Cashless payments: an alternative to reactivate events

Andrea Catán
Published in
3 min readAug 6, 2020

Definitively, the pandemic has changed the way we relate to and work in various sectors. In this change in dynamics, some of the most affected sectors have been tourism and events coordination and management. To cope with this situation, both have had to find ways to adapt, technology being a perfect ally to evolve and, in the case of events, in cashless payments they found the perfect match.

In Mexico, since 2018 the cashless payment modality was used for the first time at the Corona Capital festival, where a recharge bracelet had its introduction in order to reduce cash flow, the diversion of resources for the organizers and thus accelerate the transactions to avoid long lines at food, beverage and entertainment establishments. This exercise was largely accepted by those attending the event, even though it turned out to be a great tool, there were some doubts about its operation and refund of the money once the festival was over.

Since then, cashless technology has evolved in such a way that event organizers opt for it, finding that it reduces waiting times for attendees, eliminates human failures and possible fraud, facilitates greater stock control of merchandise and therefore sales.On the other hand, it is an added value for sponsors since it offers more places to advertise and, in addition, according to the study of the Spanish company IDASFEST carried out in 2017, using the cashless system in festivals increases by almost 20% consumption compared to traditional payments.

Well, if in the pre COVID-19 era, cashless payments were very attractive for event organizers due to the great benefits it provides, once the health emergency is contained and the events restart their operations, this type of technology will be vital part of the hygiene measures that are established. In the first instance, physical tickets will be history, now it will be necessary to present QR codes with NFC technology to access the venues since it avoids crowding at the entrances and reduces physical contact between employees and assistants. Likewise, this allows to have a greater control of capacity to avoid crowds of people and an effective management of the entrances and exits at all times.

In addition, it is stipulated that due to the hygienic control that will be needed for this type of event, the only viable alternative to payments will be through cashless with NFC bracelets that allow transactions to be carried out without direct contact with operators since, the cash, the traditional credit or debit cards or even tokens potentiate the risk of contagion.

While the new normality is reestablished, there is nothing left but to take advantage of the advantages offered by technology to continue enjoying events from home, such as webinars, Instagram Live, online concerts and other types of platforms so that, at the moment If the security regulations are lifted, we can return to a new type of events crowned with cashless technology that will make us more efficient and protect us in such a way that we can continue to enjoy healthy entertainment.

