Taquito v6.0.3-beta.0 Release Notes [Guest post]

TQ Tezos
TQ Tezos
Published in
3 min readFeb 4, 2020

Originally posted by Jev Björsell

Taquito can forge Tezos Operations locally

This release brings several new features to Taquito. In line with our versioning policy, we have also bumped the major release number to v6 on this release, as this version has and continues to be tested against the Carthage testnet. By using this version of Taquito, your application will be compatible with both the Babylonnet protocol and the anticipated Carthage protocol.

As per our versioning policy, we have now removed support for injecting Athens operations, as that protocol is no longer in use on mainnet or in an active testnet.

You can get started with Taquito by following the Quick Start guide on the https://tezostaquito.io/ website.


Local Forging

Taquito now supports Local forging of operations. This allows you to forge operations without relying on a Tezos node RPC. This feature is useful if you do not want to rely (trust) a public node, or if you want to forge & sign operations in an environment that is not accessible to the internet for security purposes.

See the @taquito/local-forging package for the implementation.

Our integration tests for local forging work by forging many test cases using the local forger and the RPC forger endpoint. We then assert that the results from both implementations are identical.

Composite Forger

A new CompositeForger API is available, that allows you to forge an operation using more than one forging method, such as nodes forge RPC and Local forger. This approach provides additional surety that your operation is correctly composed. The CompositeForger will use more than one forger to produce the operation bytes and check that the bytes from each forger are identical. If the operations differ, the API will throw an error. #238

All Taquito integration tests that forge operations make use of the CompositeForger that relies on our local forger and the RPC based forger.

Batch Operation API

The Batch API allows you to group many operations into a single operation. Supported operations kinds are transaction, origination, delegation and activate_account.

Batch operations are useful for processing operations that would otherwise need to be injected once per block.

Taquito minified build published to unpkg.com CDN

Developers can now use Taquito using a <script> tag instead of using a package manager such as yarn or npm

All new releases of Taquito will be published to the unpkg.com CDN. We will publish hash’s of the CDN assets for every release, and we encourage users to make use of the Subresource Integrity options to ensure that you are getting the correct version of Taquito.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@taquito/taquito@6.0.3-beta.0/dist/taquito.min.js"
crossorigin="anonymous" integrity="sha384-9POskX3Ya1OGsqq8YnauMt8yc8JnjtaYA+r3OGBwskIgiAXIjlxFfTI3yh9L9Q++"></script>

Michelson encoder validation

Taquito now type checks data passed to the Michelson encoder prior to calling the RPC, providing better developer UX and faster error surfacing. See #211 for more details.

Subscribe to operations (experimental)

We have made a subscribe API that will poll the RPC behind the scenes. The API allows filtering on source/destination/hash and kind. This API may change in the future. Feedback is always welcome.

Other changes

BigMapAbstraction is now exported from the taquito package #182

michelson-encoder has the ability to get Taquito's representation of type definitions from a smart contract. For example, storage and entrypoint type definitions.


  • WS streamer package is flagged as un-maintained.


We have added many new unit and integration tests including but not limited to multisig contract interaction scenarios, emptying of accounts, and multiple big map encoding scenarios


fix(michelson-encoder): Fix improper encoding of boolean parameters #215

fix(michelson-encoder) Encoder now sorts maps and big map keys as expected by the protocol

fix(estimator) Fix fee estimation of low balance accounts.

Documentation Updates

Many code snippets on the documentation site are now editable and executable directly from the browser.

docs(website) Add setDelegate documentation page #193 docs(website) Add origination documentation page #196

Acknowledgements and Thanks

We wish to thank the Zengo, Kukai, TQ Group, Truffle, Michael Klein, Matej Šima and anyone we have missed. The input and feedback we get on Taquito is incredibly valuable to us and we appreciate you all.



TQ Tezos
TQ Tezos

TQ Tezos works to advance the Tezos ecosystem by helping companies build on Tezos, creating open source software, and connecting the community.