Harvey Weinstein Committed Sexual Misconduct On 105+ Women In 5+ Decades

Andrew Childers


The harrowing saga of how Harvey Weinstein committed sexual assault, rape, and harassment of over 9 dozen women in the timespan of fifty years.

Sources Used In This Masterpost

*NOTE: This post was last updated at 10:05 PM on Tuesday, November 14th, 2017.*

UPDATE (11/12/17 5:28 PM): Actress Asia Argento, one of Weinstein’s victims, has updated her comprehensive list of victims. The list of victims is now over 104 total victims. Read the full list of victims and their harrowing accounts below in a Google Docs spreadsheet.

UPDATE (11/3/17 12:00 AM): Actress Paz De La Huerta has accused Weinstein of raping her twice, which bring the number of known victims of Weinstein’s sexual misconduct to 94.

New York Police Department detectives and the Manhattan District Attorney’s office are investigating rape allegations against Harvey Weinstein brought by actress Paz de la Huerta, police sources told ABC News.

The NYPD had two active cases involving Weinstein and women whose accusations were not subject to the statute of limitations, ABC News reported earlier this week. Lucia Evans is one of the women. Paz de la Huerta is the other. [ABC News]

UPDATE (10/31/17 12:54 AM): Two women now say they were sexually assaulted by Weinstein in the 1970s, stretching the accusations out over five decades. Asia Argento, one of the 82 known victims of Weinstein, has updated the list of victims to 93, with 14 new allegations of rape today including the Times report.

Here is the list, zoomed in where you can read the list for yourself.

*More sources will be added if and when necessary.*

After The New York Times dropped its first bombshell report on the allegations of sexual assault and misconduct against Hollywood mega-producer Harvey Weinstein, he was fired from his own company, his wife announced she was leaving him, and it was revealed that his company may be put up for sale. More allegations in The Times and The New Yorker, among other outlets, have continued to come out daily. We’re tracking them here.

Below is a list of all allegations against Weinstein; we’ll be updating this post if more allegations arise.

Please be advised that the details below include explicit and disturbing accounts of sexual assault.

