stages available from the original game, therefore offering an easier challenge.

Beyond the initial release, this structure is likely to change. Especially as we have major features planned that focus on stages. But we’ll share more on this later.

2. Card Select

Before card ownership is released, players will be able to choose any cards to play the game. The only caveat being that they cannot choose from the entire game’s inventory. Instead, when choosing a stage, the player will be provided with 2 fixed cards, and the option to select from 6 more random cards to complete their deck.

All of the cards in this release are either 1 Star or 2 Star cards, which have not been upgraded. This system will change dramatically when tokenised cards are introduced, along with upgrade systems for the cards.

It should be noted that these are not the same as the existing TOWER Battle Cards which are available on various NFT marketplaces (such as OpenSea).

3. Rewards and Resources

After finishing a stage, players will receive resources not dissimilar to what they may see in Crazy Defense Heroes. The resources rewarded are fixed for each stage, and earned upon a successful completion.

If the player fails the stage, rewards can still be earned, but at a much lower rate. For example, if completing the stage nets 100% of the rewards, failing the stage may only net 4% of the rewards, with any Upgrade Materials, Rare, Epic or Legendary materials excluded. And some stages won’t reward anything on failure.

If players wish to replay stages which they have already cleared to earn more resources, they can, but the reward rate is also lower than the first clearance. Each successful completion of a previously completed level, will earn 15% of the first clearance reward, excluding any Upgrade Materials.

How does it connect to TOWER

It is part of the TOWER Ecosystem, and utilises the base game of the Crazy Defense Heroes. But upon launch, its features and progress are wholly independent of Crazy Defense Heroes, and also Crazy Kings. There is no game connection, no links to in-game currencies, Hero Points, or existing cards and profiles.

The first connection to the existing ecosystem will come with TOWER token utility, with the coming resource claim and card upgrade features.

What do I need to play

The game is only playable via desktop browser. So you will need a desktop or laptop (Mac or Windows), with a version of Chrome, Brave or Firefox web browser installed. That is it!

There is no NFT gating or fee required to be able to play the game itself during this release. But you will need a MetaMask wallet.

What Next?

There are two main updates in the pipeline with both relating to the tokenisation of the assets that are used for play and reward.

Resources Claim

All of the rewarded resources used to upgrade cards, are going to be converted to fungible assets (ERC-1155 on Polygon, and tradable on OpenSea, and more). So any Wood, Iron, Amber, etc…, that you are rewarded from playing Stages, will be claimable as resource tokens.

To claim the resources, players will be responsible for the claim fee. The fee is in TOWER, and is scaled to the amount of resources being claimed. There will also be a gas fee for the transaction on Polygon.

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In spite of the unpredictable nature of the world, there remains one unusual constant: the presence of the moon. What feels almost like defiance, the moon will fulfil its cycles, undisturbed by the chaos.

Perhaps this celestial body is indeed celestial. In that it resides in a realm of godhood, and governed by the heavens, beyond the threads of reality and time.

But its consistency is truly a gift to the merchants and farmers of the world. One, ever present counter which all can reference as truth.

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Every two weeks, when the moon is full, all of the resources earned by a player up to that point will be available to claim.

This feature won’t be live on release. And we will share the release date for this in the coming weeks.

Card System:

Cards will start as unownable, off-chain assets. But with the card system update, players will need to mint cards to play the game, and these same cards can be upgraded with the resources that they have been earning and claiming.

Card upgrades can happen at any time as long as the player has all of the required resources to make the upgrade (unclaimed resources cannot be used to upgrade cards).

The mechanics of card minting will be shared closer to the launch of this feature.

So Let’s Summarise:

  • Chaos Kingdom is a new release in the Tower Ecosystem, utilising the Crazy Defense Heroes game and content base
  • It is playable on desktop browsers only
  • You will need a MetaMask wallet to play, but there will be no fee to play
  • Resources you win for clearing stages will be claimable later as ERC-1155 fungible assets, and used for upgrading cards
  • There is no connection to in-game Crazy Defense Heroes or Crazy Kings, or existing Hero Points, or Tower Battle Cards (yet)
  • This is an alpha release

What is an Alpha Release?

To manage expectations, we’ll explain a little about what to expect from an alpha release of a video game. But the main point to take note of is: you’re coming in early.


Early in the release of a game, you can expect to see changes across the board. From small balancing changes, such as resources, and damage numbers, to larger feature or functionality changes which can dramatically change how players interact and experience the game.


As the game is early and incomplete, bugs are likely to be present which can impact functionality, and sometimes, even the enjoyment of the experience. But we will look to release versions of the game publicly during the alpha period which are always playable, and would be mostly absent of any serious issues.


Now is the time to provide feedback, when so many parts of the game are still subject to update, balance and change. This doesn’t mean that all of your feedback will make it into the game, or be taken onboard, as we do have a vision for what we want to build. But we do want to hear your thoughts and ideas, as we may also agree with what we hear.

Ready, adventurer?

Questions? Reach out to us!

If you have any questions regarding the TOWER Ecosystem, feel free to contact us via any social channel!

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