Introducing the Tocqueville Group (TQ)!

TQ Tezos
TQ Tezos
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2019

Today we are happy to introduce the Tocqueville Group (but you can call us “TQ”), a new entity we’ve established to advance and support Tezos.

Tezos has been live for more than 6 months now as one of the first major proof-of-stake networks, with an in-protocol governance mechanism and a novel smart contract language, Michelson, which facilitates formal verification.

In these short six months, the Tezos community has continued to engage: We’ve seen meetups and developer trainings hosted around the world; development teams have sprouted on five continents; and 450+ engaged bakers are validating the network, collaborating in the baking slack, and building open source tools to lower the barriers to entry in baking.

What is TQ?

TQ is an independent entity dedicated to growing, strengthening and addressing the needs of the Tezos ecosystem.

We are a small team that has been involved in the Tezos project in various forms, from researching governance to assisting with the betanet and mainnet launches.

After months of extensive research, careful observation, and in-depth conversations with stakeholders both within and outside of the Tezos community, we’ve identified opportunities to drive Tezos growth and adoption. To this end, we have decided to create a new entity, TQ, that can focus on this full time.

We are initially focusing on three key areas:

  1. Creating open source smart contract tools and other public goods for the network
  2. Providing support to projects and companies building on Tezos
  3. Connecting the global Tezos community


To this end, TQ is pleased to announce the following partnerships and initiatives at launch:

Ledger Live

  • TQ has partnered with Obsidian Systems and Ledger to bring Obsidian’s Tezos wallet to Ledger Live and provide technical support to the Tezos community.

TQuorum: Tezos Global Summit

  • We will be producing and hosting the first global Tezos summit, TQuorum, in New York City in September 2019! Sign up at the TQ website!

TQ Tezos Wiki

  • TQ has reviewed and aggregated resources from across the Tezos ecosystem to help developers, businesses, and enthusiasts get started and learn about Tezos. The TQ Tezos Wiki is a living document that will evolve and improve over time.

Smart Contract tools and tutorials

  • We have engaged camlCase to create tutorials and smart contract tools (e.g. a testing framework) to facilitate the writing of secure Michelson contracts. The first four Michelson tutorials can be found here.

What now?

Interested in getting involved and staying up to date? Check out to:

  • Sign up for TQuorum registration and program announcements
  • Check out the TQ Tezos Wiki at
  • Sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of the TQ site (don’t worry, we won’t spam or share)
  • Get in touch with ideas, projects, etc. to let us know what you have going on — we’re here as a resource and will help point you to where it makes sense for the ecosystem (we don’t pick favorites). Don’t be shy.



TQ Tezos
TQ Tezos

TQ Tezos works to advance the Tezos ecosystem by helping companies build on Tezos, creating open source software, and connecting the community.