Accounts of Sexual Harassment, Assault, or Rape By Harvey Weinstein: 95+



  • 1980: Paula Wachowiak, a production assistant on Weinstein’s first film, The Burning, told The Buffalo News in an October 15, 2017, article that she was harassed by Weinstein in a hotel room in 1980. Wachowiak said that Weinstein called her to the room to discuss a business matter, then appeared in a towel, which he then dropped, and asked her for a massage.
  • 1984: Tomi-Ann Roberts told The New York Times she was sexually harassed by Weinstein in 1984 in a hotel room in New York City, where he had asked her to come for a business meeting, according to the Times’ October 10, 2017, piece. When the aspiring 20-year-old actress arrived at the room, Weinstein was naked in a bathtub and asked her to take off her clothes as well.
  • 1984: A female crew member on the set of Weinstein’s film Playing for Keeps told the lead producer that in 1984, Weinstein had asked her to come to a hotel room for business, then forcibly kissed her and attempted to sexually assault her, according to an account the lead producer, Alan Brewer, gave in an October 14, 2017, Washington Post piece. Brewer also told the Post about a subsequent incident in which Weinstein physically assaulted him.
  • 1989: Actress Heather Kerr, who appeared on The Facts of Life, claimed ousted Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein exposed himself to her and forced himself on her sexually in a private meeting when she was an aspiring actress. “He asked me if I was good… He kept repeating that word. I offered to provide him with a reel. He had this sleazy smile on his face… The next thing I knew he unzipped his pants and pulled out his penis.” Kerr then claimed that Weinstein “grabbed her hand and forced it onto his penis and held it there” at which point she “pulled away as casually as possible.” Weinstein then “said this is how things work in Hollywood and all actresses who’d made it did it this way.” [The Hollywood Reporter]
  • 1989: Model Paula Williams alleges that Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted her at what he said was going to be a party, but ended up being just him. In a 20/20 episode, she says it quickly turned sexual: “He immediately starts massaging my neck… he opens a bottle of champagne… I don’t even think I had a sip before he exposed himself.” [20/20]
  • Late 1980s: British actress Lysette Anthony said that Weinstein raped her in her London home in the late 1980s. Anthony shared her account in an October 15, 2017, piece in The Sunday Times and reported the crime to London police. Police have confirmed they’re now investigating the assault report, along with three other reports of sexual assault given to the police by a different woman.
  • 1990s: Canadian actress Erika Rosenbaum told CBC that Weinstein made advances on her three times, coercing her to massage him and eventually assaulting her. The first encounter happened in a hotel room: “[H]e put an arm around me and… started trying to be intimate with me… ‘how about you just give me a massage’… So I literally massaged his shoulders in order to get out. At a later date, Weinstein brought her into a private office in New York City’s Miramax building. “[H]e’s right up in my face and he’s got his arms around me and so I have to talk my way out of it without angering him again, and I make excuses…” The final encounter she describes is the most disturbing. In a hotel room, she says Weinstein assaulted her: “[H]e comes to the door, comes out of the bathroom wearing only a dress shirt… And he asks me to come to the washroom with him while he gets ready… He grabs me… he holds me by the back of the neck and faces me to the mirror and very quietly tells me that he just wants to look at me and he starts to masturbate standing behind me.” [Read more at CBC]
  • 1990: Actress Sophia Dix claimed the Hollywood mogul performed an unwelcome sexual act in her presence after she was invited up his room at the Savoy hotel “to watch some rushes” — a film production term for unprocessed footage from a day’s filming. Once in the hotel room, “all the alarm bells starting ringing” and “within a heartbeat” she found herself pushed on the bed with him “tugging at her clothes”.The young actor, who was 22 at the time, says that she managed to bolt to the bathroom and after some time in hiding opted to make an escape. She opened the door and found him facing her “standing there masturbating”, according to an October 13, 2017 The Guardian piece.
  • 1990: Larissa Gomes was a 21-year-old actress about 17 years ago when she was working on the Toronto set of “Get Over It,” a Miramax-produced teen flick, she wrote in an account emailed to The Times this week. Weinstein approached her and asked for her opinion about the production, and mentioned multiple films his company shoots in Canada each year. “I had literally just began acting … and here I was meeting the most powerful producer of the time,” she wrote. “It was intoxicating, it was validating.” Gomes, who has since appeared in the film “Saw VI” and television shows “Supernatural” and “La Femme Nikita,” said Weinstein asked her for her personal number through an assistant, then set up a breakfast meeting at his hotel. The first meeting was professional, after which he asked to meet again in his hotel room, this time in the early evening, Gomes said. After plopping down a stack of scripts in front of her that he said he wanted her to read, he went into his bedroom and asked her to come in, she recounted. Weinstein was on his bed, saying he had a headache, she said. He asked her to lie down with him and asked her to take her shirt off so he could see her breasts, Gomes said. She left the room, and he followed in a bathrobe and started massaging her shoulders and neck despite her saying she didn’t want it, Gomes said. “He would not stop. He just kept pushing his hands close to my chest forcefully until I finally was able to get up and away from him,” she wrote. Weinstein told her, “You know, Gwyneth Paltrow and Ashley Judd were exactly where you are at one point. Look at them now,” Gomes recounted. Gomes said she made an excuse to leave at that point, and Weinstein, at the door, grabbed her and tried to kiss her on the lips. She said she turned her head, and he sneered. She never saw or spoke to him again. [New York Times/Los Angeles Times]
  • 1990: Harvey Weinstein reached a legal settlement with a “young assistant” in New York, according to an October 5, 2017, New York Times piece.
  • 1990: Forty-four-year-old actress Kate Beckinsale said in an October 12, 2017, Instagram post that Weinstein sexually harassed and threatened her for decades, beginning when she was 17, and that refusing his propositions hurt her career. People wrote, “Over the years, Beckinsale said she rejected his sexual advances numerous times — which she alleges often led to angry outbursts.”
  • 1990–1991: Speaking for the first time in public about the incident, which took place in 1990 or 1991, Sophie Morris said she had “shut down” the incident in her mind ever since but had decided to go public because she wished to show the film producer’s victims were not only celebrities and would-be actors. “My main point in speaking out is that I was never part of this world, I was never an aspiring actress looking for a part, I was a 19-year-old person doing admin, earning a bit of extra cash in my year out after my A-levels,” she said. “There could be others like me who want to speak out but haven’t. It is easier for actresses to speak out because they have Hollywood behind them.” Her disclosures to the Guardian and BBC News came as the Metropolitan police announced they had widened the investigation into Weinstein, with seven alleged victims coming forward between 12 and 28 October this year. [Guardian]
  • 1991: Former Weinstein Co. employee Laura Madden told The New York Times that Weinstein “prodded her for massages at hotels in Dublin and London beginning in 1991.” Madden told a co-worker about the incidents, including a “time she locked herself in the bathroom of his hotel room, sobbing,” according to the Times’ October 5, 2017, piece.
  • Early 1990s: A young woman left The Weinstein Co. in the early 1990s abruptly after an encounter with Weinstein and later received a settlement. The woman was supervised by Kathy DeClesis — a former assistant to Weinstein’s brother, Bob — who recounted the incident in The New York Times’ October 5, 2017, piece.
  • Early 1990s: Actress Rosanna Arquette told The New Yorker’s Ronan Farrow, who published the story in an October 10, 2017, piece, that one evening in the early 1990s, she met Weinstein for dinner at a hotel to pick up a script. She was told to go to his room, where he appeared in a bathrobe and attempted to physically force her to give him a massage. She refused and was able to leave, but she told The New Yorker that she believes her career suffered as a result of refusing Weinstein.
  • Early 1990s: Louise Godbold wrote in an October 9, 2017, blog post that Weinstein trapped her in “an empty meeting room” in the early 1990s and begged for a massage. Godbold said she detailed the incident to a friend and an industry connection who both encouraged her to stay silent about the incident.
  • 1990s: Actress Tara Subkoff told Variety on October 12, 2017, that Weinstein sexually harassed her at a film premiere party in the 1990s. Subkoff said that Weinstein offered her a role, then pulled her onto his lap and she could “feel that he had an erection.” He then asked her to “come outside with him and other things I don’t want to share, but it was implied that if I did not comply with doing what he asked me to do that I would not get the role that I had already been informally offered.” Subkoff left the party and her informal offer was revoked, she said.
  • 1992: A former Miramax employee said that Weinstein raped her in the basement of his London offices in 1992. She told the the Daily Mail on October 15, 2017, that “I just felt mortified and ashamed — and that no one would believe me. He was incredibly well-connected, powerful and important — and I was just a nobody.”
