User Dapp — Alpha release

Dias Lonappan
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2018

We are excited to announce that last week, achieved one of our internal milestones. An alpha version of the User Dapp for was released to the internal team for testing. Since then, we have incorporated the necessary changes and improvements to User Dapp. The User Dapp is written and well-structured in Angular 5, and we are now ready to release this early Alpha version * of to the community.

The features implemented includes

  1. The Dapp that creates a profile and talks to the service provider and stores a KYC score.
  2. Smart contracts Score.sol and Profile.sol.

In addition to the incorporation of these new exciting features, we have also successfully streamlined our internal workflows and delivery pipeline. We have set up Jenkins for deployment and completed all the groundwork for shifting gears.

Next Milestones

Our next goal is to move on to the profile encryption flow and develop the verifier Dapp. Below is a detailed flow of the Verifier Dapp.

In this version the verifier will not have the ability to add to the KYC score. However, he can retrieve the key piece and then upon request from the Requestor share this piece with them. The combination of these key pieces gives access to the users Personally Identifiable Information(PII) to the Requestor.

The Verifier Dapp will have the following features in this alpha version

  1. Retrieve a key piece and acknowledge the receipt by writing to a contract
  2. Check the latest permissions for profile access for a particular Requestor
  3. Ability to share the Key piece with the Requestor
  4. See information regarding T2T earned
  5. Backup Information

Testing related to Interplanetary File System (IPFS) has already been completed, however, a lot of work remains on the whisper integration. The next part to this is crucial, which deals with the entire PII sharing process. Do stay tuned for a more detailed technical design document on this. The document will include details on how we intend to use a combination of Shamir’s Shared Secret Scheme and Proxy re-encryption to ensure that we are as compliant as possible to the different regulatory changes taking place.

This is truly an exciting period for We would like to thank everyone for the support given to us, as well as’s team that has been working hard and hustling to make this happen.

Finally …

If you have any comments and feedback please join our telegram channel at

We look forward to your feedback!

About is a decentralised Know Your Customer (KYC) network that provides an inclusive KYC solution to cryptocurrency and blockchain product companies by fusing Smart Contract and Artificial Intelligence technologies. Leveraging on over 5 decades of experience in Compliance and RegTech,’s vision is to bridge the gap between the real and virtual world KYC processes.


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**please note that this works only with metamask enabled browsers firefox, chrome on desktop and firefox in mobile

