Townsourced Updates

Townsourced Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2016

It has been two months since we launched Townsourced and the feedback we have been receiving has been positive, insightful and very helpful!

While creating Townsourced Tim was very careful to write code that was scalable and flexible. Because of this, he has been able to respond to feedback by making changes quickly and effectively.

The two biggest changes have been the landing page and a sign up wizard.

We have overhauled the Townsourced landing page so new users are able to better understand what Townsourced is and what to expect before logging in for the first time.

The landing page also highlights the important differences that make Townsourced unique.

From user feedback we learned that it was unclear what to do next once you logged into to Townsourced.

Tim created a wizard to help new users step through the start process easily. Users are now joining multiple towns in their area and have found that they can post to multiple towns simultaneously.

Townsourced is growing steadily and we are excited to see it become a useful tool for communities both big and small.

What have we learned in the first two months of Townsourced being live?

Feedback is invaluable! We can’t thank those first few users enough! Townsourced is better because of your constructive criticism. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

Have you logged into Townsourced yet? Do you have any feedback that you would like to share? We would love to hear it! Share below in the comments or contact us directly.



Townsourced Blog

Co-founder of townsourced / wife / mom / dog owner / Airstream enthusiast / I need my morning coffee and sunshine to function.