  • 1992: Actress Sean Young made new accusations against Harvey Weinstein on the “Dudley and Bob with Matt show,” saying he exposed himself to her while working on the 1992 film “Love Crimes”: “My basic response was, ‘You know, Harvey, I really don’t think you should be pulling that thing out, it’s not very pretty…And then leaving, and then never having another meeting with that guy again, because it was like, ‘What on earth?’” [The Hollywood Reporter]
  • 1993: Actress Katherine Kendall told The New York Times that Weinstein sexually harassed her in 1993 at his apartment in New York. Weinstein invited Kendall, then 23 years old, to the apartment to pick something up after they attended an industry event together; when they arrived, he changed into a robe and asked for a massage before he “literally chased” Kendall around his apartment, according to the Times’ October 10, 2017, piece.
  • 1994: Forty-five-year-old actress Gwyneth Paltrow told The New York Times that Weinstein sexually harassed her in a hotel room when she was 22, inviting her there for a business meeting and then attempting to massage her and invite her into a bedroom. Weinstein later called her and admonished her for telling others about the incident. A young and fearful Paltrow continued working with Weinstein, telling the Times for its October 10, 2017, piece, “I was expected to keep the secret.”
  • 1994–1995: Actress Florence Darel told Le Parisien on October 12, 2017, that Weinstein called her repeatedly in 1994 and 1995, asking her to meet him. In 1995, she said Weinstein asked her to meet him at a Paris hotel and she was encouraged by her agent to go. Darel said that Weinstein asked her to begin a sexual relationship with him, implying that she would need to do so if she wanted to work in the American film industry.
  • 1995: British writer Liza Campbell says she met with Weinstein in a London hotel room in 1995 to discuss work, joined by several assistants, according to an October 8, 2017, piece in The Times of London. Later, the assistants “vanished” and Weinstein attempted to coerce her into taking a bath with him. Though the main exit was locked, Campbell was able to escape the room and “sprinted” away.
  • 1995: Actress Mira Sorvino told The New Yorker that, in 1995, Weinstein sexually harassed her in a hotel room at a Toronto film festival and attempted to pressure her into a physical relationship, calling her after the incident. Sorvino says she told a female employee at Miramax about the harassment, and the woman’s reaction “was shock and horror that I had mentioned it,” according to The New Yorker’s October 10, 2017, piece. Sorvino wrote in an October 11 Time article about her difficult decision to speak publicly about the harassment, saying, “When an article was rumored to be coming out over a decade ago, I was very happy — Weinstein might finally get his due. Seeing it quashed was discouraging. His power and influence seemed to translate into limitless impunity.”
  • 1996: Actress Judith Godrèche told The New York Times that Weinstein sexually harassed her in a hotel room at the Cannes Film Festival in France in 1996. Following a business meeting, Weinstein asked the 24-year-old actress to his room, where he asked to give her a massage, then physically pressed against her and began removing her shirt. Godrèche was able to leave the room, and soon after, she called a female Miramax executive. The executive told Godrèeche “not to say anything, lest she hurt [her] film’s release.” “This is Miramax,” she said. “You can’t say anything,” according to the Times’ October 10, 2017, piece.
  • Circa 1997: Actress Ashley Judd told The New York Times that, as she was shooting a film released in 1997, Weinstein invited her into his hotel room in Beverly Hills under the auspice of a business meeting, before appearing in a bathrobe and asking her for a massage or to watch him take a shower. “I said no, a lot of ways, a lot of times, and he always came back at me with some new ask,” Judd said, according to the Times’ October 10, 2017, piece.
  • 1997: Weinstein reached a legal settlement in 1997 with actress Rose McGowan following an incident in a hotel room at the Sundance Film Festival, according to The New York Times’ October 5, 2017, piece. McGowan signed a nondisclosure agreement as part of the settlement, a common practice wielded by Weinstein as a way to silence his victims, preventing them from speaking publicly about the abuse — but she has since said Weinstein raped her. McGowan also recently tweeted that she had entered into a show production deal with Amazon before Weinstein got involved with the company, at which point, she said, she told an Amazon executive multiple times that he had raped her, but she was dismissed. Amazon soon dropped her show.
  • 1997: Actress Asia Argento told The New Yorker that Weinstein sexually assaulted her in 1997 in a hotel room in France. For years afterward, Weinstein sent gifts and money to Argento, who said she felt obligated not to report the assault and to acquiesce to his sexual advances, according to The New Yorker’s October 10, 2017, piece.
  • 1998: Model Zoe Brock writes that after a long night of partying in Cannes, Weinstein separated her from her friends, and got her into his hotel room. When she asked Weinstein’s assistant Ben to inquire where her friends had gone, Zoe says Weinstein pounced: “Harvey left the room, but not for long. He re-emerged naked a couple of minutes later and asked if I would give him a massage… He asked if I would like a massage instead…I told him I was uncomfortable… He pleaded with me to let him massage me and I let him put his hands on my shoulders while my mind raced… I shrugged Harvey’s hands off me, ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Harvey chased me, dick, balls and all, and banged on the door with his fists, pleading with me to come out.” [Read more at Medium]
  • Fall 1998: According to The New York Times’ October 5, 2017, piece, Zelda Perkins, a London-based assistant, confronted Weinstein about repeated harassment that she and colleagues had experienced. Perkins threatened to initiate legal action or make public statements about Weinstein’s misconduct should it continue. Weinstein reached a legal settlement with her.
  • Circa 1998: Thirty-eight-year-old filmmaker Sarah Polley said that Weinstein called her to his office when she was 19 and acting in one of his films, and said that he could help her career if she agreed to begin a “close relationship” with him. Polley wrote about the incident in The New York Times on October 14, 2017, saying that, on her way to the office, her publicist at the time “looked at me and said: ‘I’m going in with you. And I’m not leaving your side.’ I knew everything I needed to know in that moment, and I was grateful.”
  • Late 1990s: Actress Angelina Jolie told The New York Times that Weinstein sexually harassed her in the late 1990s, making unwanted advances in a hotel room, according to the Times’ October 10, 2017, piece.
  • Late 1990s: Actress Lauren Holly was asked to meet him in a hotel room to discuss her future with his company, she had no qualms about making the meeting, noting that hotel room business meetings are fairly standard in the industry.“Everything seemed normal when I walked into the room. He had a big, silver bucket of champagne in the living room part of the suite and my first thought was, ‘Oh my God, I’m really important. Harvey Weinstein has champagne for me, this is very exciting. I think I’m going to make more movies with him,’” Holly said.“Everything was absolutely normal, professional from the get go. We sat down, had a glass of champagne and had small talk. He mentioned to me that he had a big, whirlwind press tour coming up, he was going to be travelling a lot and then he asked to be excused.” When Weinstein came back to the room dressed in a hotel bathrobe, that’s when everything changed. He kept up the professional banter, telling Holly about the various projects he had going on and what she might be a good fit for. All the while he made up an excuse about packing and asked her to follow him into the bedroom.“He dropped his robe, went into the bathroom in front of me and began to use the toilet. All the time talking. At this point my head was exploding.”“It had become the meat of the conversation at this point. [The talk] never stopped, you have to understand this. He dropped his robe, went into the bathroom in front of me and began to use the toilet. All the time talking. At this point my head was exploding,” she said. “He keeps the conversation going, he finishes, he turns on the shower, he gets in the shower he’s continually talking to me, he’s in the shower washing himself. Leaning out, asking me for responses. My head is going crazy at this point. He’s acting like the situation is normal. He’s acting like we’re having a normal encounter. I’m thinking to myself, ‘Am I just a prude? Am I supposed to be more open minded?’ I didn’t quite know how to handle myself at that moment.”According to the actress, when Weinstein got out of the shower he dried off and came towards her naked, and that’s when she got really scared.“He told me I looked stressed. He said that maybe he thought I could use a massage. Maybe I could give him a massage,” she recalled. “I began sort of babbling like I was a child. I think it was fear. I said, ‘I don’t know how to give a massage, I don’t have a massage license. Maybe if I called the front desk I could get a masseuse to come here.’ I didn’t know what to do, honestly. And then he began to get angry. And I began to get really afraid to be honest. I had to get out of there.” Her account appeared in The Loop: http://www.theloop.ca/lauren-holly-just-revealed-harvey-weinstein-horror-story-social/
  • 1999: Actress and writer Marisa Coughlan tells The Hollywood Reporter that Weinstein repeatedly pressured her to be his “special friend” in exchange for leading roles, first in a hotel-suite meeting: “He told me that he has a lot of ‘special friends’ and they give each other massages… He wanted me to be one of his ‘special friends’ and go into the bedroom.”… Weinstein offered to fly her to New York so they could go ice skating and on other “romantic” outings… Weinstein asked her up to his room and “he pushed and pushed and pushed.” She said no, again, and he got out of the car and walked away only to walk back quickly enough to say that he respected her.” [The Hollywood Reporter]


