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Helping community FIs respond to COVID-19

Matt Dean
3 min readMar 20, 2020


Last week, one of our credit union customers reached out with a few emergency development requests in light of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The changes shared a common goal: to dramatically reduce foot traffic to their branches by helping their members take care of more business remotely.

We think this same conversation — how to bring yet-to-be-digitized bank processes into digital banking channels — is being repeated by hundreds of community financial institutions today. We’re writing this post because we’re available to extend any Q2 eBanking customer’s digital banking experience through the Q2 Caliper SDK as a certified developer who can accelerate time to market by leveraging this toolset.

Building on the Q2 Caliper SDK

Out of the box, Q2’s digital banking tools are incredibly robust. There’s a reason they’re considered among the best in digital banking providers. Over the past few years, though, Q2 has laid a foundation that’s absolutely critical in a time like this: they built out a flexible platform in their Caliper SDK, allowing both their own developers and outside providers like Trabian to build and integrate new functionality quickly.

While we’re excited about opportunities to eventually help bring innovative new products and services to market, we recognize the immediate need to bridge the gap between in-person service and existing digital platforms.

When an FI’s branch network is fully operational, members and customers flow in and out for everything from acquiring medallion signature guarantees or notary services to accessing safe deposit boxes. Self-service around these processes hasn’t been available in Online Banking on a wide scale simply because it hasn’t needed to be. Foot-traffic restrictions weren’t an industry-wide problem.

As we face a global pandemic together, the reality is that digital banking is now the most critical branch in every bank’s network. If there are FI-specific processes that are essential and haven’t been digitized, or areas where digital tools can help alleviate the strain on staff, banks and credit unions should now explore how to quickly roll out those solutions.

Beyond the help we’ll be providing there, though, we’re also planning to release some simple self-service-oriented tools that we can implement for Q2 customers soon.

One idea is a “How should I perform this transaction?” interactive tool that gives a customer or member the best option for how to get what they need. We expect to cover quick form routing for requests such as higher ATM cash limits, integrations with appointment scheduling via tools like Calendly for managing unavoidable in-person visits, and pre-filling traditionally un-sexy forms like beneficiary changes or loan payment deferral requests, all behind-the-pin. It’s not earth-shattering but it’s important.

What’s next?

If you’re a Q2 customer with customization needs in response to COVID-19, please reach out to us through and we can explore fast-track enhancements together with Q2. Like you, our roadmap looks much different today than it did at the start of March. As the way you interact with your customers changes, we’re ready to help implement those into the Q2 digital banking suite. Let’s stay nimble, resilient, and focused on making our communities stronger together.

