Product Status Report

Dias Lonappan
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2019 has just released the latest version of our User DApp and here are the new exciting features or improvements we have in store for you.


Released User DApp v1.4.0 and Verifier Node v1.1.3 — Minor UI Updates & Fixes for web3 stability

  1. Mobile and Browser Responsive — providing an optimal viewing experience in browsers like Chrome and Firefox which enables easy reading and navigation across a wide range of devices.
  2. Form Validation fixes for errors in profile edit — providing a better UI experience by highlighting the wrong data that the user incorrectly enters
  3. General Bugfixes for DApp and BE — major and minor bug fixes for the DApp and BE have improved the quality overall.

The team has fixed some of the more critical UI issues and are working on making sure that the user DApp is a smoother experience across major devices and browsers. On the backend, we have also resolved some web3 timeout issues. Users with issues of profile token not being generated, please contact team for assistance.

The team is currently working on an improved version of the User DApp, which will include these new feature and major bug fixes. There will be more enhancements along the way to provide an optimal DApp experience for our community of users.

Smart Contract Audit

We completed one tranche of our Audit and fixed most of the critical issues before our production lite mainnet launched. These contracts control the payments from the Requestors and Service Providers and decide what percentage goes to the Verifiers. The audit report so far can be found here

Verifier Tokenomics and Progress

The verifier network is the core of the platform. We have added our tokenomics in github via simulations, and analysed different attack scenarios in December. This resulted in a total overhaul of the Verifier Network Design Architecture. The latest artefacts for this can be found on github, and more details of the new design will follow in a subsequent progress report.


Transaction Monitoring

This report provides the analysis of the transactions of an address showing its current balance, activity and general statistics.

We are targeting the standalone heuristic based version of the Transaction Monitoring module. Our team has tested a version of this, and we are currently preparing it for production. Additionally, we have enhanced the architecture in order to gather and analyse more data.

Verifier DApp Clear alerts

These are jobs intended for immediate actions displayed as alerts on the home page of Verifier DApp. For clearing RMI alerts, T2/T3 verifiers will be rewarded with high reward points. They can score extra points here to gain high reputation. This application is only currently available to internal Verifiers. With our Verifier Network rollout in Q2, it will then be accessible to all users.

Mobile Ready Version

We will be releasing the mobile ready version of the user DApp, and then refocusing on the Requestor DApp followed by one version of the verifier DApp, before coming back to complete all the functionalities of the user DApp. The Mobile Version that we rolled out in the last release only caters to Firefox and Chrome. Our team is in the process of creating an IOS version.

About is a decentralized Know Your Customer (KYC) network that provides an inclusive KYC solution to cryptocurrency and blockchain product companies by fusing Smart Contract and Artificial Intelligence technologies. Leveraging on over 5 decades of experience in Compliance and RegTech,’s vision is to bridge the gap between the real and virtual world KYC processes.


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