  • 1999–2000: Writer Rebecca Traister wrote in an October 5, 2017, piece that she had heard stories about Weinstein’s serial predatory misconduct since she was an editorial assistant at Talk magazine, which he financed, in 1999. The following year, when Traister was working at the New York Observer, she encountered Weinstein at a party and tried to ask him a question related to a movie she was reporting on; Weinstein called her a “cunt” and physically assaulted her boyfriend, also a colleague, who was with her at the time, she said. Traister recalled that she had felt “the full force of Harvey Weinstein.”
  • 2000: Actress Melissa Sagemiller alleges that Harvey Weinstein assaulted her on the set of Get Over It. “I went to his room. Immediately he had drinks. The script was on the kitchen counter. He was in his robe. He’s like, “Would you give me a massage?”… I said, “Harvey, I’m here to discuss the script. I’m not going to give you a massage or any of that.”… “Well, you’re not going to leave until you kiss me.”… He literally would not let me leave. I said fine and kissed him on the lips. He sort of held my head and made me kiss him.”
  • 2000: Miramax employee Morgan Shanahar alleges that Weinstein was abusive to everyone that he worked with.
  • 2000: Asia Argento released the film Scarlet Diva, which she directed and wrote. In it, she appears in a scene depicting her assault by Weinstein; subsequently, others in the film industry approached her to share similar experiences, recognizing Weinstein’s pattern of misconduct. Argento told The New Yorker that, in her movie version, “I ran away.”
  • 2000: Thirty-five-year-old actress Romola Garai said that when she was 18, Weinstein sexually harassed her in a London hotel room, according to an October 10, 2017, piece in The Guardian. Garai said Weinstein conducted a private audition for the then-18-year-old actress while wearing only a bathrobe and left her feeling “violated.”
  • Early 2000s: Actress Heather Graham wrote in an October 10, 2017, piece in Variety that, in the early 2000s, Weinstein had met with her and implied she had to have sex with him in order to secure a movie role. Graham said Weinstein also attempted to persuade her to meet him for a follow-up in a hotel.
  • 2001: David Carr published a lengthy profile of Weinstein on December 3, 2001, titled “The Emperor Miramaximus,” in New York magazine. The profile did not mention reports of sexual misconduct by Weinstein, but focused instead on other instances of power abuse and bullying by the producer. Writer Rebecca Traister recently suggested Carr had been actively trying to report Weinstein’s sexual abuse for the article but was unable to nail the story.
  • 2002: British actress Alice Evans said that Weinstein approached her at the Cannes Film Festival in 2002 and asked her to meet him in a bathroom, saying, “I want to touch your tits. Kiss you a little.” Evans wrote in The Telegraph on October 14, 2017, that Weinstein implied her the career of her then-boyfriend, Ioan Gruffudd, would suffer if she did not go with him. Evans wrote that she rejected Weinstein, and that neither she nor Gruffudd, now her husband, was ever considered for a Weinstein film again.
  • 2003: Russian TV hostess Katya Mtsitouridze tells The Hollywood Reporter that after Weinstein propositioned her multiple times, he ultimately tricked her into a meeting in his room, where he asked her for a massage: “Weinstein looked at Mtsitouridze and told her: “I waited for the masseuse, but she’s late. We can have fun without her. Let’s relax.” Mtsitouridze heard Weinstein say, “You will love it. I’m a guru in this matter. You never met a man like me.” She says it’s unclear if he was referring to a massage or something more intimate.” [The Hollywood Reporter]
  • 2003: Costume designer Dawn Dunning told The New York Times that Weinstein sexually harassed her in 2003, bringing the 24-year-old aspiring actress to a private hotel room and telling her he would sign contracts for a three-picture deal if she would agree to engaging in three-way sex with him, according to the Times’ October 10, 2017, piece.
  • 2003: Italian model Samantha Panagrosso said that Weinstein sexually harassed her on a yacht during the 2003 Cannes Film Festival and subsequently sexually assaulted her. Panagrosso told the Daily Mail about several incidents in which Weinstein harassed her, as well as one incident of assault in which he appeared at her cabin “with baby oil and medicine” and then physically overpowered her and groped her, according to the October 14, 2017, piece.
  • 2003: Fashion model Trish Goff claims that Harvey Weinstein assaulted her. She stated that “he started putting his hands on my legs, and I said, ‘Can you stop doing that?’ When we finally stood up to go, he really started groping me, grabbing my breasts, grabbing my face and trying to kiss me. I kept saying, ‘Please stop, please stop, but he didn’t until I managed to get back into the public space. [The New York Times]
  • 2004: Former New York Times employee Sharon Waxman wrote on October 8, 2017 in TheWrap that she attempted to report on Weinstein’s misconduct in 2004, but her story was “gutted” by highers-up at the Times, under pressure from Weinstein. Waxman also said she was contacted personally by actors Matt Damon and Russell Crowe, who vouched for an Italian Miramax executive Waxman had been investigating because she had heard his “real job was to take care of Weinstein’s women needs.” She also wrote that Weinstein, “a major advertiser in the Times,” himself “visited the newsroom in person to make his displeasure known.” Waxman’s final, published piece focused only on the firing of the Italian Miramax executive and was “buried” in the culture section of the paper. Times editors have disputed Waxman’s account, suggesting that her reporting was not solid enough to publish at the time. Waxman subsequently left the Times to found the website TheWrap, but she did not publish her reporting on Weinstein at the new outlet.
  • 2004: On October 11, 2017, longtime New York gossip writer Lloyd Grove wrote in The Daily Beast, where he now serves as editor at large, that after Weinstein’s divorce from his first spouse in 2004, Weinstein alternately flattered and threatened him in an attempt to coerce Grove into dropping an item about the divorce. Grove recounted that Weinstein “erupted, ‘I’m the scariest motherfucker you’ll ever have as an enemy in this town!’”
  • Summer 2004: Aspiring actress Lucia Evans told The New Yorker that Weinstein called her repeatedly in the summer of 2004 until she agreed to meet with him to discuss business opportunities at the Miramax office in New York. Evans said Weinstein then sexually assaulted her, forcing her to perform oral sex on him. “I said, over and over, ‘I don’t want to do this, stop, don’t,’” she said, according to The New Yorker’s October 10, 2017, piece. Evans said Weinstein later attempted to call her again.
  • 2005: Actress Lena Headey joined the still-growing group of women who have accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual misconduct on Tuesday, sharing multiple stories of unsettling interactions with the movie producer. On Twitter, the Game of Thrones actress said that Weinstein made a suggestive comment to her the first time they met at the Venice Film Festival, where her 2005 film, The Brothers Grimm, was screening. Years later, Weinstein tried to escort her to his hotel room in Los Angeles, Headey said, providing details that mirrored many of the accounts of women detailed in stories in The New York Times and The New Yorker.“My whole body went into high alert,” Headey wrote. “The lift was going up and I said to Harvey, ‘I’m not interested in anything other than work, please don’t think I got in here with you for any other reason, nothing is going to happen.’” Her account appeared in The Ringer: https://www.theringer.com/movies/2017/10/17/16490462/lena-headey-harvey-weinstein-sexual-harassment
  • 2005: In a red carpet interview in August 2005, singer and actress Courtney Love advised young women in the industry: “If Harvey Weinstein invites you to a private party in the Four Seasons, don’t go,” according to an October 14, 2017, TMZ post. Before making the statement, Love said, “I’ll get libeled if I say it.” In a recent tweet linking to the TMZ post, Love said, “Although I wasn’t one of his victims, I was eternally banned by [Creative Arts Agency] for speaking out against #HarveyWeinstein.”
  • 2007: TV news anchor Lauren Sivan told HuffPost that in 2007, Weinstein trapped her “in the hallway of a restaurant that was closed to the public and masturbated in front of her until he ejaculated.” Sivan was shocked by the incident and recounted it to friends at the time, according to HuffPost’s October 6, 2017, piece. She did not further address the misconduct out of fear.
  • 2008: Actress Natassia Malthe came forward with her harrowing account of assault by Harvey Weinstein. Malthe said she first met Weinstein at a Baftas after-party. She said he asked her which hotel she was staying at and she answered. Asleep in her hotel room hours later, she said, she was woken up by Weinstein pounding on her room door. “His clothes were messy and his face didn’t look normal and I thought: could he possibly be on drugs?” she said. Malthe said he barged into her room and named A-list actors whose careers he had made because they slept with him. Malthe said she denied his advances but he eventually forced himself on her and started having sex with her, though she asked him to stop. Speaking in New York on Wednesday, Malthe said: “It was not consensual. He did not use a condom. However, he did not ejaculate inside me. After having sexual intercourse, he masturbated.” She added: “I believe I dissociated during the time he was having sex with me. I played dead.”[Los Angeles Times/The Guardian]
  • 2008: Actor/writer/comedian Sarah Ann Masse recently told Variety that, in 2008, she was interviewing to serve as a nanny for Weinstein’s children when he sexually harassed her at his house in Connecticut. Masse said Weinstein conducted the nanny interview and later hugged her while wearing only “boxer shorts and an undershirt,” according to the October 11, 2017, Variety piece.
  • 2008: Aspiring screenwriter Louisette Geiss said Weinstein sexually harassed her in a hotel room at the Sundance Film Festival in 2008, changing into a bathrobe and asking her to watch him masturbate after she pitched a script to him. In an on-camera interview with The Washington Post published on October 14, 2017, Geiss said Weinstein attempted to physically overpower her and offered her film deals if she would stay in the room.
  • 2008: Vietnamese actress and model Vu Thu Phuong recently revealed in a candid Facebook post that the now-infamous producer made sexual advances towards her during the course of the movie Shanghai’s production. “I sat there waiting [for him] alone with a heavy heart because I didn’t know what the new movie would be like,” Phuong wrote. “Everything suddenly turned dark when I saw Mr. Harvey Weinstein standing before me with only a towel around his waist, smiling.” He asked her if she was ready to star in a few sex scenes… “I can teach you, don’t worry. Many stars have also been through this,” Weinstein reassured Phuong… “Just treat this as necessary experiences so that you’ll have a stronger foundation in the future.” [Saigoneer]


