Digital transformation and product

Andrea Catán
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2020

The world, due to the pandemic, is in constant transformation, from the way we relate to people to how we work today, it is a reality that everything is changing. Now, there is a transformation that has been brewing for a long time and that is not talked about so often: the digital transformation.

Well, despite its little resonance in the media and among people, the digital transformation has been a watershed when it comes to the development of products, processes and even strategies. And it is that digital transformation is precisely that integration of digital processes in all areas of the company, fundamentally changing the way in which it operates, its direct relationship with customers and even the status quo as well as the mission and vision of the same companies that they venture to make this evolution.

The product or service, of course, is one of the characteristics of the company that most benefits from the digital transformation, however it requires in-depth analysis to identify which are the areas of opportunity where it can be implemented and that truly reaches the purpose of satisfying the needs required, both by the company and by the client and thus manage to stay ahead and not become obsolete. That was the case for several products and companies in the past that rejected evolution, for example Kodak or Blockbuster who refused to change.

In this sense, to ensure that the digital transformation of the product complies with the purposes of staying current with respect to technology, processes and deliverable products to the client, it is also necessary that the specialists in product management specialize in product strategy, it is say identify and quantify the needs of the product market and thus determine the main growth opportunities. In addition, they will need to know the properties of the product, since, the more knowledge about it, the easier the transition to digital, as well as the marketing that must be implemented to bring the product or service to the end user.

Digital transformation requires continuous reorientation in all processes of product production, so constant analysis and criticism will be necessary to achieve the advantages it offers, that is, the attention of digital consumers, improvement of the customer experience, the creation of competitive advantages and the promotion of a culture of innovation. A clear example in this evolution is banking, who, thanks to digital banking, have transformed their services so that it is less and less necessary to go to branches to carry out procedures and payments.

The key technologies for digital transformation are those that we name as emerging technologies, that is, those that have been developed in recent years and that are increasingly popular and used by various companies outside the technology sector, for example, the cloud computing, which provides more efficient accessibility to software and storage updates. On the other hand, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies facilitate corporate decision making to streamline costs and process improvements, in addition to blockchain, augmented reality, the Internet of Things (IOT) and virtual reality. They have broken technological barriers and are increasingly used by companies to offer better products to their customers.

There is no doubt that digital transformation has come into the life of companies to challenge them and rethink their own ideas about the business, but more than anything, it is here to stay and deliver products that meet the changing needs of customers.

