Debugging Node.js applications (part 2)

Roman Coedo
Published in
5 min readNov 26, 2018

In the first part of this series we learned how debuggers work and how to attach our debugging client to our code. In this part we will cover the basic features of the chrome debugger.


A breakpoint is a mark you can place anywhere in your code to pause its execution. You can place it by clicking the line number in the chrome debugger, or alternatively, you could use the Javascript debugger statement anywhere in your code.

We can set breakpoints by clicking the code or using the debugger statement.

Inline breakpoints

Let us say we have a file name in dash-case format and we want to drop the extension and convert it to camel-case:

// "my-file.js" => "myFile""my-file.js"
.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "")
.replace(/-([a-z0-9])/g, g => g[1].toUpperCase());

It is quite common in Javascript to chain calls in a single line like this. When we debug chained calls we usually want to watch what happens in every step of the chain. The default debugger, however, only allows breakpoints in whole lines.

More advanced debuggers like the chrome debugger have features that will allow us to set inline breakpoints. In the chrome debugger, when we set a breakpoint in a line that has more than one call there will be an arrow in front of each one indicating that we can break the execution down even further.

This is specially useful when we have a ternary operator and we want to stop in one of the statements:

The execution pauses at the require

Conditional breakpoints

A conditional breakpoint is a breakpoint that only stops the execution when a certain condition is met. This is specially useful when we are debugging loops and we need to stop on a specific scenario:

Pausing on exceptions

We can tell the debugger to pause execution when an exception is thrown. By default the debugger will stop on uncaught exceptions only, but we can also choose to pause on caught exceptions if we need to.

We can activate this option using the button in the top-right menu:

Debugging tools

Once we are paused somewhere in the code there are several tools we can use to navigate and analyse it. The debugger will give us contextual information, including defined variables and their values and also the call stack.

Stepping through our code

In the top-right menu we have controls to continue executing the code in different ways:

From left to right: Play, step-over, step-into, step-out and step.
  • The “play” button will continue the execution until a new breakpoint is found or the program ends.
  • The “step over” button will execute the next line of code, not stepping into function calls.
  • The “step into” button will enter the current function call.
  • The “step out” button will get you out of the current call in the call stack.
  • The “step” button will execute the next line of code.

The scope

In the right menu, we can find a section with the scope. The scope is the context of execution of our code (everything that is defined) at that moment in time. We can use the scope to analyse what variables are defined and their values.

All defined variables will be listed here. We can check the local scope, the closured values and the global scope.

Expression watching

One useful tool when debugging is expression watching. In the chrome debugger we can define a set of expressions that will be evaluated on the fly and their result will be shown. The cool thing is we can reference variables from the scope.


While paused, we can access the Javascript console to evaluate code in the current execution context. We can show and hide the console with the escape key.

This is probably the most flexible tool in the debugger client since we can do almost anything we want here. However, avoid using it only for expression watching. The expression watchers are still more efficient since you can define them once and use them in more than one execution.

The call stack

In the right menu we can find the call stack section. We use this when we need to navigate the call stack to find why a function was invoked.

It is quite useful when used in conjunction with the “pause on exceptions” option. In this scenario the call stack will let us find which function call caused the exception.

A word on blackboxing

When jumping around your code sometimes you end up in source files you are not interested in, like source files from your node_modules for instance.

Blackboxing allows you to ignore some scripts, so they will not show up when stepping through your code.

Some debuggers ignore the node_modules folder by default. You can choose to blackbox any script you like in the “Blackboxing” tab in the chrome debugger “Settings” panel.

Wrapping it up

These are the fundamentals of the chrome debugger. Master these tools and you will be able to find them pesky bugs in no time. Enjoy!