  • Circa 2010: Actress and director Lina Esco said that, “around 2010,” Weinstein met her for a business dinner, then urged her to kiss him. “He tried to insinuate that everything would be easier for me if I went along,” Esco said in an October 14, 2017, Washington Post piece.
  • 2010: Paz De la Huerta claims that in 2010 Weinstein gave her a ride home to her New York City apartment where he insisted they have drinks and then, she told police, he forced himself on her. She claims he did it again shortly thereafter. “I was very traumatized,” the actress told Vanity Fair magazine. “I don’t think I was taking very good care of myself. What happened with Harvey left me scarred for many years. I felt so disgusted by it, with myself … I became a little self-destructive. It was really hard for me to deal, to cope.” “A senior sex crimes prosecutor is assigned to this investigation, and the office has been working with our partners in the NYPD since the new allegations came to light,” Manhattan D.A. spokeswoman Joan Vollero told ABC News. “As this is an active investigation, we will not be commenting further.” [Vanity Fair]
  • 2010: Actress Dominique Huett alleges that Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted her. Dominique Huett filed the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, in which she says Weinstein met her in November 2010, at the hotel bar, and told her he could help her with her acting career. She says he was staring at her breasts, asked if she ever had a “boob job” and then asked her to show him her breasts. Huett says Weinstein warned her it would be beneficial to her career if she did not have breast implants. She says he invited her to his room under the guise of a business meeting. She says he went to the bathroom and emerged wearing only a robe. She says he asked her to give him a massage and when she said no he laid on the bed and demanded one. She says she ultimately complied and he then asked if he could perform oral sex on her. She says he wouldn’t take no for an answer and he performed oral sex on her for several minutes, after which he masturbated until he reached orgasm. He then offered to secure her a role on “Project Runway.” Her lawyer, Jeff Herman, says in the lawsuit his client is suing The Weinstein Company because it was aware of Harvey Weinstein’s power to coerce and force young actresses to engage in sexual acts with him. The suit claims Weinstein would use “honeypots” — female employees invited to the beginning of the meeting, and then dismissed — to lure victims into a false sense of security. Herman tells TMZ he believes the suit is not barred by the statute of limitations because Huett’s suing TWC and the clock on the statute of limitations doesn’t start running against a company until it becomes evident the company was negligent in retaining a bad employee. Herman says it didn’t become evident until the swarm of publicity in the last few weeks. [TMZ]
  • 2010: Actress Emma de Caunes told The New Yorker that, a few months after meeting Weinstein in 2010, he asked her to a business meeting in a hotel in Paris, where he persuaded her to accompany him to his room. Once there, Weinstein took off his clothes and “demanded that she lie on the bed and told her that many other women had done so before her,” according to the October 10, 2017, piece. De Caunes was able to escape the room. Weinstein called her repeatedly afterward and sent her gifts.
  • 2010: Massage therapist Juls Bindi alleges Harvey Weinstein assaulted her during a massage session: “He cut the massage short… he gets up and says ‘how big is my penis?’… he grabbed me and started groping on my chest, and I pushed him away… and he said, ‘do you want the book deal or not?’ [20/20]
  • 2010–2011: Actress Eva Green said she was harassed by Weinstein in a Paris hotel room, where she said “he behaved inappropriately and I had to push him off” and that she was left “shocked and disgusted.” Green issued a statement about the harassment to Variety on October 14, 2017, following her mother’s discussion of the incident on a radio program a day earlier. Green’s mother, actress Marlene Jobert, said that the harassment occurred repeatedly “during 2010–2011.”
  • 2010–2015: London police have confirmed they are investigating reports that Weinstein sexually assaulted a woman in Westminster in 2010 and 2011, and in Camden in 2015.
  • 2011–2014: Actress Lupita Nyong’o told The New York Times that Harvey Weinstein sexually harassed her on four different occasions. Lupita writes, “I share all of this now because I know now what I did not know then. I was part of a growing community of women who were secretly dealing with harassment by Harvey Weinstein. But I also did not know that there was a world in which anybody would care about my experience with him. You see, I was entering into a community that Harvey Weinstein had been in, and even shaped, long before I got there. He was one of the first people I met in the industry, and he told me, “This is the way it is.” And wherever I looked, everyone seemed to be bracing themselves and dealing with him, unchallenged. I did not know that things could change. I did not know that anybody wanted things to change. So my survival plan was to avoid Harvey and men like him at all costs, and I did not know that I had allies in this.” [The New York Times]
  • January 2011: Actress Jessica Barth told The New Yorker that after meeting Weinstein at a Golden Globes party in January 2011, she joined him for a business meeting at a hotel in Beverly Hills. Weinstein subsequently asked her to meet in his room and, “in the conversation that followed, he alternated between offering to cast her in a film and demanding a naked massage in bed,” according to the October 10, 2017, piece. Barth refused and was eventually able to leave the room, at which point Weinstein both insulted her and offered her opportunities to meet with other executives.
  • 2012: Actress Léa Seydoux told The Guardian for an October 11, 2017, piece that in 2012, Weinstein attempted to sexually assault her in a Paris hotel room.
  • 2013: An unnamed Italian model-actress says Harvey Weinstein forced her to perform sex acts in a Beverly Hills hotel where she was staying. The Los Angeles Times reports that Weinstein showed up at the unnamed actresses’ hotel room in 2013: “He… bullied his way into my hotel room… [he] soon became very aggressive and demanding and kept asking to see me naked. He grabbed me by the hair and forced me to do something I did not want to do. He then dragged me to the bathroom and forcibly raped me.” [The Los Angeles Times]
  • Circa 2013: Aspiring actress Chelsea Skidmore told The Washington Post that, around 2013, she met Weinstein for tea in a Beverly Hills hotel lobby, joined by two assistants. The assistants were “soon dismissed” and Weinstein brought Skidmore upstairs to his room, where he asked for a massage and then masturbated in front of her. Skidmore told the Post this was the first of at least four incidents in which Weinstein harassed Skidmore and exposed himself; she said he also forced her to stand in front of a mirror and watch him masturbate in 2016. “He forces himself on you, talks you into it and doesn’t leave you with an option,” she said, according to the Post’s October 14, 2017, piece.
  • February 24, 2013: While presenting at the 2013 Oscars, comedian Seth MacFarlane joked that the five nominees for best supporting actress “no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein.” MacFarlane recently wrote on Twitter that his comment was in reference to Jessica Barth’s report of sexual harassment by Weinstein in 2011. Barth had shared her story privately with MacFarlane prior to his Oscars hosting gig.
  • 2014: In 2014, Weinstein invited Weinstein Co. temporary employee Emily Nestor to a Beverly Hills hotel room and told her he would help her career if she engaged in sexual acts, according to accounts Nestor shared with colleagues. Nestor shared her first-hand account with The New Yorker for its October 10, 2017, piece; she told reporter Ronan Farrow that Weinstein had bragged that he’d never “had to do anything like Bill Cosby,” presumably referring to Cosby’s pattern of drugging women before assaulting them. Farrow wrote, “Nestor had a conversation with company officials about the matter but didn’t pursue it further: the officials said that Weinstein would be informed of anything she told them, a practice not uncommon in businesses the size of the Weinstein Company. Several former Weinstein employees told me that the company’s human-resources department was utterly ineffective; one female executive described it as ‘a place where you went to when you didn’t want anything to get done.’” A senior executive later contacted Nestor on LinkedIn and expressed concern.
  • 2014: Actress Brit Marling accuses Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment: “ I, too, went to the meeting thinking that perhaps my entire life was about to change for the better. I, too, was asked to meet him in a hotel bar. I, too, met a young, female assistant there who said the meeting had been moved upstairs to his suite because he was a very busy man. I, too, felt my guard go up but was calmed by the presence of another woman my age beside me. I, too, felt terror in the pit of my stomach when that young woman left the room and I was suddenly alone with him. I, too, was asked if I wanted a massage, champagne, strawberries. I, too, sat in that chair paralyzed by mounting fear when he suggested we shower together. What could I do? How not to offend this man, this gatekeeper, who could anoint or destroy me? It was clear that there was only one direction he wanted this encounter to go in, and that was sex or some version of an erotic exchange. I was able to gather myself together — a bundle of firing nerves, hands trembling, voice lost in my throat — and leave the room. [Atlantic]
  • Circa 2014–2015: Kim Masters, editor at large at The Hollywood Reporter, told The Washington Post that the magazine “tried ‘really hard’ to publish a report on Weinstein’s sexual behavior a few years ago. But the source backed out, leaving it without on-the-record corroboration of festering rumors,” according to the October 14, 2017, piece.
  • 2015: A woman, known only as Jane Doe, files a lawsuit against Weinstein, alleging that he raped her. Another woman is alleging that Harvey Weinstein raped her, this time at a Beverly Hills hotel room under the auspice of discussing a possible role on the Netflix show Marco Polo. Jane Doe alleges that the powerful Hollywood producer first lured her to the Montage Hotel in 2015 and, during their meeting, grabbed her wrist and forcibly masturbated in front of her. The following year, the woman agreed to meet Weinstein at the Montage Hotel again after being given the impression that she had been chosen for a part in Marco Polo, which was produced by his company. At some point during the meeting, the woman alleges that Weinstein excused himself and returned wearing only a bathrobe. Before she could leave, she alleges that Weinstein pulled her into the bedroom. “He pulled down her jeans and started to orally copulate her,” the lawsuit states. When the woman told him to stop, “Weinstein then used his massive weight and strength to force himself on her, pushing his penis inside of her vagina without a condom,” the complaint adds. The woman says she never received a job offer for Marco Polo — which was canceled after two seasons — or for any other Weinstein-related project. [Buzzfeed News]
  • 2015: At a Beverly Hills hotel, a female assistant said Weinstein “badgered her into giving him a massage while he was naked, leaving her ‘crying and very distraught,’” according to a memo written by former Weinstein Co. employee Lauren O’Connor months later that The New York Times quoted in its October 5, 2017, piece.
  • 2015: A female employee at The Weinstein Co. “quit after complaining of being forced to arrange what she believed to be assignations for Mr. Weinstein,” according to the October 5, 2017, New York Times report.
  • March 2015: According to the October 5, 2017, New York Times story, Weinstein invited model Ambra Battilana Gutierrez to his office in New York for a business meeting late on a Friday night and “grabbed her breasts after asking if they were real and put his hands up her skirt.” Battilana reported the assault to the New York Police Department (NYPD) and, according to The New Yorker, subsequently cooperated with the police to obtain secretly recorded audio in which Weinstein admits to groping her, saying, “I’m used to that.” After a two-week investigation, the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus Vance, declined to bring charges against Weinstein, saying in a statement that “a criminal charge is not supported.” The Times noted, “Mr. Weinstein was represented in talks with the district attorney’s office by two defense lawyers with ties to Mr. Vance: Daniel S. Connolly, a former Manhattan prosecutor, and Elkan Abramowitz, who is Mr. Vance’s former law partner and a donor to his campaign.” The New York Post recently reported that Abramowitz gave a new contribution to Vance shortly after the district attorney declined to press charges.
  • March-April 2015: Gossip media including The Daily Beast, Gawker, The New York Post, and the Daily Mail helped Weinstein smear Battilana in March and April of 2015 by reporting on her previous reports of sexual misconduct against other powerful men, among other smears. The New Yorker and, later, The Washington Post both suggested Weinstein may have worked to plant negative information about Battilana in at least some of these publications, a practice he had bragged about.
  • March 30, 2015: Writer Jennifer Senior and conservative pundit John Podhoretz tweeted on March 30, 2015, about what Senior called Weinstein’s “despicable open secret” following news of the NYPD investigation into his assault of Battilana.
  • April 2, 2015: Gawker website Defamer published an item in April 2015 asking for tips about “Harvey Weinstein’s ‘open secret,’” citing the tweets from Senior and Podhoretz. The Defamer piece referred to several incidents and patterns of predatory behavior eventually reported on in The New York Times and The New Yorker. It also referred to blind items, articles, and comments about Weinstein’s misconduct posted to gossip blogs and their comment sections beginning in 2009.
  • 2015: According to a recent report from The New York Times’ Megan Twohey, The Weinstein Co. and its board — which includes Weinstein’s brother, Bob — were made aware of “three or four confidential settlements” with women who said Weinstein sexually harassed them as early as 2015, when Weinstein’s company contract was up for renewal. During the contract negotiations, Weinstein did not allow the company’s lawyers to review his personnel file but instead retained an outside lawyer.
  • September 2015: Weinstein’s personal lawyer completed a review of his personnel file and sent a letter to the Weinstein Co. board saying it was “legally safe” to continue employing his client. In his review, the lawyer reportedly encountered one 2014 complaint, from temporary employee Emily Nestor. It is unclear if the board was told about Nestor’s report at the time.
  • 2015: Weinstein Co. board member Lance Maerov reportedly pushed for a clearer company policy on sexual harassment, which was created. Weinstein’s renewed contract also reportedly included a new clause detailing “costly fines” should the company have to pay a settlement or misconduct.
  • October 6, 2015: Ashley Judd publicly recounted her sexual harassment by Weinstein for the first time in Variety, but she chose not to disclose his name at the time.
  • November 2015: Weinstein Co. employee Lauren O’Connor wrote a memo detailing repeated sexual harassment by Weinstein. She wrote, “I am a 28 year old woman trying to make a living and a career. Harvey Weinstein is a 64 year old, world famous man and this is his company. The balance of power is me: 0, Harvey Weinstein: 10.” O’Connor’s memo, penned in November, focused on a two-year period in which she said she feared that she and others had been facilitating “liaisons with ‘vulnerable women who hope he will get them work.’” According to The New York Times, the memo’s statements reflect a larger trend in which numerous assistants were asked to participate in setting up meetings in which harassment or assault may have occurred.
  • 2015: Weinstein made settlements with Battilana and O’Connor. O’Connor withdrew her complaint as part of the settlement and submitted a letter thanking Weinstein “for the opportunity to learn about the entertainment industry.”
  • Circa 2016: Lawyer Lisa Bloom began working as Weinstein’s legal adviser on “gender and power dynamics,” at some point in the year preceding the October 5, 2017, New York Times report.
  • October 2016: Actress Rose McGowan posted a series of tweets on October 12, 2016, recounting a rape by “a studio head” without disclosing his name. A year later she tweeted that it was “HW” and then referred to “Weinstein.”
  • December 2016: Reporter Ronan Farrow began a 10-month investigation into reports of Weinstein’s serial sexual harassment and assault that would culminate in an October 10, 2017, article published in The New Yorker. In the months before Farrow’s piece was published, Weinstein’s lawyers contacted several of the women who spoke to Farrow about harassment or assault by Weinstein, as well as several current or former employees who had cooperated with the story, and Weinstein “asked [actress Asia] Argento to meet with a private investigator and give testimony on [Weinstein’s] behalf.” Farrow also said he was personally threatened with a lawsuit from Weinstein during the course of reporting the story.


