7 Tips on How to Create Effective Facebook Events

Manas Kasliwal
Published in
7 min readApr 3, 2019

How to create effective Facebook events? Facebook today is being used by over 2.3 billion people and it the second most popular social media platform after Whatsapp. There are more than 1.5 billion daily active users on Facebook. 1 in 5 page views occurs on Facebook. Moreover, 42% of marketers report that Facebook is critical or important for businesses.

Facebook Events

Being able to quickly and efficaciously organize events is absolutely essential to the event organizers. Thankfully, creating and promoting your events, as well as determining customer interest has never been simpler thanks to Facebook Events.

Facebook events alone are used by 700 million people each month. Therefore, it would be an ideal place to promote an event, and because there are so many people using Facebook, it is very important to create effective Facebook events which make you stand out from the crowd.

Image Prepared by Manas Kasliwal. Stats from Event Espresso & Quora.

Event promotion on Facebook starts the moment you create your Facebook Event. It takes only a matter of seconds to create a Facebook event to broadcast your next event and see who wants to attend. However, don’t let the ease of creating a Facebook event hush you into carelessness; your attendees’ calendars are probably already full of other events.

Fortunately, making your Facebook event stand out from the crowd is actually doable. These are the seven best tips that will guide you on how to create an effective Facebook event:

1. Choose a cover photo that’s 1200×628 pixels.

Your cover photo should feel exciting and should be eye-catching since it will be the first thing to show up to potential attendees. It’s also important to choose an image with little or no text so it’s easy to understand at a glance. The main goal here is to allure the Facebook audience by the cover photo for them to open your Facebook event page.

For best results, choose a photo with an aspect ratio of 1.9:1. You can even upload a video instead of a photo with a minimum length of 30 seconds (with same aspect ratio).

2. Choose the right event name

You will have to make sure to pick a short and memorable event name. The event name should be short but also relevant to your event. It will be the first thing users read so it is important to use strong and applicable words, they will remember the name if it is good and sticky enough.

Avoid choosing long boring names. According to Facebook’s events team, events with longer names tend to perform worse on the platform. One reasoning behind this is that 47% of all users only use Facebook through a mobile device. Long event names do not look good on smaller screens and often get cut off on mobile devices.

Names written in all capital letters or with lots of glyphs are often hard to read and feel less legitimate, which can also lead to lower response. Create something that is at the same time informative and enticing for those you want to participate.

3. Be specific about the location, date and time of your event

Selecting an accurate location, date and time allows Facebook to recommend your event to people who live nearby. For example, if you are based in Pune and an event has been created in Pune that matches the interests you have mentioned in your Facebook profile, you will receive notification in different forms from Facebook regarding that event.

A specific location helps the attendees know as to where they have to come. Furthermore, selecting the right time and frequency will help the potential guests know the occurrence as well as recurrence of the event. If the event is occurring on multiple dates, choose a custom frequency and select the range of dates. Consequently, this will make it easier for the guests to pick their preferred date.

4. Craft a captivating, clear and concise event description

Your event description should answer all the questions about your event.

  • Why are you putting on the event?
  • What will prospective attendees gain by coming to it?
  • Who is running the event?
  • What is the event line-up or event schedule?
  • How to get to the venue
  • Terms & Conditions (or any restrictions)
  • Any other FAQs

These are the types of questions that people will want to know. Hence, use the description to answer them be to the point. Give only the important information in the event description and mention it up front. You also want to be sure your event description is well-formatted and easy to understand.

In addition to this, make sure to include

  • hashtags and mentions to generate buzz
  • contact number and email address for guests to contact you
  • your and your partners’ websites and/or social media profiles — this enables a traffic flow of Facebook users to your respective pages

5. Add data to help Facebook share your event.

Adding category and tags allows Facebook to recommend your event to people who have similar interests. Facebook has an algorithm that will recommend events to users based on a number of factors. It’s important that event organizers input the correct information so that the algorithm can promote the event.

Select the appropriate event category. Popular categories include sports, networking, dance, wellness. Adding categories is not enough, you should add tags as well. Add tags that you think people might be searching for or use those tags related to your event that are already popular.

Enable the messaging option as well. This will help people to send their queries about the event directly on Facebook through messenger.

6. Add co-hosts and link to the ticketing site


Facebook allows you to add multiple co-hosts for a Facebook event. You can add multiple friends or Pages, like artists, partners, and sponsors, to help spread the word. Adding co-hosts to your Facebook Events allows you to collaborate with other pages and gives your Event more potential reach. The Event also shows up on all listed Pages. Co-hosts also have editing privileges and can also add it to their calendar, making it easier for all involved to edit the title, description, or other Event elements.

When events are created through the Townscript platform, it is suggested to the event organizers to create a Facebook event and use the cohost option to add Townscript. Townscript receives huge visits on a daily basis on its Facebook page and that traffic can be leveraged by event organizers to increase the reach of their event. All they have to do is send a cohost request to Townscript page and post acceptance, the event is automatically added into Townscript Facebook page’s event calendar as well as upcoming events.

Ticketing link

Apart from adding a co-host, you also should add a link to the ticketing site. Theoretically, never leave this field blank. The ticketing URL should ideally be a link to the webpage where you are selling tickets or accepting registrations for your event. Adding a ticketing URL boosts your chances of getting more conversions. If you do not have such a ticketing link, you can redirect guests to your website or even a Google Form.

Try Townscript for the ticketing of your events and accept registrations through the Townscript event ticketing platform. Townscript provides a dedicated link for every event that can act as your website as well. The event organizers can give their dedicated Townscript event link as a ticketing URL on their Facebook event. When a potential guest is on your Facebook event page and clicks on the ticketing link, they would be redirected to your Townscript page. This enables the guests to book tickets instantly!

Bonus Tip!

7. Directly sell tickets on Facebook

As per Facebook: “Events that sell tickets directly on Facebook sell 2x more tickets than those who redirect to a ticketing page”. Facebook also found that events that sell tickets directly on Facebook have, on average, twice the number of viewers on Facebook as those without native tickets.

If you choose Townscript as your ticketing partner, you can easily add ticketing directly on your Facebook Page (provided your page has more than 2000 likes). Check out this step-by-step guide to set this up through your Townscript account.

The integration takes as little as 5 min to set up and enables people to discover and purchase tickets for your Townscript event without ever leaving Facebook.

No matter what your strategy is to promote your next event, creating a Facebook event is a must for you. Leveraging the tips on how to create effective Facebook events, is a great way to create effective Facebook events and boost their reach as well as visibility. In addition to it, adding more co-hosts, linking to a ticketing site and selling directly on Facebook are useful ways to get more conversions for your event.

What are your thoughts? Feel free to leave comments.

Originally published at https://blog.townscript.com on April 3, 2019.



Manas Kasliwal

Curious by nature, asks a lot of questions, and often has his nose buried in a newspaper, book or blog. Content driven & Passionate for marketing and writing.