“Lighthouse loop” flickr photo by Max Kay https://flickr.com/photos/141910331@N04/34571936803 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-SA) license

Replacing for loops with JavaScript array methods

Asís García


The for loop is the most basic way of iterating over an array in Javascript. It looks familiar for programmers coming from other languages like Java¹ and it gets the work done. But in JavaScript² you have better options.

The problem with "for" loops

Take the following code snippet. Try to give resA, resB, and resC more useful names:

I bet that you had to spend some time mentally parsing the code and removing the “useless” bits. Even if you are an experienced JavaScript developer. for loops are a generic iteration statement and as such they tend to “blur” the intent of the code. They make it harder to understand and its purpose harder to identify.

JavaScript array methods, though, make the iteration implicit, and are purpose-specific. If you use them, your code will become more concise and self explanatory. It will be easier to read and understand.

Let’s rewrite the snippet above using array functions:

Once you know what each function does, renaming the variables is straightforward³:

The resulting code is declarative, easier to read and understand, and less error-prone (did you spot the bug in the first snippet?).

Some guidelines for choosing the right array method

Take this as an exercise: don’t write for loops. Never. Force yourself to use array methods instead. Every time you write a for loop, think about your intention. What do you want to get as a result?

  • If you are searching for an element, use find.
  • If you are trying to get an element’s index, use findIndex, indexOf, lastIndexOf.
  • If you want a boolean value telling something about the array as a whole, try includes, some, every.
  • If you want all the elements meeting some condition, use filter.
  • If you want a new array with each original element transformed, use map.
  • If you want anything else, maybe it’s time for reduce or reduceRight.

Oh, and even if you just want to iterate over each element to cause some side effects… use forEach!


¹ Most of the people doing JavaScript at Trabe started as Java developers.

² I mean ECMAScript 2016.

³ This is the trade-off: you have to know what each function is supposed to do to understand the code. Anyway, dealing with arrays is one of the main things we do as developers. Knowing the array API is a skill every JavaScript developer should master.