  • January 2017: In January 2017, Farrow recorded an on-camera interview with Rose McGowan about her assault by Weinstein; at the time, he was trying to report the story for NBC. McGowan later had to revoke consent to use her name and camera appearance in the piece due to legal pressure from Weinstein stemming from the terms of her 1997 settlement with the producer.
  • February 2017: Farrow’s investigative report on Weinstein’s serial sexual misconduct was “originally targeted to air on NBC in February, just as Hollywood was gearing up for the Oscars,” according to The Hollywood Reporter.
  • March 2017: Sources told HuffPost that Farrow had the 2015 audio recording of Harvey Weinstein admitting to groping Ambra Battilana as early as March.
  • April 7, 2017: Lawyer Lisa Bloom announced that her book about Trayvon Martin was being made into a miniseries produced by Weinstein.
  • April 2017: Sources told HuffPost that, by April, Farrow had been told his Weinstein investigation was not “sufficient for a televised story,” and he instead “prepared a lengthy text story” for NBC News’ website. Farrow was then told that story would not run.
  • Summer 2017: Ronan Farrow’s non-exclusive contributor contract with NBC expired and was renegotiated over the summer.
  • Summer 2017: Reporters Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey began working on the New York Times investigation into Weinstein’s patterns of predatory sexual misconduct; the investigation would be published “about four months” later, on October 5, 2017.
  • July 2017: Sources told The Hollywood Reporter that Ronan Farrow had the 2015 audio recording of Harvey Weinstein admitting to groping Ambra Battilana as early as July. A later report in HuffPost said Farrow had actually acquired the audio in March and had conducted eight interviews with women saying Weinstein harassed or assaulted them by late July. At this point, sources say, Farrow was told the story was “reportable.”
  • August 2017: Sources told HuffPost that NBC had control of Farrow’s reporting on Weinstein “as recently as August,” at which point the company expressed “concerns related to the story’s sourcing.” The Daily Beast added that NBC’s decision to pass on the report followed “months” of careful internal vetting of interviews and legal review by several NBC executives that lasted for much of the summer. It included the “unusual” review of Kimberley D. Harris, executive vice president and general counsel of NBCUniversal, shortly before the piece was spiked. CNN added that NBC News chairman Andy Lack was also involved in the decision.
  • August 2017: Farrow secured an on-camera silhouette interview with a woman who said Weinstein had raped her, according to multiple sources who spoke with HuffPost. He had already “been told by [NBC] to stop reporting on” the piece at this point. HuffPost added, “The network insisted he not use an NBC News crew for the interview, and neither was he to mention his NBC News affiliation. And so that was how Ronan Farrow wound up paying out of his own pocket for a camera crew to film an interview.”
  • August 2017: Farrow was allowed by NBC to bring his reporting elsewhere, and he soon pitched The New Yorker’s David Remnick. Sources told The Hollywood Reporter that “Weinstein’s legal team attempted to block Farrow from taking material that he gathered at NBC News to The New Yorker.” HuffPost reported that Weinstein’s legal team also argued at both NBC and The New Yorker that Farrow had a conflict of interest in reporting on Weinstein: Weinstein has worked with Farrow’s estranged father, Woody Allen. (In 2014, Farrow’s sister Dylan wrote in an open letter in The New York Times saying that Allen had sexually abused her.)
  • October 3, 2017: Weinstein and his legal team were contacted by The New York Times with details about its forthcoming investigation against decades of his misconduct. The Weinstein camp was given two days to respond ahead of the Times’ publication. Weinstein and his lawyers did not contend that any of the details in the story were inaccurate.
  • October 2017: Just as The New York Times was preparing to publish its investigation into harassment by Weinstein, The Washington Post was offered “negative information” about one of the women who spoke to the Times, according to media columnist Margaret Sullivan. “The timing could, of course, be coincidental, but seems suspicious and tracks with Weinstein’s well-known practices,” Sullivan wrote on October 11, 2017.
  • October 5, 2017: In The New York Times, Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey published the first reported accounts of women who say they were harassed by Weinstein. The report detailed “previously undisclosed allegations against Mr. Weinstein stretching over nearly three decades, documented through interviews with current and former employees and film industry workers, as well as legal records, emails and internal documents from the businesses he has run, Miramax and the Weinstein Company.” It also included information about at least eight settlements Weinstein paid in relation to sexual misconduct. In interviews with the Times, “eight women described varying behavior by Mr. Weinstein: appearing nearly or fully naked in front of them, requiring them to be present while he bathed or repeatedly asking for a massage or initiating one himself. The women, typically in their early or middle 20s and hoping to get a toehold in the film industry, said he could switch course quickly — meetings and clipboards one moment, intimate comments the next. One woman advised a peer to wear a parka when summoned for duty as a layer of protection against unwelcome advances.”
  • October 5, 2017: Weinstein issued a bizarre statement of apology following the Times report, comparing himself to rapper Jay-Z while also apologizing for his actions. Weinstein said he would seek help and would spend more time focused on activism against the National Rifle Association.
  • October 5, 2017: Weinstein told TheWrap’s Sharon Waxman that his “apology was sincere” while also threatening to sue the Times for defamation. Legal advisor Lisa Bloom, in her own statement, contended that several of the reports about Weinstein were false. She also told members of his company’s board that Weinstein would follow through on a Times lawsuit and that new reports would emerge with photos of accusers seeming “very friendly” with Weinstein. Weinstein’s lawyer, Charles Harder — who led the case that brought down Gawker Media last year — said he was preparing a case against the Times.
  • October 5, 2017: ABC and CBS covered the New York Times report on Weinstein in their nightly newscasts, but NBC did not. Sources told HuffPost that NBC News President Noah Oppenheim made the final decision not to include a Weinstein segment in the newscast, claiming Weinstein was not a well-known figure.
  • October 6, 2017: Actress Jessica Hynes, who is known for her roles in the Bridget Jones movies and Shaun of the Dead, tweeted “I was offered a film role at 19, Harvey Weinstein came on board and wanted me to screen-test in a bikini. I refused & lost the job.” She has since deleted the tweet. [People]
  • October 6, 2017: One-third of The Weinstein Co.’s all-male board resigned. The remaining four members of the board — including Bob Weinstein — announced that Harvey Weinstein “would take an indefinite leave of absence immediately” as an outside lawyer began investigating.
  • October 6, 2017: Bob Weinstein sent a worried email to his brother’s legal adviser, Lisa Bloom, writing that Democrats were returning donations and women’s organizations and people in the entertainment industry were speaking out against his brother.
  • October 6, 2017: Yashar Ali published in HuffPost an on-the-record account from Lauren Sivan about Weinstein trapping her in a hallway and masturbating in front of her in 2007. Sivan told HuffPost that Weinstein called her the following day, asking her to get together soon.
  • October 5–7, 2017: Weinstein reportedly sent an email to his brother and other members of The Weinstein Co. board “in the waning hours” of the week, alleging that they knew of sexual harassment settlements. The Hollywood Reporter’s Janice Min reported on another email sent by Weinstein prior to his firing in which he begged Hollywood CEOs to defend him, saying, “Do not let me be fired.”
  • October 7, 2017: The New York Times called on Weinstein to release from nondisclosure agreements the women who’ve reached legal settlements with him for sexual misconduct. Spokesperson Danielle Rhoades Ha referenced Weinstein’s public non-apology — in which he said, “I so respect women” and mentioned a scholarship fund he started to support women directors — in a statement, saying, “As a supporter of women, he must support their right to speak openly about these issues of gender and power.”
  • October 7, 2017: MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski tweeted that she would not go through with a three-book deal with Weinstein Books unless Weinstein resigned.
  • October 7, 2017: President Donald Trump, who was recorded bragging about committing sexual assault in 2005 and has been reported for harassment and assault by multiple women, told reporters he has “known Harvey Weinstein for a long time” and was “not at all surprised” by the reports.
  • October 7, 2017: Lisa Bloom announced that she had resigned as Weinstein’s legal adviser. Lanny Davis, another lawyer for Weinstein and previously special counsel to President Bill Clinton, resigned as well. Another member of The Weinstein Co.’s board, Paul Tudor Jones, also resigned. In the evening, Weinstein was notified by email that he was fired from the company.
  • October 8, 2017: The Weinstein Co. announced that Harvey Weinstein had been fired.
  • October 8, 2017: In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Rose McGowan called on the entire Weinstein Company board to resign “effective immediately.”
  • October 9, 2017: The large entertainment industry union Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) released a statement condemning Weinstein’s reported misconduct as “abhorrent and unacceptable” and saying that abusive behavior in Hollywood “is more prevalent than our industry acknowledges.”
  • October 9, 2017: Actresses Meryl Streep, Dame Judi Dench, Kate Winslet, and Glenn Close issued public statements condemning Weinstein.
