MINTY FRESH — Edition 9

TQ Tezos
TQ Tezos
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2021

Tune in each week for the freshest mints from across the Tezos #CleanNFT ecosystem.

This week’s secret word is “video games.” We’re highlighting some of the latest mints on Hic et Nunc and Kalamint that hearken back to the 8-, 16-, and 32-bit eras, capture the immersive magic of high-resolution digital creations, and celebrate our love of pixellated pastimes. Grab your gamepads and jump in.

I’m a mad Pac-Man

Livin’ in a leveled world

1. OBJKT#154952

From NFT artist Kate the Cursed.

“Self-proclaimed baroness of the queer underworld,” this piece evokes classic pilot adventures. Check out Kate the Cursed’s Hic et Nunc gallery, where her work reflects “pure isolated nostalgia.”

2. GBA 20th

Wouldn’t it be good to have a GBA for the weekend?

A digital recreation of one of the hallmark handhelds from many of our childhoods. From Frech 3D artist Julien Rivoire. Check out their full Hic et Nunc gallery for “visuals that are somehow comforting and positive.”

3. Your Influencer Is Loading

From NFT artist donyamikazex

“your hot takes are breaking marriages apart and wrecking homes </3 have mercy dear lord influencer, sir sir.. this is a wendy’s, sir.. wake up” — Check out the artist’s first piece on Kalamint.

4. Insomnia

When u can’t sleep, make art ❤

From “audio/video witch” and artist Hekathena. A psychedelic anime fantasy. Check out their Kalamint collection.

5. Windows Still Life 065

From homemade CGI artist John Karel

A delightful take on classic console fighting games. Death vs. Life. Looks like Death has taken quite a chunk out of Life’s health bar! Check out the Windows Still Life series in the artist’s Hic et Nunc gallery.

6. passing breeze

From NFT artist haydiroket

A throwback to the halcyon days of the VHS era. Sit back and enjoy the sunset. Check out their Hic et Nunc gallery.

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Join us next week to check out more artists and creators minting on Tezos, the best place to discover the latest minty fresh clean NFTs.



TQ Tezos
TQ Tezos

TQ Tezos works to advance the Tezos ecosystem by helping companies build on Tezos, creating open source software, and connecting the community.