Trac Systems’ Biweekly AMA Session on X (Apr 16, 2024)



The biweekly AMA on April 16th 2024 was attended by Benny (Host and Developer of TTP Protocols) and our guests from the Ghosty.Cash.


On the 16th of April, the Trac System Team hosted a brief but engaging AMA session on X. The AMA session had Team members from Trac Systems and Ghosty.Cash in attendance. The community members were also included as over 1000 members eagerly joined the live session or listened to the recorded version. If you missed it you can listen here.

Questions Asked by the Community

There were several questions from the community that points to an interest in TTP ecosystem growth at large.

Most of the questions centered around:

  • The benefits that TAP protocol will get from partnering with Ghosty,
  • Trac as an indexer,
  • A breakdown of the new developments in TTP protocols, etc.
  • What is Ghosty, what they are working on, and what kind of projects do they intend to partner with in the coming future,

Answers and Insights Shared

Benny, the lead developer, provided details of the recently developed projects under the TTP protocols and explained how these projects will benefit both developers seeking to partner with TTP and other users. If you are a developer looking to explore development on the TAP protocol, join the budding Trac Dev community here.

The Ghosty team spoke on the functionalities of They also spoke about how Ghosty intends to be the first DEX under the TTP ecosystem that will support TAP token swapping.

Highlights Of The AMA Session

Here are major highlights gotten from the AMA session;

  • is a DEX that supports privacy and security focused multi-chain swaps that is legally compliant. It currently supports swapping across 52 blockchain networks. Also, it intends to be the only hub that supports all DeFi functionalities on TAP protocol. The project released its API to partners recently and is looking forward to allowing the implementation of on websites, with little coding required and referral fees to developers.
  • Furthermore, Ghosty is currently improving the robustness of its security due to the growth it is experiencing. The swapping rates are also being improved thanks to an upgrade of the underlying tech. Finally, Ghosty is working on executing a direct on-ramp that allows users direct access to buy tokens through credit/debit cards.
  • TAP protocol aims to resolve some hurdles that metaprotocols on layer 1 have been facing. One of the solutions is to create the ability to assign authority over token distributions to other people, this can prevent front-run and allow whitelisting.
  • Although Trac is not the only indexer, many of the features available in Trac are either not available on other indexers or will cost money to access. Part of Trac’s mission is to allow free access and true decentralization for users and developers using the Trac indexer.
  • TracStore acts as a hub that contains apps/projects that are under the TTP ecosystem. Like an app store, Trac store will facilitate easy access to projects of different categories for users, in a decentralized manner. It will also work in tandem with browsers.
  • Other developments talked about include “Promises”, a new approach to computation using metaprotocols like Tap protocol and allowing all important DefiI functions to have an equivalent on Bitcoin Network. Due to the novelty of the technology, a user-friendly UI/UX is being put into consideration when releasing a beta version for users.

Lastly, great emphasis was laid on the teams’ intentions to aim for long-term solutions and the need to only work with projects that think alike.The AMA session provided insights into both the Trac Systems and ecosystem as they take on novel ideas to bring about further solutions in the Bitcoin Ordinals space.

摘要:Trac Systems 两周一次 AMA 会议

2024年4月16日的两周一次 AMA 会议邀请了 Benny(TTP 协议的主持人和开发者)以及来自 Ghosty.Cash 的客人。

介绍: 4月16日,Trac System 团队举办了一次简短但引人入胜的 AMA 会议,主题为X。AMA 会议邀请了来自 Trac Systems 和 Ghosty.Cash 团队的成员参加。社区成员也参与其中,超过1000名成员热情参与了直播或听取了录制版本。如果你错过了,可以在这里听到。

社区提出的问题 社区提出了几个问题,表明了对 TTP 生态系统整体发展的兴趣。


  1. TAP 协议与 Ghosty 合作的好处,
  2. Trac 作为索引器,
  3. TTP 协议的新发展等等。
  4. Ghosty 是什么,他们正在做什么,以及他们打算在未来与什么样的项目合作,


  • 领头开发人员Benny提供了最近开发的TTP协议下项目的详细信息,并解释了这些项目将如何使寻求与TTP合作的开发人员和其他用户受益。如果您是开发人员,希望在TAP协议上进行开发,请加入这里的新兴Trac Dev社区。
  • Ghosty团队介绍了Ghosty.cash的功能。他们还谈到了Ghosty打算成为第一个在TTP生态系统下支持TAP代币交换的DEX。

AMA 会议的亮点


  • Ghosty.cash是支持隐私和安全的跨链交换的DEX,目前支持52个区块链网络的交换。此外,它打算成为唯一支持TAP协议上所有DeFi功能的中心。该项目最近向合作伙伴发布了API,并期望允许在网站上实施,所需的编码量很少,并向开发者收取推荐费。
  • 此外,Ghosty目前正在改进其安全性的稳健性,因为它正在经历增长。交换率也在通过升级底层技术得到改善。最后,Ghosty正在努力执行一种直接的入口,允许用户通过信用卡/借记卡直接购买代币。
  • TAP 协议旨在解决一些层1上的元协议所面临的障碍。其中一个解决方案是创建将代币分配权限授予其他人的能力,这可以防止抢先交易,并允许白名单。
  • 尽管Trac不是唯一的索引器,但在Trac上可用的许多功能要么在其他索引器上不可用,要么需要付费才能访问。Trac的使命之一是允许用户和开发人员免费访问和真正去中心化。
  • TracStore充当了一个中心,其中包含了TTP生态系统中的应用/项目。类似于应用商店,Trac商店将以一种去中心化的方式方便用户访问不同类别的项目。它还将与浏览器配合使用。
  • 其他讨论的发展包括“Promises”,这是一种使用元协议(如TAP协议)进行计算的新方法,并允许所有重要的DeFi功能在比特币网络上都有一个等价物。由于技术的新颖性,当为用户发布一个beta版本时,用户友好的UI/UX被考虑在内。

最后,团队非常强调他们的意图是致力于长期解决方案,并且只与与其理念相符的项目合作。AMA会议为Trac Systems和Ghosty.cash生态系统提供了洞察力,因为他们采取新颖的想法


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