The landscape scan


TPA landscape scan and evaluation
1 min readJun 28, 2021


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Each year, the Hewlett Foundation’s transparency, accountability and participation (TPA) team commits roughly US $30 to $35 million in grants to organisations that advocate to governments to disclose more information, and that help communities address the problems they face, especially the quality of public services.

In 2020, the Hewlett Foundation asked OTT Consulting to undertake and evaluation of it’s 2015–2020 TPA grantmaking strategy and a landscape scan of the TPA field, to inform its strategy refresh process.

By publishing the results of this work, the Hewlett Foundation and OTT hope they will serve as resource for other organisations and individuals working in the TPA field to inform their strategies, thinking and practice.

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TPA landscape scan and evaluation

OTT is a global consultancy and platform for change supporting better informed decision making.