Featured Canvases

Thomas Kim
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2018

While the entire point of our platform is the freedom in which you can curate your board with, making the first move can perhaps seem daunting with so much space on your “infinite” canvas. The first pen stroke, shutter click or button pressed is sometimes the toughest hurdle to jump over, we’ve all been there!

For this reason, we wanted to showcase a few examples from our community that we believe are using our infinite canvas interface to their absolute advantage.

We hope that you can use some of these featured canvases as a point of departure, to help you display the beautiful work you do in the most imaginative ways that we’re sure you can think of.

We can’t wait to see what our community comes up with, together.

The clever use of PNGs to create unique layering effects is quite beautiful, while some of the drawings are expanded in context because they are supported by their inspired imagery.

Check out Thomas’ canvas here.

Brooks decided to start her daily doodles on her canvas using her Wacom tablet, and we are so amazed by her quick sketches and can’t wait to see what more she comes up with!

Check out Brooks’ canvas here.

Black and white photos are beautiful. Somehow, Katia made her photos even more beautiful by expanding the perspectives outside the frame. Most of the time, photos taken have an even better story surrounding the image, and we love the way Katia has chosen to expand upon her photos by drawing on top of them!

Check out Katia’s canvas here.

Being an avid traveler, Bob has been tirelessly photographing, trying to truly capture the essence of the beautiful cities he’s gotten to see. To him, this meant that he needed to find a way to attach the “behind the scenes” photos that support his gorgeous panoramas.

Check out Bob’s canvas here.

Last but not least, Wilson’s canvas. The mesmerizing effects that his videos have, situated next to still imagery is quite breathtaking. Part time videographer + part time motion graphics designer, Wilson strikes a perfect balance between showing his animated work, and his collections of nature.

Check out Wilson’s canvas here.

