How Green Dental used DOOH to increase appointments and attract new clients — Success Story

Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2018


Green Dental is an eco-friendly dental clinic in Bucharest, Romania. With an already loyal customer base, they decided to add Digital Out of Home (DOOH) in their marketing mix in order to boost consideration and attract new clients by redirecting a fragment of their online advertising budget. The addition of DOOH proved to yield significant incremental results.


For the period with DOOH campaign active:

· 37% increase in scheduled appointments

· 50% increase of new patients that used the clinic’s services

· 400% increase of website visits

The combination of highly effective hours and clear cut creatives distributed strategically on 57 screens lead to enhanced results and an optimized budget compared to a standard campaign. Green Dental’s ads were running when their impact was the highest.

Strategy & Execution

Green Dental decided to geo-target their demographic through subway screens and premium Digital Out of Home near corporate headquarters, using real time data to optimize budget for high frequency & attention hours.

The creatives clearly showed the benefits of their services and the time limited discount, creating a sense of urgency.

Pro tip: When looking at DOOH as an option in your marketing mix, always remember that simple and impactful creatives can have a very important priming effect. Optimizing for hours when your audience is more likely to notice your ads is equally important. This combination ultimately leads to increased ROI of the overall campaign.

“This was the first time we considered the Digital Outdoor channel as a Performance one, based on data and recommendations provided by TPS Engage. We’re thrilled by the results so far and will definitely consider it for future campaigns.” — Gabi Bartic, Marketing Director Green Dental & Dent Estet.

What tools made the difference: TPS Engage Hourly Planning, TPS Engage Real Time Analytics




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