  • October 9, 2017: Sources told The Hollywood Reporter that Harvey Weinstein’s credits would be removed from all Weinstein Co. TV shows, saying that the company “reached out to multiple networks and granted them permission to remove Weinstein’s name from the credits in the wake of his ouster from the company.” The report also said the company was considering changing its name.
  • October 10, 2017: In a second article by The New York Times’ Jodi Kantor, along with reporter Rachel Abrams, five more women, including prominent actresses Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow, publicly disclosed sexual harassment by Weinstein.
  • October 10, 2017: Tina Brown, who started Talk magazine with Weinstein’s company in 1998, wrote in The New York Times that Weinstein “spent most of the hours of his working day ensuring that all the bad stories went away, killed, evaporated, spun into something diametrically its opposite.” Brown alleged that there were many “hacks writing gossip columns or entertainment coverage were on the Miramax payroll with a ‘consultancy’ or a ‘development deal.’”
  • October 10, 2017: A lengthy article by NBC contributor Ronan Farrow in The New Yorker publicly reported for the first time three reports of sexual assault committed by Weinstein, as well as additional reports of sexual harassment spanning decades. Sixteen current and former Weinstein staffers spoke with Farrow about witnessing or having knowledge of his patterns of sexual misconduct. The New Yorker piece also included 2015 audio obtained by actress Battilana and the NYPD in which Weinstein admitted to groping Battilana. Farrow wrote in his piece that Weinstein’s lawyers had contacted several women who spoke with Farrow, and one actress — later revealed to be Rose McGowan — was forced to withdraw her name from the piece because of “the legal angle” coming at her.
  • October 10, 2017: Farrow appeared on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show to discuss his article in The New Yorker. When Maddow pressed Farrow about why his article ultimately ran in the magazine rather than on NBC, Farrow contended, “I walked into the door at The New Yorker with an explosively reportable piece that should have been public earlier. And immediately, obviously, The New Yorker recognized that. And it is not accurate to say that it was not reportable. In fact, there were multiple determinations that it was reportable at NBC.”
  • October 10, 2017: In response to the new reports of harassment and assault in The New Yorker, Weinstein’s spokesperson gave a statement to the magazine in which Weinstein denied “any allegations of non-consensual sex.”
  • October 10, 2017: Bob Weinstein and Weinstein Co. president David Glasser reportedly told employees in a video conference call that they were, as The New York Times described it, “shocked by the allegations and unaware of payments made to women who complained of unwanted touching, sexual harassment and other over-the-line behavior.” Weinstein and other remaining members of the board also issued a public statement saying they were unaware of the new allegations of extreme sexual misconduct and sexual assault reported in The New Yorker.
  • October 10, 2017: Actor Ben Affleck, a frequent collaborator of Weinstein’s, issued a statement calling the producer’s reported misconduct “sick.” Rose McGowan called Affleck a liar, saying he had known about Weinstein’s misconduct. Variety subsequently reported that actress Hilarie Burton said Affleck had groped her in 2003.
  • October 10, 2017: Following the New Yorker reports of rape and sexual assault committed by Weinstein, Rose McGowan tweeted, “Now am I allowed to say rapist”?
  • October 10, 2017: Former President Barack Obama, who had previously received political contributions from Weinstein, and former first lady Michelle Obama issued a statement saying they were “disgusted” by reports of Weinstein’s serial sexual misconduct. Their daughter Malia had interned at Weinstein’s company in 2017. Hillary Clinton, another of many prominent Democrats to have benefited from Weinstein’s fundraising, issued a statement condemning the serial sexual predator as well.
  • October 11, 2017: Weinstein Co. board member Lance Maerov told The New York Times that he did know in 2015 of settlements made by Weinstein but “assumed they were used to cover up consensual affairs” and was assured at the time that no company money was used and no further complaints were pending.
  • October 11, 2017: Actress Cara Delevingne posted a note to Instagram detailing her sexual harassment by Weinstein over the course of several unspecified years. “I received a call from Harvey Weinstein asking if I had slept with any of the women I was seen out with… he said to me that if I was gay or decided to be with a woman… I’d never get the role of a straight woman or make it as an actress… When I arrived [at the meeting] I was relieved to find another woman… he asked us to kiss… I said again that I had to leave. He walked me to the door and stood in front of it and tried to kiss me on the lips.”
  • October 11, 2017: By October 11, Politico wrote that “each high-profile Democrat to receive money from Weinstein had made plans to direct it elsewhere, aside from recent retirees like former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — who still denounced him” and noted that the Democratic National Committee pledged to donate a small amount of total donations it had received from Weinstein. Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) later announced he would donate the full amount Weinstein had contributed to him, after first pledging to donate only a portion of the money.
  • October 11, 2017: An NBC source refuted Farrow’s claims that NBC may have passed on his Weinstein investigation under pressure, instead telling The Daily Beast that Farrow’s early reporting, at the time it was presented to NBC News, “didn’t meet the standard to go forward with a story.” Instead, according to the source, NBC permitted Farrow — who has a non-exclusive contributor agreement with NBC — to bring his work to a print publication, and said that the early reporting was “nowhere close to what ultimately ran” in The New Yorker. NBC News president Noah Oppenheim reiterated this stance in a previously scheduled employee town hall meeting the same day. Other sources at NBC told CNN’s Brian Stelter, however, that “Ronan was basically told to stop working on this” and described the decision by NBC as “indefensible” and a “stand down order.” The Daily Beast noted that Weinstein “had enjoyed a long business relationship with NBC Universal, and Universal Pictures produced both his seven-Oscar Shakespeare in Love in 1998 and 2009’s Inglourious Basterds, for instance, while he had co-produced the hit reality-TV show Project Runway for the NBC-owned Bravo channel.”
  • October 11, 2017: Twitter suspended Rose McGowan’s account for 12 hours amid her online activism about Weinstein. A Twitter spokesperson told a reporter the following day the McGowan had tweeted a private phone number in violation of Twitter’s policies, triggering a protocol (that’s now been called into question) in which her entire account was temporarily suspended. After her suspension was lifted, McGowan tweeted about telling an Amazon executive about her rape and being dismissed.
  • October 11, 2017: New York Times media writer Jim Rutenberg reported that Executive Editor Dean Baquet said he was approached by Weinstein “a few times” during the course of Kantor and Twohey’s reporting to discuss the article, but Baquet “rebuffed” him, as Rutenberg put it. Baquet also told Rutenberg that Weinstein’s company was a Times advertiser, but that the paper was fortunately large enough that advertising money was not a consideration.
  • October 12, 2017: ABC News published a video Weinstein had recorded the day before in which he says he has “got to get help” and asks for “a second chance” because “we all make mistakes.” ABC reported that Weinstein then left Los Angeles for “a rehabilitation clinic for behavioral issues including sex addiction.”
  • October 12, 2017: Claire Forlani posted a statement to Twitter detailing repeated undated incidents of sexual harassment by Weinstein, saying, “Nothing happened to me with Harvey , by that I mean , I escaped 5 times.” Forlani also wrote that she regretted declining to participate in Farrow’s New Yorker story, saying she was advised by male colleagues not to speak out.
  • October 12, 2017: TMZ obtained Weinstein’s company contract, negotiated in 2015, and reported that the document “says if [Weinstein] gets sued for sexual harassment or any other ‘misconduct’ that results in a settlement or judgment against TWC, all Weinstein has to do is pay what the company’s out, along with a fine, and he’s in the clear.”
  • October 12, 2017: Entertainment agents told Deadline that they no longer wanted to work with Weinstein’s company, even as the company made moves to change its name and scrub Harvey Weinstein credits from projects.
  • October 12, 2017: The New York Police Department confirmed that it was opening an investigation into Weinstein, reportedly spurred by the 2004 sexual assault report shared publicly in The New Yorker by Lucia Evans. The London police force confirmed it is investigating an incident of alleged sexual assault that occurred in the 1980s, and British media said Weinstein is the alleged perpetrator of the incident.
  • October 13, 2017: Spurred by the Weinstein reports, New York state lawmakers introduced new language to an existing bill that would prohibit employers from using nondisclosure agreements to prevent employees from discussing instances of sexual harassment or misconduct.
  • October 13, 2017: The Wall Street Journal reported that The Weinstein Co. was considering either a sale or complete shutdown, but that it was “unlikely” to continue operating as an independent entity.
  • October 13, 2017: Actress Angie Everhart called into a southern California radio show and told the hosts on air about an incident on a boat at the Venice Film Festival (she didn’t specify which year) in which she woke up to find Weinstein standing above her, masturbating and blocking the door. Everhart said that once Weinstein finished, he told her not to say anything about the incident to anyone because she was “a really nice girl.” Everhart said she still told everybody on the boat but that nothing was done.
  • October 13, 2017: Actress Minka Kelly posted an account to Instagram saying Weinstein had met her in a hotel restaurant, after she refused to meet in his room, and offered her “a lavish life filled with trips around the world on private planes” if she would agree to be his girlfriend. Kelly wrote that, when she declined, Weinstein asked her not to mention the exchange to anyone. She said, “I’m sorry for obliging his orders to be complicit in protecting his behavior, which he obviously knew was wrong or he wouldn’t have asked me not to tell anyone in the first place. For making him feel ok about the gross things he was saying and that I felt my only route was to say I was flattered. For not insisting that my reps never allow anyone to take a meeting in a hotel room (with him or anyone else), because I honestly don’t know what might have happened if I’d just showed up as originally scheduled.”
  • October 13, 2017: Actress Mia Kirshner alleges that Weinstein offered her work in exchange for sex: “I could waste this precious space on Harvey Weinstein by describing my own ordeal with him. An ordeal in a hotel room where he attempted to treat me like chattel that could be purchased with the promise of work in exchange for being his disposable orifice. But I’m not giving that man, a newly crowned figurehead of sexual abuse, the privilege of more ink. [The Globe And Mail]
  • October 14, 2017: Bob Weinstein claimed in a phone interview with The Hollywood Reporter that he was unaware of the scope of his brother’s serial predatory misconduct and described the aftermath as a “waking nightmare.” Weinstein declined to discuss any specific reports of his brother’s behavior or the negotiation of his brother’s employment contract in 2015, which was modified to specifically address potential settlements related to misconduct.
  • October 14, 2017: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences called an emergency session and votedoverwhelmingly to “immediately expel” Weinstein.
  • October 14, 2017: NBC’s Saturday Night Live addressed the Weinstein reports multiple times in its broadcast after failing to acknowledge the reports the previous week. The previous week, NBC’s Lorne Michaels said in response to questions about why Weinstein sketches were cut that the situation was a “New York thing,” echoing a similar statement by NBC News President Noah Oppenheim. A source told The New York Timesthat sketches were shelved after a tepid response from the audience during a dress rehearsal.
  • October 15, 2017: Director Woody Allen, whose daughter Dylan wrote publicly in 2014 that she was abused by Allen as a child, and who continues to make high-profile films in Hollywood and work with major entertainers, issued a statement to the BBC saying he felt “sad for Harvey” and that he hoped the Weinstein reports would not lead to a “witch hunt atmosphere” in the entertainment industry. He has since attempted to clarify his remarks.
  • October 15, 2017: Attorney Charles Harder, most well-known for litigating the case that gutted Gawker Media, announced that he had left Weinstein’s legal team.
  • October 15, 2017: French president Emmanuel Macron announced “that he has asked the relevant authorities to strip Harvey Weinstein of his highly coveted Légion d’Honneur award,” during a televised interview, according to The Washington Post.
  • October 15, 2017: Actress Alyssa Milano tweeted about the pervasiveness of sexual harassment and assault, suggesting that people who read the tweet and have experienced harassment or assault reply with “me too.” The hashtag #metoo began trending, and actresses and “an onslaught of women — some famous and many not — tweeted “Me too” and shared their experiences.”
  • October 16, 2017: The Weinstein Co. announced that it had reached a financing deal with the private equity firm Colony Capital that would allow the studio to “stay afloat in the short term,” according to CNN, and that it was negotiating a potential sale to Colony. The firm is owned by Tom Barrack, a close confidant to Trump and the chairman of Trump’s private Presidential Inaugural Committee. CNN’s Brian Stelter wrote, “His involvement on Monday provided undeniable intrigue, given that he’s helping to rescue a company paralyzed by a sexual harassment scandal — and that Trump has faced harassment allegations as well.”
  • October 17, 2017: Harvey Weinstein resigns from his company following scandal, source says. Harvey Weinstein resigned from the board of his company on Tuesday in a call with board members, a knowledgeable source told NBC News.Weinstein, shunned by Hollywood after allegations of rape, assault and sex harassment, doesn’t think he violated his contract but agreed to step down from the Weinstein Co., according to the source. [NBC News]
  • October 17, 2017: Actress Larissa Gomez comes forward with her harrowing account of when Harvey Weinstein sexually harassed her.
  • October 19, 2017: Actress Lupita Nyong’o comes forward with her harrowing account of when Harvey Weinstein sexually harassed the actress.
  • October 20, 2017: Actresses Heather Kerr and Sean Young come forward with their harrowing accounts.
  • October 23, 2017: Actress Brit Marling comes forward with her harrowing account of Weinstein’s sexual harassment.
  • October 23, 2017: Actors Matt Damon and George Clooney recently spoke to ABC News about Weinstein and the culture surrounding him. “You had to spend about five minutes with him to know that he was a bully, he was intimidating,” Damon said. “That was his legend, that was his whole kind of M.O.” “The people who worked with him were like, I’m coming here to make good movies. Miramax was the place, really the place that was making great stuff in the ‘90s.” Damon’s name came up soon after the New York Times story broke, when The Wrap founder Sharon Waxman alleged that he had taken part in killing a 2004 story connected to Weinstein’s harassment. Damon responded in a Deadline interview claiming he was not aware of the content of the story and that he hadn’t tried to kill it. Waxman later tweeted that she “endorsed” Damon’s statement. Damon has worked with Weinstein numerous times — including on Good Will Hunting, Damon’s first film, which won Damon a nomination for Best Actor, while he and Ben Affleck won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay in 1998. “When people say everybody knew, yeah I knew — I knew he was an asshole,” Damon told ABC News. “He was proud of that, that’s how he carried himself. And I knew he was a womanizer. I wouldn’t want to be married to the guy, but that’s none of my business really.” [Buzzfeed News]
  • October 24th, 2017: Mimi Haleyi comes forward with her harrowing account of sexual assault by Harvey Weinstein. the two watched television for a short amount of time, however, “it was not long, though, before he was all over me making sexual advances,” she recalled. “I told him, ‘No, no, no’ but he insisted. Then I said ‘I am on my period. There is no way this is going to happen. Please stop.’” Mimi said that Weinstein then backed her into what “looked like a kid’s bedroom” and made sexual advances toward her. “He held me down on the bed. I tried to get him off of me,” she said. “I kept asking him to stop, but it was impossible.” “He then orally forced himself on me while I was on my period. He even pulled my tampon out. I was mortified. I was in disbelief and disgusted,” Mimi continued. “I would not have wanted anyone to do that to me, even if that person had been a romantic partner.” [US Magazine]
  • October 27th, 2017: Actresses Daryl Hannah and Annabella Sciorra come forward with their harrowing allegations of sexual harassment and rape. Hannah, the Splash and Kill Bill Vol. 1 actress told the New Yorker she was sexually harassed by Weinstein — who then retaliated against her when she refused his advances. In one instance, Weinstein pounded on her hotel room door late at night, she told the New Yorker. She fled to another room. Several years later, while promoting Kill Bill, Weinstein used a key and burst into her hotel room, Hannah told the New Yorker. He demanded she attend a party downstairs — but when she went down, no one else was there, she said. As she asked him what was happening, he asked if her breasts were real and if he could feel them, she told the New Yorker. “I said ‘No, you can’t!’ And then he said, ‘At least flash me, then.’ And I said, ‘Fuck off, Harvey.’ ” Hannah said the repercussions were instant: The Miramax plane left without her, and her flights, hotel, and hair-and-makeup artists for the upcoming Cannes festival were canceled. Hannah said she told people what happened, as well as the retaliation she had faced. “I think that it doesn’t matter if you’re a well-known actress, it doesn’t matter if you’re twenty or if you’re forty, it doesn’t matter if you report or if you don’t, because we are not believed,” she told the New Yorker. “We are more than not believed — we are berated and criticized and blamed.” Sciorra told the New Yorker she met Weinstein in the early ’90s, when she was an up-and-coming actor. He agreed to produce a romantic comedy written by a friend of hers, “The Night We Never Met,” and cast her in the lead role. At one of the various Miramax events she attended, Weinstein offered to give her a ride home, she told the New Yorker. Not long after dropping her off, she heard a knock on her door. She opened it a crack, she told the New Yorker, and Weinstein pushed his way in. He began backing her toward the bedroom, she said, ignoring her orders to leave. “He shoved me onto the bed, and he got on top of me,” she told the New Yorker. “I kicked and I yelled.” He raped her, she said, and also attempted to perform oral sex on her before leaving. Sciorra said she felt she couldn’t tell her family, the police, or even a therapist what happened to her. She didn’t work in the industry for three years, she said, which she believes was the result of Weinstein’s influence. Years later, she continued to be harassed by Weinstein, she said. He stood outside her hotel room in 1997 in his underwear with a bottle of baby oil, she said, and he didn’t leave until she called hotel staff to her room. Sciorra initially did not speak to journalist Ronan Farrow as he was pursuing a story about accusations against Weinstein. A friend, the actor Rosie Perez, encouraged her to come forward as part of her healing process. “I’m an intensely private person, and this is the most un-private thing you can do,” Sciorra told the New Yorker. [New Yorker]

Anonymous Women/Unknown Dates

  • Unknown woman with kids: Unknown date

This post will be updated as necessary and as news warrants.



Andrew Childers

Drew, 36, Progressive/Democrat, #BlackLivesMatter/#LGBTQPIA/#IntersectionalFeminist